STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I'll go back to 5x5. I've been doing light weight high reps for a minute. I really don't have goals for my bench like I do squat and dl. I can rep two plates so I'm like meh it's good enough.
Nah bro every guy that is serious about lifting should have a goal of hitting 3 plates, it puts you in the big dog pack. 
If you can rep 225 on military, you should be able to overhead press _____? I wanna start throwing ohp and dl in my routine
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For Bench?

What about OHP and BS and DL?

For a guy that lifts 4+ times a week and takes it serious and doesn't just care about abs? Id say the 3/4/5 plate club would be about right. I never see dudes deadlifting really at most gyms though so I would say 4 plates and up is good. I see even less doing OHP so bodyweight would be super impressive for most guys, I don't even think Ive done that on standing before only seated.
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Thats why you gotta deload, also you can cycle the 5x5, 5x3, 3x5, 3x3 and just build up.

Word word. Ima stick with this program for now, should increase my max to 290 by the end. After that ima do like u suggested with the 5x5, 5x3 etc. Shooting for 3platea big dog status :lol:

For a guy that lifts 4+ times a week and takes it serious and doesn't just care about abs? Id say the 3/4/5 plate club would be about right. I never see dudes deadlifting really at most gyms though so I would say 4 plates and up is good. I see even less doing OHP so bodyweight would be super impressive for most guys, I don't even think Ive done that on standing before only seated.

Thats what im aiming for eventually, 3/4/5. For now the goal is 3/4/4.

Long way from bodyweight OHP tho lol
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Good Lawrd @ OHP bodyweight.

Ya'll do realize that strict press right.  We talking multiples right
Good Lawrd @ OHP bodyweight.

Ya'll do realize that strict press right.  We talking multiples right
Yeah man standing strict no push is tough as **** 

On seated its a little bit easier because you can use more of your upper chest and cheat with the ROM. I think Ive hit 245/250 for a triple on seated before for my best PR.
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:lol: yes strict standing ohp.

I've hit 155 no belt and I'm 180. CANNOT REP! :lol:

That's the only lift where is feel like I need a belt really.
1rm, honestly you should be breaking the 1k club for most intermediate lifters.

I feel u. I hoop too much. I hoop 2-3x/wk, lift 1-2x/wk. Once i get my home gym i should be able to put in work.

I know one day ill lift more than i hoop...but at 32 im still going strong and dont know how much longer ill be able to run with these young cats. So ill keep ballin.
The 3 Powerlifting lifts I believe. 1RM of back squat, deadlift, and bench press.

Ahhh. I knew it was BS, DL, and BP but i didnt know if the weight was something that is done for reps or was the 1rm. Thanks for clarifying that
aint no way im ohp'ing my body weight 

someone said it here before but i think 50% ohp of your working sets for bench should be avg.
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