STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Never had this happen before, I was warming up with with an empty bar doing squats, and on the way up, my knee cracks/pops. Happened consistently, what is going on?

My knees arent caving inwards
probably just scar tissue bro, you should hear mine walking up steps sometimes 
My metabolism doesn't even make sense. I am doing Lee Labrada's 12 week workout from bb, took a rest day Friday so compensated by lowering my calories and even not eating after 7, 3.3lbs gained from that day to the next, jumped back in yesterday and did day 4 legs/abs and played basketball, the hardest I've worked a long time, drenched in sweat, kept my macros crisp at 2100 cals, (~40%pro, 35% carbs, 25%fat) and gain another .5 this morning. So I'm going to get up and hit this cardio fasted and see if that makes the scale move the other way, and I guess less carbs today
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Did deadlifts today. New pr at 255 :pimp:

225x5 also a new pr for weight that I've repped :pimp:

Right after I did 245x1 I thought I was gonna be able to do 275. I did 255 once and it was hard so I tried to get it again before I added more weight and couldn't get it. Still happy with it :pimp:. I think I can get 315 by the new year

Nice work fam. :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

That PR feeling > *.
Back day!!!!! Time to throw some 5x5 deadlifts in there now that i know my true 1RM

Also coming for Ahats 1rm OHP

Also needs jew squat max
Let me know how it goes. I def lost some strength in the 4 weeks I did it.

Old 5x5 pr was 205

I had to keep it at 185 today after a month of that program. Maybe could have limped through with 195.

Anyone **** with origin meals?

I'm about to be working m-f 12 hours and not cooking anymore for work and it's just as cheap as prepping your own food so I'd rather not waste my time. I'm not a paleo bro but the food doesn't look half bad and I'd like to back off the crappy food a little. I can't smash fast food at work everyday. :x

Ill keep u posted.

Back day!!!!! Time to throw some 5x5 deadlifts in there now that i know my true 1RM

Also coming for Ahats 1rm OHP

Also needs jew squat max

:pimp: get it bro!!
About a year and a half ago a knee specialist told me that I would need to undergo clean up of my knee to get rid of all the scar tissue. Apparently they keep rubbing against my ligaments and too much of that will put my knee in trouble in ten years.

I elected to go through cleanup but my family talked me out of it later.

I still wonder if I had made the right choice.
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My ex said I look/feel bigger and more ripped. (I know yall gonna reference the d. Don't do it lmao)

Got these veins coming in on my shoulder. All I need is a vein in my other bicep to match the one on the right. #cutlife

5lbs more to go. I hope I look good and don't have to cut to 170?

Ay @XCellz this superburn better keep me lean. I ate a whopper (40g of fat WTF). Drinking a beer now after tasting all my ex wine bottles lmao. Not trying to wake up fat lmaooo
eh burger king.... make sure you take it after you eat to get a good bowel movement......

i was a health and wellness expo at my school about a month  ago my bf is 7 percent........
just came ack from hitting legs super hard after skipping legs for 2 weeks cause of knee issues...

yea... a world of pain is waiting for me tomorrow...
Horrible dl day today.

Week 8 Ed coen.

Missed 385 twice and left the gym.

I need to speed up my pulls a lot. I can get the weight up 4 inches but can't lock it out. I'm going to try again tomorrow my hips were pretty sore today so that didn't help. I'm gonna stretch out and try again. My girl couldn't hit hers at 210 either. It was just bad vibes today. I've hit 385 before too smh.

What do you guys do to speed up your pulls? I'm gonna ditch the shoes tomorrow because I noticed my quads working a lot from them squishing.

I threw in another dl day focusing on speed so I can get more momentum. What would you suggest? Past two weeks I have done deficit. I don't know if that's really helping.
My metabolism doesn't even make sense. I am doing Lee Labrada's 12 week workout from bb, took a rest day Friday so compensated by lowering my calories and even not eating after 7, 3.3lbs gained from that day to the next, jumped back in yesterday and did day 4 legs/abs and played basketball, the hardest I've worked a long time, drenched in sweat, kept my macros crisp at 2100 cals, (~40%pro, 35% carbs, 25%fat) and gain another .5 this morning. So I'm going to get up and hit this cardio fasted and see if that makes the scale move the other way, and I guess less carbs today

Bro, you need to stop worrying about it and just lift. Too little calories and your body will retain everything also because it's in starvation mode so make sure 2100 isn't too low. That doesn't seem like enough if you're working out a lot.

Don't even look at the scale, look at the mirror and don't obsess over that either. I can "gain" 10 pounds a day if I want. It's not real weight. It's the meals and water I drank. It's about the big picture not just what the scale says.
What Dunk said. I know experts in this field who stick to every macro to THE T for body building comps. They weigh EVERY meal with a food scale to make sure they keep their calories EXACT. Do HIIT cardio, fasted cardio, every type of workout you can think of while restricting calories and they STILL will be dumbfounded as to how they are putting lbs on sometimes. Like Dunk said, don't obsess about the number on the scale too much unless you have some sort of limit to reach at a specific deadline i.e. Competition
I'm pretty sure you have been in this thread before talking about similar things with weight loss, you just gotta take your time bro and keep sane. I remember when I first got into the lifting and eating healthy lifestyle, I lost about 55 pounds and by the end I was at 1800 calories and MISERABLE. Also weighing yourself daily is just another way to go crazy, my advice is to weigh in every Saturday morning and have that as your refeed/cheat day otherwise your weigh ins will not be accurate. 

Now I eat 1800 at breakfast 
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My ex said I look/feel bigger and more ripped. (I know yall gonna reference the d. Don't do it lmao)

Got these veins coming in on my shoulder. All I need is a vein in my other bicep to match the one on the right. #cutlife

5lbs more to go. I hope I look good and don't have to cut to 170?

Ay [@=/u/108381/XCellz]@XCellz[/@] this superburn better keep me lean. I ate a whopper (40g of fat WTF). Drinking a beer now after tasting all my ex wine bottles lmao. Not trying to wake up fat lmaooo

eh burger king.... make sure you take it after you eat to get a good bowel movement......

i was a health and wellness expo at my school about a month  ago my bf is 7 percent........
I took 3 for the day already, that day. I'll work it off tomorrow in the gym....FWM.
Had a great back day today doing bb movements. A little interval running in between. At the end decided just to do 5x5 DL 300lbs (297) thats 65% if my max.
Did first 3 without wraps. Last 2 with em.
actually did a rest day today caught up with my family.... now im pulling a all nighter waiting for my gym to open up at 3am
About a year and a half ago a knee specialist told me that I would need to undergo clean up of my knee to get rid of all the scar tissue. Apparently they keep rubbing against my ligaments and too much of that will put my knee in trouble in ten years.

I elected to go through cleanup but my family talked me out of it later.

I still wonder if I had made the right choice.
i have no knowledge of any of this stuff, but

whats the issue with just getting it cleaned out?
this weather change got me all sick and **** :x Gona just chill for today.

Happy lifting fellas!
Feel better dude.

First day back since cold.

Bench press
Back squat
Superset DB lateral and front raise
Underhand wide grip cable row
Cable rope tri pulldown
Cross body cable tricep pulldown
Preacher curls.

Found a brand new weight belt (Valeo) @ the good will yesterday for 3 bucks. Figured why not i need a back up.

Chest and abs today can't wait. Costco had a gourmet popcorn vendor yesterday. Got the red velvet, jalepono, and zebra popcorn. So good but a lot of sugar
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