STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

So putting your pinkies on the outer rings on bench is a no no? I've always put mine there it just feels normal to me
Its really personal preference but in my opinion for raw benchers your grip is going to be the strongest when you wrists and arms are perpendicular to the floor.

So you powerlift to compete? What's your weight?

Ok. So I powerbuild.
Boss powerlifts.

Idk WTF anyone else does.

I swear in my mind some of yall do nothing but OHP every week. Lmaao.

Crossift/ Oly Weightlifing

I actually compete in both but right now I'm focusing mostly on oly weightlifting and powerlifting.
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I used to be a little weak bastard so now I'm just trying to get strong in the big 3 and ohp since I got my weight up. Soon I want to learn oly with a coach.

So you powerlift to compete? What's your weight?

Ok. So I powerbuild.
Boss powerlifts.

Idk WTF anyone else does.

I swear in my mind some of yall do nothing but OHP every week. Lmaao.

Started off just tryna get muscle and strength i lost from my injury. Now im just tryna be as strong as i can be. Only been back in the gym since january, and only been going heavy for the past 6mths. Started off with a 5lbs db lol
my curiosity has gotten the best of me, i went off program this week to test my 1RMs. I'm pleased but not satisfied.

285 bench was a touch and go. I got scared and didn't remember to pause it but I know I can. Went for 295 and just couldn't do it. 5lb pr

335 sq has been my pr for months. Once again, I get nervous under tension and you see me almost dump the weight as I lose balance. 350 sq was my pr attempt, strength was there but form and depth are questionable. I honestly think I can hit it if I'm really dialed in. 15lb pr

Going to test my deadlift on Saturday, hoping for 460 but I'll be satisfied with 445/450. Current PR is 435

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Anybody tried these bars? What's the texture?

Opti-bars have a quest like consistency they are a little more chalky if that makes sense. I bought a box on sale. The taste is ok. Not as good as quest but better then fitjoy

I know preference on taste in this thread is all over the place. The only down side is if you are calorie counting. Opt cookies and cream is like 250 cals for 20g protein. When quest has 190 in their cookies and cream for the same protein.

But its not a bad change of pace if you can get them for the low. There was a deal on slick deals a while back like box of 12 for $18 shipped i pulled the trigger
my curiosity has gotten the best of me, i went off program this week to test my 1RMs. I'm pleased but not satisfied.

285 bench was a touch and go. I got scared and didn't remember to pause it but I know I can. Went for 295 and just couldn't do it. 5lb pr

335 sq has been my pr for months. Once again, I get nervous under tension and you see me almost dump the weight as I lose balance. 350 sq was my pr attempt, strength was there but form and depth are questionable. I honestly think I can hit it if I'm really dialed in. 15lb pr

Going to test my deadlift on Saturday, hoping for 460 but I'll be satisfied with 445/450. Current PR is 435

Great job bro!

Whats that clicking noise at the bottom of your squats? Your knees?
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I am never. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever eating a waygu burger again.

My stomach still feels all kinds of ****** from last night's dinner. I can't work out like this
Definitely gonna see a doctor tomorrow probably. My right knee has had it. I'm way too young to be having knee problems SMH. It was sore after leg day and the day after.

Probably the reason my squat is meh.

Not good... You foam roller? Stretch after?

Nope. I do neither. Before or after smh.

So you powerlift to compete? What's your weight?

Ok. So I powerbuild.

Boss powerlifts.

Idk WTF anyone else does.

I swear in my mind some of yall do nothing but OHP every week. Lmaao.

Haha yeah I compete, having another one on Nov 5th. I weigh about 255-260 right now. My training is more power building as well, I do a lot of volume after my main lifts.
what's your max deas/squat?

So you powerlift to compete? What's your weight?

Ok. So I powerbuild.
Boss powerlifts.

Idk WTF anyone else does.

I swear in my mind some of yall do nothing but OHP every week. Lmaao.

Crossift/ Oly Weightlifing

I actually compete in both but right now I'm focusing mostly on oly weightlifting and powerlifting.

Lol I haven't heard one good thing about crossfit yet.

So you powerlift to compete? What's your weight?

Ok. So I powerbuild.
Boss powerlifts.

Idk WTF anyone else does.

I swear in my mind some of yall do nothing but OHP every week. Lmaao.

Started off just tryna get muscle and strength i lost from my injury. Now im just tryna be as strong as i can be. Only been back in the gym since january, and only been going heavy for the past 6mths. Started off with a 5lbs db lol
oh ok. Just say powerlifting lol
I am never. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever eating a waygu burger again.

My stomach still feels all kinds of ****** from last night's dinner. I can't work out like this


Last time I had one I had a PR the next day.

If you cursing food now too, I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to report you for terrorism.
Shouldn't do that he say/she say until you do it yourself.

Told my homey who told me the same thing. Homey loves it and he said he's in the best shape of his life. Mind you he used to play football, 6'2, 235 lean
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I am never. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever eating a waygu burger again.

My stomach still feels all kinds of ****** from last night's dinner. I can't work out like this
Couldnt handle all that meat in your belly at once
That's awesome! Which one?

They're fun as hell...

I think you should rest and mobilize instead of working out...
Iron October 4 in Sacramento, CA. I've done a few team ones and they are fun. This one is a partner one.

Definitely going to mobilize, but i'm one of those that needs to throw a little bit of weight around to keep things loose and not get sore the next day. I'll definitely keep it light and easy. 
Great job bro!

Whats that clicking noise at the bottom of your squats? Your knees?

Thanks bruh!

Clicking is my left knee, I've dislocated it twice, since then it's been clicking anytime I squat down. Zero pain it's just gross hearing it hahah
Gonna be doing a physical test today for a potential job opportunity. Nothing immediate but hey you do it just to do it. Wish me luck fellas. Gonna try to hit legs and arms when I leave there. We'll see how that goes lol
Nope. I do neither. Before or after smh.

what's your max deas/squat?

585 for both.
almost 2.5

Not bad.

if anyone's looking for a cheap, good bottle, bb is having a clearance on the spider bottle. its 32 oz. I have one and its my go-to bottle.

the manufacturer is spider bottle.... it just has a bb logo on it so its not one of them crappy, cheap bb bottles lol
I copped.
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