STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Ding ding ding.

Theres absolutely some relationship between serious exercise and mental health. I mean its one thing to work out to be healthy, look good, etc., but the number of people who turn it into an obsession are really high.

I think most people use working out as some sort of coping mechanism. Theres any number of causes (anxiety, social awkwarness, wanting to be attractive to girls, insecurities). ****, we've all got SOMETHING, myself included.

Its why I find the "juice" topic so fascinating in here. Thats when things really become clear in regards to exercise and mental health.

I appreciate the openness and honesty @Soundview. That kind of stuff is definitely welcome in here and its a breath of fresh air. I think it shines a light on how "important" working out and looking good really is.

Its definitely starting to become a sort of obsession for me. Ive posted before its basically the only positive thing i have going in my life atm. I also have a lot of pent up anger and am very defensive, so working out i feel is the best relief for me. I zone out a lot and get lost in my thoughts and have flashbacks but that hr or 2 im at the gym i feel the most relaxed mentally. I find myself thinking about working out even whenni cant sleep at nights. Not necessarily obsessed with reaching my goals but just the actual act of working out. Its kinda like a drug to me, like that fiend thats chasing the next hit

Just always know youre not aline in there thoughts, and your ventings are always wlelcomed in here
I wouldn't be surprised if most of us are introverts. It's why we in hea lol

Ding ding ding.

Theres absolutely some relationship between serious exercise and mental health. I mean its one thing to work out to be healthy, look good, etc., but the number of people who turn it into an obsession are really high.

I think most people use working out as some sort of coping mechanism. Theres any number of causes (anxiety, social awkwarness, wanting to be attractive to girls, insecurities). ****, we've all got SOMETHING, myself included.

Its why I find the "juice" topic so fascinating in here. Thats when things really become clear in regards to exercise and mental health.

I appreciate the openness and honesty @Soundview. That kind of stuff is definitely welcome in here and its a breath of fresh air. I think it shines a light on how "important" working out and looking good really is.
Thank you. It definitely boosted my confidence a lot. the attenation I never got before. The same **** telling me how good I looked. The gym was like anti stress for me.

It interwines with a lot. From my bad past, to now. I won't go off topic. But life is crazy. That's all I say.

But yeah. Working out was one of the best decisions I've ever made.
Ding ding ding.

Theres absolutely some relationship between serious exercise and mental health. I mean its one thing to work out to be healthy, look good, etc., but the number of people who turn it into an obsession are really high.

I think most people use working out as some sort of coping mechanism. Theres any number of causes (anxiety, social awkwarness, wanting to be attractive to girls, insecurities). ****, we've all got SOMETHING, myself included.

Its why I find the "juice" topic so fascinating in here. Thats when things really become clear in regards to exercise and mental health.

I appreciate the openness and honesty @Soundview. That kind of stuff is definitely welcome in here and its a breath of fresh air. I think it shines a light on how "important" working out and looking good really is.

Its definitely starting to become a sort of obsession for me. Ive posted before its basically the only positive thing i have going in my life atm. I also have a lot of pent up anger and am very defensive, so working out i feel is the best relief for me. I zone out a lot and get lost in my thoughts and have flashbacks but that hr or 2 im at the gym i feel the most relaxed mentally. I find myself thinking about working out even whenni cant sleep at nights. Not necessarily obsessed with reaching my goals but just the actual act of working out. Its kinda like a drug to me, like that fiend thats chasing the next hit
bro! Same here. I used to get bullied a LOT. It made me so paranoid. After HS I started hitting the weights and pressing anybody I thought had a problem with me. It got to the point where I was pressing people who wasn't even meaning harm. But that's just where my mind is at. I think everyone is out to get me. I trust no one

Even now I have a dude who disrespected me in 7th grade, following me on IG. I personally messaged him and told him I didn't forget and if I see him, I want him to talk to me how he did then.

But you know we grown now. It's petty being like that. Everyone matured. But I can't push it out of my head, bro. I try and I cant. It just stays there. I really wanna move on but I can't. I had a situation at my gym where a dude who's at least 225+ bumped into my purposely and tried to press me in front of the whole gym. I called my people and we came the next day but couldn't find him. Cause we were gonna see if he wanted a problem. Since then I stared him down but I said f it. He ain't touch me. Why I care if he stare at me. Long as he don't put his hands on me. Now he real respectful. He's an old dude and I heard he always come sideways at the kids. Probably though I wouldn't say anything back.

But you know. It's just bad bro. I had a really hard time growing up and a lot of people don't understand that. My ex knew how I was. She would always tell me stop thinking the world is out to get me. But that's all I know.

The gym is a relief from that. It's one of the things I enjoy the most. I love it so much again now that I'm cutting and eating right. I see the results. It was always my anti stress. Even when my day sucked, a session would make it a little better.
Its funny u mention an old bully. I was talkin to homie from back home on the phone today and we were reminiscing on jr high days and i remember this kid that was 2yrs older than me that use to pick on me for no reason. I was like 4ft nothing back then and he was tall. I told my boy hes lucky i havent seen him since we grown cuz i woulda done some f'd up ****.

Ya i got that problem too when people stare. Im starting to get better at dealing with it but growing up it was only 3 reasons why another man wpuld stare at u: he knew u from somewhere, he had beef with u, or he had sugar in the tank. But im realizing that mindset isnt right it wont get u nowhere. Like u said let dude watch as long as he doesnt say anything disrespectful or put his hands on me who cares
bro! Same here. I used to get bullied a LOT. It made me so paranoid. After HS I started hitting the weights and pressing anybody I thought had a problem with me. It got to the point where I was pressing people who wasn't even meaning harm. But that's just where my mind is at. I think everyone is out to get me. I trust no one

Even now I have a dude who disrespected me in 7th grade, following me on IG. I personally messaged him and told him I didn't forget and if I see him, I want him to talk to me how he did then.

But you know we grown now. It's petty being like that. Everyone matured. But I can't push it out of my head, bro. I try and I cant. It just stays there. I really wanna move on but I can't. I had a situation at my gym where a dude who's at least 225+ bumped into my purposely and tried to press me in front of the whole gym. I called my people and we came the next day but couldn't find him. Cause we were gonna see if he wanted a problem. Since then I stared him down but I said f it. He ain't touch me. Why I care if he stare at me. Long as he don't put his hands on me. Now he real respectful. He's an old dude and I heard he always come sideways at the kids. Probably though I wouldn't say anything back.

But you know. It's just bad bro. I had a really hard time growing up and a lot of people don't understand that. My ex knew how I was. She would always tell me stop thinking the world is out to get me. But that's all I know.

The gym is a relief from that. It's one of the things I enjoy the most. I love it so much again now that I'm cutting and eating right. I see the results. It was always my anti stress. Even when my day sucked, a session would make it a little better.
similar situation... ex broke up with me because she couldnt handle my anger and said I always had a chip on my shoulder

lot of people counted me out in my past told me i wouldnt be **** especially in high school bro  i swear that motivated me still does to this day.... people  me see me who picked me on me now is in their 30's all flabby and sick looking and im looking like im 21 lol

hate non believers motivates me to do great things in and outside the gym

joined the military

graduated college

about to graduate college again

about to be a E-7 in the military
bro! Same here. I used to get bullied a LOT. It made me so paranoid. After HS I started hitting the weights and pressing anybody I thought had a problem with me. It got to the point where I was pressing people who wasn't even meaning harm. But that's just where my mind is at. I think everyone is out to get me. I trust no one

Even now I have a dude who disrespected me in 7th grade, following me on IG. I personally messaged him and told him I didn't forget and if I see him, I want him to talk to me how he did then.

But you know we grown now. It's petty being like that. Everyone matured. But I can't push it out of my head, bro. I try and I cant. It just stays there. I really wanna move on but I can't. I had a situation at my gym where a dude who's at least 225+ bumped into my purposely and tried to press me in front of the whole gym. I called my people and we came the next day but couldn't find him. Cause we were gonna see if he wanted a problem. Since then I stared him down but I said f it. He ain't touch me. Why I care if he stare at me. Long as he don't put his hands on me. Now he real respectful. He's an old dude and I heard he always come sideways at the kids. Probably though I wouldn't say anything back.

But you know. It's just bad bro. I had a really hard time growing up and a lot of people don't understand that. My ex knew how I was. She would always tell me stop thinking the world is out to get me. But that's all I know.

The gym is a relief from that. It's one of the things I enjoy the most. I love it so much again now that I'm cutting and eating right. I see the results. It was always my anti stress. Even when my day sucked, a session would make it a little better.

similar situation... ex broke up with me because she couldnt handle my anger and said I always had a chip on my shoulder

lot of people counted me out in my past told me i wouldnt be **** especially in high school bro  i swear that motivated me still does to this day.... people  me see me who picked me on me now is in their 30's all flabby and sick looking and im looking like im 21 lol

hate non believers motivates me to do great things in and outside the gym

joined the military
graduated college
about to graduate college again
about to be a E-7 in the military
Good ish!!! Same man. It's funny cause everyone fron hS washed up. Meanwhile I'm looking better and getting stronger. They can't believe its me when they see me. Especially the ones who used to pick on me. I saw one dude on the gym. He wouldn't even look at me LMAO.

Same thing here. Told I'd be a failure by a marine who got mad I wouldn't jpin. nypd told me I was incompetent and to "go back to the Bronx where I belong. That's why I grind hard. Cause I know I'll be something in life. Ill look back and see where everyone else is that tried to ish on me.

It won't be long now.

soundview soundview hit my pm anytime u wanna talk bout anythin other than weights fam
Likewise to you bro. You good in my books. Crazy what we have in common.

Its funny u mention an old bully. I was talkin to homie from back home on the phone today and we were reminiscing on jr high days and i remember this kid that was 2yrs older than me that use to pick on me for no reason. I was like 4ft nothing back then and he was tall. I told my boy hes lucky i havent seen him since we grown cuz i woulda done some f'd up ****.

Ya i got that problem too when people stare. Im starting to get better at dealing with it but growing up it was only 3 reasons why another man wpuld stare at u: he knew u from somewhere, he had beef with u, or he had sugar in the tank. But im realizing that mindset isnt right it wont get u nowhere. Like u said let dude watch as long as he doesnt say anything disrespectful or put his hands on me who cares
Same. My family is from the streets. My uncle was in prison most of my life. My mom used to sell drugs and did time too and she can tell you stories for days. But I was raised with morals and ethics. So for me, who never bothered anyone I just never knew why people insisted on picking on me, especially when I did nothing to them. I could've easily told my mom, but you know how that goes. It would only get worse.

You right. Same here. People stare at me, I stare back until they stop. Cause I get paranoid. UntIL one time I did it to a kid on the train and he took a gun out of his waist, loaded it and got off the same stop with me. It wasn't to me, but it was like Wtf. He could've shot me and I could've died over some bS.

I'm learning to change my ways. Treat people how I want to be treated, with respect. I suppose due To my past its hard to get out of my "F the WORLD" mindset. I'm still a good person no doubt. Anyone around me knows I'm real. It's just certain things I do that I can handle differently.

But yeah. People can look, talk, whatever. As long as they don't touch me. That's how you gotta see it. I ain't letting dude from my gym kill my vibe or my workouts.

Anyways his IG is @Mike718. So you can see how he's way bigger lmao.
Back on fitness. I got that sponsor. They saw my channel and liked it. Waiting for paperwork. So hopefully everything goes well.

That's why I don't care for excuses. I have 400 subscribers and got sponsored. No excuses. You want something, you grind for it.

Tomorrow I'm filming. Chest day. Would do legs but my gym lighting downstairs is meh. Really wish I had a gym with REALLY good lighting. I can't even shoot how I want.
went to University of Louisiana at Lafayette gym today..... was pretty empty.

hit the indoor track for 30 minutes

did 60:30's
in between did forward and back lunges,prisoner body squats, frog jumps, back paddling, and  side laterals.

did abs for 10 minutes non stop no breaks

hit the weight room did

3 sets of 10 --- 70lb DB Hammer Curls (superset with bar curls)
3 sets of 8-10 --  90lb Straight Bar Curls
2 sets of 105 DB Farmer Walks for 30 sec
3 sets of 5 70DB Seated Overhead Press

I did some other tri and other crap before I left like Crossbody curls not really worth mentioning felt good coming off a rest day.... I didnt really plan on lifting today.
What exactly do you do? I know you don't BB. So you just do...trainer exercises?
Hahah I just love working out bro. I do a lil bit of everything. Mostly focus on staying conditioned for this military ****.
I wouldn't be surprised if most of us are introverts. It's why we in hea lol
Yup. I'm trying to break outta that shell myself.

I liked the back n forth you folks just did. That was some motivational ****. Y'all gone. E straight though. :pimp:
Saw dudes quick repping 3-4 plates. Quarter squattING smh. Not that I care, whatever makes you happy in the gym, do it. As long as you leave satisfied. But then I'm like they're probably telling dudes they're squatting 5 when they're barely squatting 3. That's my problem with that BS. There are dudes who dont touch their chest with the bar and say they bench 405.


Anyways. I can't wait to bulk. But I guess cutting isn't so bad after today [emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji]
Theres these 2 cats at my gym who do that same ****, one seems like he might a cooler older guy and the other has short man syndrome, but the older one NEVER touches his chest, its always half reps.... then when he spots the other one his hands NEVER leave the bar, once theguy goes over 315 you can tell its a half press half row 
Getting that double work in, efficiency. :pimp: :lol:

But yea I never understand the ego lifting, not like you can't eventually get there by progressively overloading going full ROM.
Messaging a dude from middle school?! 

Man I feel you on letting that fuel your fire but taking the time to do that is sooooo petty lol you gotta use the old forgive but not forget there, I mean Im sure you said some things when you were 12 that you feel bad about now and wish you could take back. 
Working on all my press.

6x2 OHP @ 175lbs
5x5 Snatch Grip Sot Press @135lb (behind the head)
5x5 each arm DB Snatch @90lbs

DL 3x5 405lbs

Finish with circuit tun:

Farmer Carry 400m @ 200lbs
Suicide Run with 30lbs med ball 4 sets
Suicide Rum fastest time 11.2 secs
25m suicide Run = 100m fastest time 8.2 secs
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Messaging a dude from middle school?! :lol:

Man I feel you on letting that fuel your fire but taking the time to do that is sooooo petty lol you gotta use the old forgive but not forget there, I mean Im sure you said some things when you were 12 that you feel bad about now and wish you could take back. 
Yeah, but I've never made any ones life a living he'll for an unjustified reason. If I ever F'd someone over, it's cause they did it to me first.

Tookie Williams prbably didnt remember all of the people he beat up, smacked, robbed and bullied. But they do. Remember that episode of Gangland? Dude got smacked by tookie 30+ years ago and still got so mad about it he started crying. He wanted him to die.

But what I learned was to never let what happened to me, to anyone else. Cause I don't want anyone else to go through what I did. I ain't have a big brother to run to. Or a father. And I damn sure wasn't calling my mom. All I had was myself, bro.

I actually ended up getting into a bad stage in life where I was in the streets hard. I figured if the world ain't care about me and God didn't love me enough to take me out of the situations, why care about the world?

it's all good though. BCK to these weights and this grind [emoji]128170[/emoji][emoji]128170[/emoji]

Saw dudes quick repping 3-4 plates. Quarter squattING smh. Not that I care, whatever makes you happy in the gym, do it. As long as you leave satisfied. But then I'm like they're probably telling dudes they're squatting 5 when they're barely squatting 3. That's my problem with that BS. There are dudes who dont touch their chest with the bar and say they bench 405.


Anyways. I can't wait to bulk. But I guess cutting isn't so bad after today [emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji]

Theres these 2 cats at my gym who do that same ****, one seems like he might a cooler older guy and the other has short man syndrome, but the older one NEVER touches his chest, its always half reps.... then when he spots the other one his hands NEVER leave the bar, once theguy goes over 315 you can tell its a half press half row :lol:
look lmao if that's what makes you happy. Do it. Just don't go around telling people you're pressing something you're not. I remember dude at my old gym swore he hit 405. I'm like then touch your chest with it!!! He said "hell no you crazy". Lol he know we dont play that.

I even stopped bouncing deadlifts. It's a deadlift. Dead. Lift. It's supposed to be dead when you lift.

Hahah I just love working out bro. I do a lil bit of everything. Mostly focus on staying conditioned for this military ****.

I really wanna see your strength on the compounds :lol:
I wouldn't be surprised if most of us are introverts. It's why we in hea lol
Yup. I'm trying to break outta that shell myself.

I liked the back n forth you folks just did. That was some motivational ****. Y'all gone. E straight though. :pimp:
yeah we done damn wrote a lifetime story in the thread. Surprised how many of yall are introverts.
I'm the biggest introvert in my box. Took me a year to get comfortable just with the people in the gym. Then I ended up having to leave. :lol:

Now I have to do all this all over again. Workout by myself and keep to myself unless spoken to.
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Dudes reasons for working out in here are why i dont talk to other people working out.
I just like feelin good
Do you over generalize and stereotype people in every thread?
I'm the biggest introvert in my box. Took me a year to get comfortable just with the people in the gym. Then I ended up having to leave. :lol:

Now I have to do all this all over again. Workout by myself and keep to myself unless spoken to.
lol yeah the best is when you cool with everybody there. I swear the first day in a gym is like the first day of a new school lmaooo. You don't know nobody. You gotta see where equipment at. All of that. Now I just breeze in [emoji]128076[/emoji]

I'm good with staff. They let me take stuff on credit. Keep my own locker there. Go behind the desk haha. I'm good with everyone there except that one dude and even he moved on cause I definitely stopped caring.

I will say when I swtched I missed my old gym and the people I was cool with there

m boiz m boiz ayo hater let me resurrect you from the dead real quick.

Just remembered some dude thanked me yesterday for telling hI'm to warm up his biceps before deadlifts. It's been way better. I ain't even remember. Supposedly I told him a year ago. I'm just out here, unknowingly dropping jewels.

So yeah, you out here squatting 900, bUT just know that biceps are getting warmed up out here.....snow that

Hater R.i.p

And if you "cornbread strong" we outchea taking cornbread like:

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