STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Ohp just takes practice. If you do it weekly you should have no problem repping plates. Just like anything else you have to do it to get better.

I'm talking strict and standing.
My back has been bothering me for probably 2 months now. Don't want to go to the doctor and/or PT because I know lifting will have to stop. Also don't feel like dishing out the money. But the time has come, have to make an appointment. I have a love/hate relationship with the gym right now because it feels better when I stretch and lift, but I know im not helping it any. Old man probz.
I did shoulders and legs today. Tried to work on some of the advice yall gave me before about OHP and Squats.

[@]marmourjr[@] I tried working on pressing my head forward while doing OHP like u mentioned.

Also tried getting more depth on my squats. Tried messing with a narrower stance but i couldnt get deep and it felt weird for me. Went back to my normal stance and tried to get as low as i could. Again i appreciate yalls feedback and input as always

I can do about 185 OHP.

I'd like to weight in at 185 by the summer.

Weighed myself today. 213. slow and steady.

looking at 200 by thanksgiving 
I can do about 185 OHP.

I'd like to weight in at 185 by the summer.

Weighed myself today. 213. slow and steady.

looking at 200 by thanksgiving 

Then back to 213 the day after thanksgiving [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
I was doing 5x5 but i felt like i was hitting a plateau. Im doing the coan program right now, gonna see how that goes. 5x3 sounds good tho might mess with that after.
5/3/1 Is GOAT, too. I got so many beginner gains with it. It was just a lot of workload for me, personally. 3 weeks building heavy, 4th deload week.
What's the difference from Military Press and OHP? Is one seated and the other standing?
OHP requires more balance and I feel like I use my core more in the OHP.

What's the difference from Military Press and OHP? Is one seated and the other standing?

yea. or you can call it the standing military press lol
I just call it military press. Call leg push, a push press.
I did shoulders and legs today. Tried to work on some of the advice yall gave me before about OHP and Squats.

[@]marmourjr[@] I tried working on pressing my head forward while doing OHP like u mentioned.

Also tried getting more depth on my squats. Tried messing with a narrower stance but i couldnt get deep and it felt weird for me. Went back to my normal stance and tried to get as low as i could. Again i appreciate yalls feedback and input as always


For some reason, i feel like you can def go much lower. Good stuff tho!

I can do about 185 OHP.

I'd like to weight in at 185 by the summer.

Weighed myself today. 213. slow and steady.

looking at 200 by thanksgiving 

Patience is a virtue :evil: Good luck tho man idk how i could cut with the upcoming holidays lol.
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I did shoulders and legs today. Tried to work on some of the advice yall gave me before about OHP and Squats.

[@]marmourjr[@] I tried working on pressing my head forward while doing OHP like u mentioned.

Also tried getting more depth on my squats. Tried messing with a narrower stance but i couldnt get deep and it felt weird for me. Went back to my normal stance and tried to get as low as i could. Again i appreciate yalls feedback and input as always


You need to lower the rack height and really dig your back into the bar to get tight.
The logic that if youre a serious intermediate lifter you should be in the 1k club is flawed. A lot of things come to play.

There's a huge difference in the 1000lb club based on body weight alone :lol:

Not to mention where people start at strength wise when they first start lifting.

The terms "intermediate" and "serious" have no true definition either, making it impossible to argue lol
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I did shoulders and legs today. Tried to work on some of the advice yall gave me before about OHP and Squats.

[@]marmourjr[@] I tried working on pressing my head forward while doing OHP like u mentioned.

Also tried getting more depth on my squats. Tried messing with a narrower stance but i couldnt get deep and it felt weird for me. Went back to my normal stance and tried to get as low as i could. Again i appreciate yalls feedback and input as always

still need to go down more. You might as well squat in socks..your kicks aren't flat. You're gonna be off balance whether you notice it or not.

Military press form was good. All it is is only using your arms and pushing up and behind your head.

My Military 1RM pto baby 175-185. I'm repping out 135x10 already. I'm 180lb now.
Did back today.

5 exercises of acessory. Cardio.


Went for 3 but couldnt. It's like this program knows my limits already. It's weird. It also tells you when to drop weight off your 1rm based on first one-two weeks success. Dope.

Was gonna film it for IG. But I needed my phone to play "Jason" by Jadakiss to amp me up.

Left the whole 400 there after. If you ain't hitting that or working up to it, you need to work more......but I be mad af when someone leave 3 plates Deadlift lmaooo I can't front.

Can't wait to bulk back up to 185-190. Imma get my beast on.
Agreed. I definitely think having something to work towards to is great. I just dont want people to think theyre weak or doing something wrong if theyre not there.
still need to go down more. You might as well squat in socks..your kicks aren't flat. You're gonna be off balance whether you notice it or not.

Military press form was good. All it is is only using your arms and pushing up and behind your head.

My Military 1RM pto baby 175-185. I'm repping out 135x10 already. I'm 180lb now.

Word ill give it a try in socks next time. These the only pair of kicks i got with me atm besides so beat up adidas with holes in em and my court shoes lol. Appreciate the advice
Yeah. Either that or you need to lessen the weight, cause if it's not your balance, then you just can't squat that weight. Unless you had a knee condition or a torn ACL surgery or something, like my ex did.

Get converses. Or chucks from walmarr. Or in socks. Or use the kicks I use. Which are regular sneakers that I found to be very flat.....But look/feel way better than chucKS and cost the same.
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Agreed. I definitely think having something to work towards to is great. I just dont want people to think theyre weak or doing something wrong if theyre not there.
Yeah. We all were weak at some point. But yeah, maybe it'll motivate the next guy. I know I always wondered who was deadlifting 400+ coming up and it made me hungrier.......Still annoying to leave all that weight on. But that's why they have gym workers (I know I'm messed up, leave me lone, ain't nobody got time for thatttt)
Yeah. Either that or you need to lessen the weight, cause if it's not your balance, then you just can't squat that weight. Unless you had a knee condition or a torn ACL surgery or something, like my ex did.

I thought about it maybe being the weight but i cant even get that low just doing an air squat. My chest starts to sink in, **** ends up looking like a good morning lol.
Yeah. We all were weak at some point. But yeah, maybe it'll motivate the next guy. I know I always wondered who was deadlifting 400+ coming up and it made me hungrier.......Still annoying to leave all that weight on. But that's why they have gym workers (I know I'm messed up, leave me lone, ain't nobody got time for thatttt)

So ur the guy who leaves 4 plates on the bar in the power rack when i come to do OHP? :lol:
We have a running thread on nt. Lots of good info. Saw you ask about watches or other gadgets to track HR and stuff.

Have had a cold for the past week, haven't worked out since Wednesday. Not feeling it today but like joe rogan says I gotta #conquermyinner*****
Ill chime in.... I'm an avid runner.

@XCellz Yo, you said it burns fat even when not working out. So it will burn more when I do work out? Cause I'm not trying to drop like, 5lbs in a week. I'm slow cutting, at .5lbs a week (even though I dropped 4 this past month) cause I don't need my strength to go down crazy. Not trying to wake up and I'm 10lbs less at the end of the week [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
If you sit on your butt all day or have a sedentary job I would still take it...... Your body still will shed fat, and all the different types of extracts fastens your metabolism..... also with the Cayenne pepper thats in it your bowel movement will be quicker than normal.....

if you aint doing crazy cardio like I'm you shouldn't see a huge weight drop per gym session like 4-6 pounds but very subtle weight loss gains.
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