STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread


Gym looking empty and clean as hell.

Stop squatting my DL #'s as well, tired of your bs man.

Yeah its not really a gym more of a country club lol its dead most of the time and a ghost town after 7 on the week nights.
Today's going to be the first time in the gym since Fri morning. I haven't been hurt or sick. I've honestly been sleep deprived so I've slept in every morning instead of working out [emoji]128514[/emoji]
So I went to my Dr for a medical clearance for a physical test I'm taking this Friday.

She's doing normal things and then stops at my heart. Listens over and over, listens to both carotids. Tells me she hears a murmur and wants me to see a cardiologist.
She also says that could be normal from having a hyperactive heart considering I do physical activity. She asked if I ever get dizzy spells and said no even though now that I think about it I do every now and then.

I knew about murmurs but any of you guys ever here of that from physical activity? I never have until now doing some research
Damn, stay safe bro.

It could be nothing but be safe and just go see that cardiologist. The gym will still be there when you get back.
Man my gym is never that empty no matter what time you go there. I wish it were tho because I'd be doing all types of sus exercises that I'm too embarrassed to do in front of people like hip thrusters and that spread eagle machine that chicks use. My glutes would be ridiculous
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Wow, don't know what took me so long getting a belt.

Smashed my PR in squats today, hit 315x7, 335x4.

Felt like I had more in the tank as well.

Previous PR was 295x5.

My girl hit 245x5 as well so shouts to her.

Boss throwing around my DL 1RM got me motivated. :lol: :pimp:

Also hit shoulders, worked up to 85x6, 90x3 on DB seated press, another PR.

Finished with a circuit of Front/Lateral Raises, Bicep Curls and Dips/Pull Ups.
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Man my gym is never that empty no matter what time you go there. I wish it were tho because I'd be doing all types of sus exercises that I'm too embarrassed to do in front of people like hip thrusters and that spread eagle machine that chicks use. My glutes would be ridiculous

Lol I recently used the adductor/abductor machines. It was pretty good I definitely felt it the next day. Just use it who cares :lol:

The most dead I've ever seen my gym is after 6 on Friday and Sunday nights. I'm talking me and like 3 other people
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At the gym now, I ate mcdonalds yesterday :wow:..Definitely feeling it now :x . Don't feel like doing ****
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Little block pull action from last night, this was after 455x5x3 on squats.

Yes I have straps on Jew.


My guy :pimp:

Wow, don't know what took me so long getting a belt.

Smashed my PR in squats today, hit 315x7, 335x4.

Felt like I had more in the tank as well.

Previous PR was 295x5.

My girl hit 245x5 as well so shouts to her.

Boss throwing around my DL 1RM got me motivated. :lol: :pimp:

Also hit shoulders, worked up to 85x6, 90x3 on DB seated press, another PR.

Finished with a circuit of Front/Lateral Raises, Bicep Curls and Dips/Pull Ups.

Get it big mon!:pimp:
:lol: man I stopped using my belt.

I have these no belt goals. I got a 315 beltless squat so now I give myself a pass above 315 on squats :lol:

For dl my beltless goal is 405 then I'll throw one on.

Idk why, I just prefer going no belt.
I DL 405x2 without a belt...Boy let me tell you...It feels different
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Oh yeah. I just want the bragging rights honestly. :lol:

I remember when my max squat was 235, saw a belt on the floor and threw it on and hit 285 for 3. Next week I bought a belt.
I've been DL/squatting beltless since I started so it's all new to me. :lol:

Them #gains coming this fall though. :pimp:
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OHP 5x5 is no joke. Just did 5x5 135lbs. And that was a grind. But i was just feeling it. Finished out with more delts traps and bis
I was about to crush some POS in the locker room today. I went to go change before my workout and soon as i entered i hear someone yelling. It was this guy who obviously has a mental disability. The guy that was with him was trying to get him to finish changing but dude kept yelling. **** was annoying but i mean poor guy couldn't help it. Some fake tough guy starts yelling at the guy telling him to shut the f up. The guy that was with him was like he has mental problems man he cant help it. The guy kept going off cussing the poor guy out and saying he doesnt give a ****. I told that ******* to say that **** to someone who isnt disabled. I wanted to crack his head open but hes not even worth getting locked up over.

**** had me so heated, crushed shoulders instead lol
See. After our talk, if you ain't say nothing I would've to have had to come see you about that.

You got a pass....this time *squints*
Saw that larry wheels guy a couple of times at my gym. Dude was going for 275 on the OHP and failed. Dude is strong as fucc tho and looks huge in person

Where you live?
Dude is juiced to the gills but obviously is very naturally strong.

Scary to think where he could be in a couple years.

Dead or injured :lol:
I'm sleep. Next time I see him imma tell him what yall said. He gonna put hands on yall.
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