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Yo, is Strength Cartel on roids? Just saw the real short one pull 7 plates. Even if he's 180lbs, that's daMN near 4x his weight. WTF. Impressive though. Very impressive. Im aiming for 3x my weight at 540-600lbs.
Just looked it up and read about it on All it said was to consult a doctor before taking something including it. Also showed the side effects and said it's believed to aid in fat loss.

I don't mind taking products using it in small doses. I haven't suffered any side effects since I've been on superburn *shrug*

its and they sell tons of supplements that have yohimbe in it... you really think they gonna write an article telling users not to take it?  :lol:
lMao they never said to take it either tho...
he failed a drug test at USAPL Nationals.

He's the ultimate fake natty
i thought it was because he took craze as a PW and that had illegal stims in it? not because dudes on the juice? someone correct me if im wrong
i thought it was because he took craze as a PW and that had illegal stims in it? not because dudes on the juice? someone correct me if im wrong
that's what he claims 
198lbs DL 720@1x3

Gear be having you lift like super man?
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Gear + training like a savage + genetics yes.

Check out this dude at age 21

Dude built like an action figure wtf

I just watched his video of 405 bench. Man said 405x14 burnout....bruhh
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Yes one of the leanest dudes out there, hence the nickname "blade". Dude is 50 years old too...damn
lol you have never had their snickerdoodle flavor is it highly sought after.... they have a lot of good flavors..... and im picky about supps tasting good if it don't taste good im not taking it

high volume is expensive for a reason the vascularity/pump you get from using it is amazing

how do i know all this I used to work for a health/supp sports is great I have tried their bcaas a while back like jan 2015 sour batch it tastes some what like the flavor it is a little gritty.
I bought their snickerdoodle and chocolate. Both are nasty to me. Especially snickerdoodle
Great.. Bro

Did fasted cardio this morning did intervals about three miles of sprints and 4 rounds of battle ropes...then did 4 sets of 15 hanging leg raises.
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Failed again on ed coen week 8. Kind of bummed but not gonna trip.

My pr still hasn't gone up so I guess it's not the program for me. Instead I worked on my speed. Hit a 3x3 at 315 then did 50 speed pulls at 185 then 50 at 135.

Then I did some hip thrusters. My hips and speed are my downfall.

I need a new program for dl now.

Oh yeah... dinner, all of it got finished.

Don't give up!!

If you are failing before the max week, and aren't sick or injured then you put your desired max in too high. Just chalk it up to an off day bro, that program works you gotta give it time and be realistic with the numbers.

I still think you could do 5x5 with all 3 lifts and make solid progress, especially if you eatin good like that 
Yo, is Strength Cartel on roids? Just saw the real short one pull 7 plates. Even if he's 180lbs, that's daMN near 4x his weight. WTF. Impressive though. Very impressive. Im aiming for 3x my weight at 540-600lbs.
Have you ever heard them breathing? 

They all compete in the USPA which is untested at the moment. 
i thought it was because he took craze as a PW and that had illegal stims in it? not because dudes on the juice? someone correct me if im wrong
Yeah thats what the official statement was, I have zero problems with him using but when he comes to a fed that is supposed to be lifetime drug free for the most part, then I have a problem with him. He is the best 198 on the planet though really.

i thought it was because he took craze as a PW and that had illegal stims in it? not because dudes on the juice? someone correct me if im wrong

that's what he claims :rofl:

One of the strongest dudes i've seen on instagram.

lightly puts down 700. And we got dudes in here slamming 300 and ruining building elevators getting their memberships revoked :nerd: :nerd:
:rofl: :rofl:

Repped. Yo, I'm out. Yall all going to hell with a full ride scholarship.

I'll be in heaven, tho.
Failed again on ed coen week 8. Kind of bummed but not gonna trip.

My pr still hasn't gone up so I guess it's not the program for me. Instead I worked on my speed. Hit a 3x3 at 315 then did 50 speed pulls at 185 then 50 at 135.

Then I did some hip thrusters. My hips and speed are my downfall.

I need a new program for dl now.

Oh yeah... dinner, all of it got finished.


Don't give up!!

If you are failing before the max week, and aren't sick or injured then you put your desired max in too high. Just chalk it up to an off day bro, that program works you gotta give it time and be realistic with the numbers.

I still think you could do 5x5 with all 3 lifts and make solid progress, especially if you eatin good like that :lol:  
This. Your 1rmrep is too high.

I told yall stop with the ed Coan program :lol:

I've did it before. It was just too much for me. I'd replace speed with lockouts. But that's me.
Yeah hopefully you didn't put in anything over like 25-30 pounds for your goal number from where you are at now.
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