STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

198lbs DL 720@1x3

Gear be having you lift like super man?

Gear + training like a savage + genetics yes.

Check out this dude at age 21

knew it'd be Larry when you said 21. Saw him a couple times on the train and he tried to enroll in my school. He actually trained with and other dude I was real cool with. I tried to get him on my channel. He fronted on me. Even though we talked on FB. His story he told me doesn't add up, but strong nontheless.
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its called reading research articles and having common sense buddy.

I don't like the whole arguing over the net thing, it's lame. And you've always seemed like good people so instead of being a smartass....,My point is Yohimbe is very unlikely to warrant negative sides. It is published in medical journals that it aids in fat loss. It has been used in traditional medicine for longer than any of us have been alive. It is in a ton of natural test boosters. I'd be more concerned about the articificial ingredients in bcaas before Yohimbe any day of the week.

Edit- I was incorrect, someone else said they hadn't researched it, not you. My bad.
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knew it'd be Larry when you said 21. Saw him a couple times on the train and he tried to enroll in my school. He actually trained with and other dude I was real cool with. I tried to get him on my channel. He fronted on me. Even though we talked on FB. His story he told me doesn't add up, but strong nontheless.
Elaborate. Who is your friend? Do you know Oak or Black Tom Cruise? lol
its called reading research articles and having common sense buddy.

I don't like the whole arguing over the net thing, it's lame. And you've always seemed like good people so instead of being a smartass....,My point is Yohimbe is very unlikely to warrant negative sides. It is published in medical journals that it aids in fat loss. It has been used in traditional medicine for longer than any of us have been alive. It is in a ton of natural test boosters. I'd be more concerned about the articificial ingredients in bcaas before Yohimbe any day of the week.

Edit- I was incorrect, someone else said they hadn't researched it, not you. My bad.
*takes rep back*
knew it'd be Larry when you said 21. Saw him a couple times on the train and he tried to enroll in my school. He actually trained with and other dude I was real cool with. I tried to get him on my channel. He fronted on me. Even though we talked on FB. His story he told me doesn't add up, but strong nontheless.

Elaborate. Who is your friend? Do you know Oak or Black Tom Cruise? lol
@BaidiFarl. I think that's his IG. He just won some show.
Yeah hopefully you didn't put in anything over like 25-30 pounds for your goal number from where you are at now.

Ok I will run it back this Sunday.

My highest pull ever is 385 and that's what I've been failing at. I can rep 365 a few. I set my goal at 405.

I'll try again on Sunday. I am going back to 5x5 on bench and squat for sure. I'll finish out ed coen then. It was a horrible day. :lol:

And yeah I don't play with he food. :pimp:.
Ok I will run it back this Sunday.

My highest pull ever is 385 and that's what I've been failing at. I can rep 365 a few. I set my goal at 405.

I'll try again on Sunday. I am going back to 5x5 on bench and squat for sure. I'll finish out ed coen then. It was a horrible day. :lol:

And yeah I don't play with he food. :pimp:.

U got it fam! Light work!
I was about to crush some POS in the locker room today. I went to go change before my workout and soon as i entered i hear someone yelling. It was this guy who obviously has a mental disability. The guy that was with him was trying to get him to finish changing but dude kept yelling. **** was annoying but i mean poor guy couldn't help it. Some fake tough guy starts yelling at the guy telling him to shut the f up. The guy that was with him was like he has mental problems man he cant help it. The guy kept going off cussing the poor guy out and saying he doesnt give a ****. I told that ******* to say that **** to someone who isnt disabled. I wanted to crack his head open but hes not even worth getting locked up over.

**** had me so heated, crushed shoulders instead lol
Hammer dont hurt em

I dunno man that **** gets me heated. Picking on people who cant help it or are weaker. I mean obviously something wrong with the man if he keeps yelling for no reason. Just let him be, get dressed quicker and bounce.
I feel you. That would've gotten me mad too


Anyone else like these. These are my healthy snack. Good but not like goldfish for me where i can destroy the bag in a sitting
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Snatches felt heavy today. Shoulder is aching and wrist mobility was not there today. 
Saw that larry wheels guy a couple of times at my gym. Dude was going for 275 on the OHP and failed. Dude is strong as fucc tho and looks huge in person
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