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Roy Jones "Body Head Bangerz" still GOAT album for lifting. He was actually nice, too.

"I spit at police, I duck my P.O"
"I ain't going to court, tell the judge to kiss my ***"
Roy Jones "Body Head Bangerz" still GOAT album for lifting. He was actually nice, too.

"I spit at police, I duck my P.O"
"I ain't going to court, tell the judge to kiss my ***"

Ahhh! Tune! How i feel rn tell the judge kiss my ***
I love you all.

I been out of commission since thursday nursing my first cold at my school job smh.

rep pout for me my brothers in iron.
Did shoulders and legs. tdogg2k tdogg2k u motivated me to try and max out on OHP lol

Started with bar then 95 then 135 all 5reps. 145 once then increased by 5lbs for singles. Maxed out at 180. Almost got 185, got it up around my eyes then failed. Gonna get that 1 day.

Buncha accesory stuff and squat mobility work.
How that squat mobility coming ahat20?

This week is going to be no lifting all crossfit.

This upcoming weekend is the total weight competition with my coming soon.
How that squat mobility coming ahat20?

This week is going to be no lifting all crossfit.

This upcoming weekend is the total weight competition with my coming soon.

Still rocking with phase 1 but tryna rely on the resistance bands less each time. Definitely hitting depth, feeling like pudge rodriguez calling pitches :lol:. I been using the 10lbs plates under my heels might switch to 5lbs so its smaller and less plate under my heels before i go to phase2.
oh OK mr.burpee

Jk lmao

Bahahah wait till I start bulking and quit all this cardio
so you Will bulk from 120lbs to 140lbs? Do work, bro.

Roy Jones "Body Head Bangerz" still GOAT album for lifting. He was actually nice, too.

"I spit at police, I duck my P.O"
"I ain't going to court, tell the judge to kiss my ***"

Ahhh! Tune! How i feel rn tell the judge kiss my ***
play that song I posted bruh. It make me really think he lived like that [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
Did shoulders and legs. tdogg2k tdogg2k u motivated me to try and max out on OHP lol

Started with bar then 95 then 135 all 5reps. 145 once then increased by 5lbs for singles. Maxed out at 180. Almost got 185, got it up around my eyes then failed. Gonna get that 1 day.

Buncha accesory stuff and squat mobility work.

Damn you upped me by 5lbs now ima have too try again wednesday. What you weighing btw
so you Will bulk from 120lbs to 140lbs? Do work, bro.
play that song I posted bruh. It make me really think he lived like that [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
more like 150 to 170-175ish

im  5'7 150 my body fat percentage is real low right now from doing 4 miles plus a day and other cardio activities.

roy jones and mr. magic body headbangers cd is legendary here in louisiana
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Never had this happen before, I was warming up with with an empty bar doing squats, and on the way up, my knee cracks/pops. Happened consistently, what is going on?

My knees arent caving inwards
Did deadlifts today. New pr at 255 :pimp:

225x5 also a new pr for weight that I've repped :pimp:

Right after I did 245x1 I thought I was gonna be able to do 275. I did 255 once and it was hard so I tried to get it again before I added more weight and couldn't get it. Still happy with it :pimp:. I think I can get 315 by the new year
Did deadlifts today. New pr at 255 :pimp:

225x5 also a new pr for weight that I've repped :pimp:

Right after I did 245x1 I thought I was gonna be able to do 275. I did 255 once and it was hard so I tried to get it again before I added more weight and couldn't get it. Still happy with it :pimp:. I think I can get 315 by the new year

Good work bro!
My ex said I look/feel bigger and more ripped. (I know yall gonna reference the d. Don't do it lmao)

Got these veins coming in on my shoulder. All I need is a vein in my other bicep to match the one on the right. #cutlife

5lbs more to go. I hope I look good and don't have to cut to 170?

Ay xcellz xcellz this superburn better keep me lean. I ate a whopper (40g of fat WTF). Drinking a beer now after tasting all my ex wine bottles lmao. Not trying to wake up fat lmaooo
so you Will bulk from 120lbs to 140lbs? Do work, bro.

play that song I posted bruh. It make me really think he lived like that [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
more like 150 to 170-175ish

im  5'7 150 my body fat percentage is real low right now from doing 4 miles plus a day and other cardio activities.

roy jones and mr. magic body headbangers cd is legendary here in louisiana
Really??? It's legendary? It was slept on man. Gets me amped up.

What's your Bf%

Never had this happen before, I was warming up with with an empty bar doing squats, and on the way up, my knee cracks/pops. Happened consistently, what is going on?

My knees arent caving inwards
I been asked them. No one replies lmao. Same thing with me. My knee is weaker on the right. The left one is fine WTF
:lol: nah

Flat bench 185 5x5

Incline 5x5 155

Ed coen peaking calculator got me weak af. :x

I'd stop that one ahat ahat does not compare to the dl at all.

Word?? Ive yet to get to even 2plates on it so i cant really say. The weights ive been doing been relatively easy just more reps. I dunno i might stick with it for the time being. Hopefully i can get over this plateau i was hitting
Let me know how it goes. I def lost some strength in the 4 weeks I did it.

Old 5x5 pr was 205

I had to keep it at 185 today after a month of that program. Maybe could have limped through with 195.

Anyone **** with origin meals?

I'm about to be working m-f 12 hours and not cooking anymore for work and it's just as cheap as prepping your own food so I'd rather not waste my time. I'm not a paleo bro but the food doesn't look half bad and I'd like to back off the crappy food a little. I can't smash fast food at work everyday. :x
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