STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

DL PR - 455
3/3 on PR attempts this week.

Good pull, but I really don't understand the two yanks on the bar pre pull :lol:

You can get tight without wasting so much energy.

I do.

It's to get you hype. A dude I trained with did the same thing.

I agree woth sustaining energy, but if it works for him, it works for him.

Mtater of fact, I'm gonna do it this week just because [emoji]128170[/emoji]
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I'd be interested to see how some of the fitness fam leans regarding race relations

Im not racist...i hate everyone

Lol jk im from toronto, minority is a majority. Only reason i dont like some one is their character, or lack of it. I can give 2 ***** about race or ethnicity. We all brothers
Them Toronto girls [emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji] might move there I used to know them all on twitter lmao.

I forgot I went to Toronto as a kid. Mom barked on a pizza shop owner cause the sign said ".99€" and it came out to $1.09....We got it for 0.99
Shoulders so damn sore from punching the bag for an hour yesterday. Not sure how today's gym session will go.

How long do you guys go before you know to call it a day before you get too fried?
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Shoulders so damn sore from punching the bag for an hour yesterday. Not sure how today's gym session will go.

How long do you guys go before you know to call it a day before you get too fried?

I don't like to do cardio on the same body part I'm going to hit the day before.

But either way, just eat a ton, fish oil and B12 in between.
What can I do to reduce these stretch marks on my chest heard coco butter and baby oil thoughts? 
Shoulders so damn sore from punching the bag for an hour yesterday. Not sure how today's gym session will go.

How long do you guys go before you know to call it a day before you get too fried?
I do a set number of minutes of cardiovascular that I always do regardless. Same with lifting. Always the same reps/sets/# exercises.

Generallly my workout lasts 90-120 minutes, including cardio. Anything more is just too much for me.

What can I do to reduce these stretch marks on my chest heard coco butter and baby oil thoughts? 
leave them. Like I do.
Same. I have a routine each day i go. I do muscle group splits, 2 muscle groups each day. I have a set number of lifts i do for each and same with reps/sets. I usually lift for about 45min-1hr including some core work. Then i hit 20-30min cardio, stretch and go home.
I am in and out of Crossfit in an hour. If i am doing some other programming, it can be up to 1.5 hours.
Can't wait for tomorrow. DL and back. New belt came in today and metcons come in tomorrow
my lil cuz got me an inzer belt for my bday. aug25th. came in today lmao.
That's ridiculous. I know made to order stuff takes a while but almost 2 months for a belt??
No thank you
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Same. I have a routine each day i go. I do muscle group splits, 2 muscle groups each day. I have a set number of lifts i do for each and same with reps/sets. I usually lift for about 45min-1hr including some core work. Then i hit 20-30min cardio, stretch and go home.
I need to start doing stretching.
It was so cold I woke up with a cold.

Workout was meh because of it. Still went heavy but the energy just wasn't there. Got to fill paperwork for a job offer tomorrow. Going to the gym anyways. It's just a cold. F it.

Unless it worsens before I go. Probably just do arms.
thikin about doing front squats instead of back squats.... front squats just look so bad *** bruh
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