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I do my shoulder work seated usually, OHP hurts my back standing up

I can shoulder press 225 for a grand total 3-4 reps. I usually don't go higher than 185
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Starting work at 3:30 am from now on. Gonna have me like :x in the gym for a while.

I used to wake up at 4am and could barely last through the whole day, would get off work and go straight to sleep haha

awwsome awwsome sorry for your lost bro, losing my gpa was the worst for me,wish i had the gym instead of beig depressed that moment. Im sure we all can relate somehow with this
Used to wake up at 3:30am for my first job, head to my second job at like 9am, then go to class at around 7pm, hit the gym at about 9pm then pass out after. It was all for naught, diet was so bad and stress was so high I was muscular with a bloated stomach. Boy when I finally snapped it wasn't pretty :lol:. This was about a decade ago.
I can stop eating b. :smh:

They keep opening seafood restaurants in the neighborhood, terrorism.
Man its pouring out here. Woke up mad early, right arm feeling like ****. I hate when it rains
Got some terrible news this morning that my grandma (my last living grandparent) passed away.

She had been healthy/in shape her whole life, was a softball player even yet at the end she died looking like a ghost of herself and in so much pain.

Sometimes I wonder why people especially such kind hearted and loving people have to suffer that way.

I decided to take my grief out in the gym.

Wasn't even planning on going to the gym today really but I needed to do something to get out of my head.

I ended up setting a new PR on DL at 485x1 @ 186 pounds.

Worked up by 135x5 225x5 315x5 365x1 405x1 435x1 465x1 485x1 then 465x1, 405x3, 315x5.

Did barbell rows, incline dumbells chest, flys, lat pull downs, front raises and Bicep curls.

It felt really good to be able to take that painful/hurt energy and transform it into something that pushes you forward.

That, to me is the others aspect of lifting that is hard to describe to those who don't do it.

Shouts to all my brothers in iron in here, appreciate your loved ones but y'all already knew that.
Sorry to hear that my man. It's got to be a terrible feeling. I've lost family members, but with all the family business going on on both sides I'm not close knit to anyone outside my immediate family and my mom's parents so I haven't experienced a loss like that and I shutter at the thought. Godspeed my friend.
Sorry to hear awwsome awwsome I know grandparents mean a lot to kids lives, I can see it in my nieces and nephews they'd be devastated if anything were to happen to my parents. After I shed tears for mine I smiled right after, just knowing they lead a long eventful life and they left their mark on this earth.

Thanks y'all, I really appreciate it more than you know.

Empathy is a beautiful thing.
@awwsome My condolences. My grandparents mean the world to me. I'm very close to them since they raised me. I gave them hell as a teenager :lol: but now I'm older, I can't thank them enough. I can understand the heartbreak.

I truly hope you reflect on the great memories and those moments you had. I'm sure she lived a long lasting life.
Used to wake up at 3:30am for my first job, head to my second job at like 9am, then go to class at around 7pm, hit the gym at about 9pm then pass out after. It was all for naught, diet was so bad and stress was so high I was muscular with a bloated stomach. Boy when I finally snapped it wasn't pretty :lol:. This was about a decade ago.

I'm about to start using a meal service so my diet doesn't go to hell since I'll be working 50-60 hours a week again. Then I'll be alright. I'm trying to keep it simple so I don't get all stressed.
Think after this week im ready to start squatting with weight again. Mobility work seems to be helping but the real test gonna be with a bar and some weights. Been doing the mobility work in socks, im really feeling the difference. Gonna squat in socks from now on.

Did leg accessory work( leg press, calf raise, leg extension etc) and shoulders. Got 115 on upright rows and 155x5 on last set of ohp, felt good. Gonna try 70s for db shoulder press next shoulder day. Did power shrugs instead of reg shrugs and went to 275. I can handle it cept the numbness in my right thumb and index causes me to lose grip, might have to get some straps.

Back and bicep tomorrow gonna do high volume.
Hit 145x5 bench today while trying the closer grip we talked about when a week ago I could barely hit 145x2 :lol:
Gonna bench like that from now on. Also hit squat 175x3 today. Looks like I'll hit my goals way before January comes if things go well
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Hit 145x5 bench today while trying the closer grip we talked about when a week ago I could barely hit 145x2

Gonna bench like that from now on. Also hit squat 175x3 today. Looks like I'll hit my goals way before January comes if things go well
be careful with close grip bench press.... i;ve pinned myself so many times back when i first started lifting in my basement 

hit a new DL PR of 345lb..... That 405 will be mine some day.
be careful with close grip bench press.... i;ve pinned myself so many times back when i first started lifting in my basement :lol:

hit a new DL PR of 345lb..... That 405 will be mine some day.


Lol funny u say that i saw a kid doing close grip today and he got pinned. Lucky for him it was only 95lbs
In the N.O. As we speak. Demolished my cousin. My BF, Reggie, came through. Outcome:

Bench - Reggie 325lbs
OHP- Reggie 200lbs
Deadlift - Me 435lbs
Squat - Me 345lbs
Front Squat - Me 290lbs

U came thru and crushed the buildings lol

Yeah. Lol

I hate to say. They couldn't broke parallel after 135lbs. They quartersquat the rest but I let them have it :lol:

Reggie and my cousin was close on both the OHP and Bench. I went in the OHP too quick and didn't warm up. I got 190lbs. Bench I'm just terrible.

My cuzzo got 300lbs and Reggie went for the guts lmao. I stopped at 245lbs.

They didn't even get through 366lbs on the DL :lol:

We pushed each other. Had the college gym to ourselves.

My boy Reggie wasnt going to jump in but he was so hyped from us.

Can't wait to lift with some of you guys. We really need to get the workout fam together and get it in.
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