STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

well this was a active monday...... did a 6 mile ruck earlier 

round 2 

then did 2 miles of sprints 

4 sets of 12 leg extensions (dropset)

and hit the chest for about 10-15 mins

any of you use any gps watches/fitness watches/gadgets to track your HR, calories burned, and etc?

follow me on IG  I FOLLOW BACK NIGGUHS!!!!
Dopeness...But please don't ever row like that again 

You're not getting the full benefit rowing like that bro...
Any tips for time management at the gym? I always lose track of time when I'm at the gym so my workouts are a lot longer than I intend for them to be. I usually spend about 2 hrs at the gym and I wanna try to cut that time in half while still getting a full workout in
well this was a active monday...... did a 6 mile ruck earlier 

round 2 
then did 2 miles of sprints 
4 sets of 12 leg extensions (dropset)
and hit the chest for about 10-15 mins

any of you use any gps watches/fitness watches/gadgets to track your HR, calories burned, and etc?

follow me on IG  I FOLLOW BACK NIGGUHS!!!!

Dopeness...But please don't ever row like that again :lol:

You're not getting the full benefit rowing like that bro...
lmaoo I thought it was a gif clip. Cause the white boy in the back wasnt moving. I had to play the sound to hear if the sound was repeating.
Dopeness...But please don't ever row like that again 

You're not getting the full benefit rowing like that bro...
lol, I call that my speed row..... basically just trying to get my heart rate up...all form was thrown out the window.
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I guess you are brolic. I just peeped your page.

Also that's the second time you said "nigguh" how the hell methodcial or whatever his name is ain't seeing this [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
I'm at 147 right still trying to stay lean. I'm a cardio bunny at heart, November and December usually when I go into bulk mode... Last year I got up to 165......   how is that jetfuel working for you?
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This thread only gets modded when someone gets reported I feel like

I did a **** ton of volume tonight for back, close to 500 reps.
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Any tips for time management at the gym? I always lose track of time when I'm at the gym so my workouts are a lot longer than I intend for them to be. I usually spend about 2 hrs at the gym and I wanna try to cut that time in half while still getting a full workout in
Don't talk to anyone, shorten your rest periods. 
This thread only gets modded when someone gets reported I feel like

I did a **** ton of volume tonight for back, close to 500 reps.
damn.... I always wanted to do like a 1000 reps on just one body area...... the gains/pump must be crazy.
I guess you are brolic. I just peeped your page.

Also that's the second time you said "nigguh" how the hell methodcial or whatever his name is ain't seeing this [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

I'm at 147 right still trying to stay lean. I'm a cardio bunny at heart, November and December usually when I go into bulk mode... Last year I got up to 165......   how is that jetfuel working for you?
Not bad for 147...Look my weight (180). Yeah I'm slow bulking after I cut to 175.. right back to 185

It's good so far. 2nd day on it, I guess I'll see in 2 weeks. It does give me energy before the gym, but it doesn't last ALL day. I miss the pump of a preworkout. Been taking 4, in sets of 2. Gonna try straight 3 in the morning as advised on bottle, for the whole day. See if I have more energy and feel the thermogenic effects more.
Not bad for 147...Look my weight (180). Yeah I'm slow bulking after I cut to 175.. right back to 185

It's good so far. 2nd day on it, I guess I'll see in 2 weeks. It does give me energy before the gym, but it doesn't last ALL day. I miss the pump of a preworkout. Been taking 4, in sets of 2. Gonna try straight 3 in the morning as advised on bottle, for the whole day. See if I have more energy and feel the thermogenic effects more.
I just dont use jetfuel as my primary pwo... the thermogenic effects it has after a nice run or hiit workout is crazy...def noticeable when your not on it..... vs. when your own it.... 

my wife got on it and she lost about 40 pounds, and she is a novice at this fitness stuff
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Like in a squat, you want to your back rigid, core rigid, chest tight, all that stuff... Because thats what supports the weight on your shoulders/protects your lower back.

But you dont want your hips, quads, and hamstrings tight because thats whats moving. Youre stronger and more powerful when the muscles loose and has some freedom.

If your whole body is tight then youre gonna squat like the tinman. You run faster when you relax, and this applies to exercise too

Bingo, same idea.

It applies to other movements too, like bench presses and pull ups.

Its a pretty fascinating concept actually. I forget where i heard it from, but theres the wuote that the best/fastest athletes are typically the ones who can relax the quickest.
I know I'm mad late with this but can how would this apply to benching? Seriously curious

When squatting I can clearly see how this applies and tbh I think that was my problem when squatting and having my hip flexor pain. Everynow and then everything would be kept tight.

I did goblet squats with DB yesterday at work with this concept and felt A1

its kind of hard to describe for benching, but everything from your chest down should be rigid and solid, but you have to let your shoulders relax. Like your shoulder blades are tight and contracted but your shoulders are loose and free to move. Your head should be into the bench too.

Glad this tip helped.

damn.... I always wanted to do like a 1000 reps on just one body area...... the gains/pump must be crazy.

Do 500 reps at 135 on bench one day, crazy pump will be had.
Is there any gain to that? Always wondered that. I've seen Mike Rash Is do it. Isn't it considered a "burn out"? From what I read either burn outs work for you or they don't. I've did them but not enough to know whether thy work for me.

Not bad for 147...Look my weight (180). Yeah I'm slow bulking after I cut to 175.. right back to 185

It's good so far. 2nd day on it, I guess I'll see in 2 weeks. It does give me energy before the gym, but it doesn't last ALL day. I miss the pump of a preworkout. Been taking 4, in sets of 2. Gonna try straight 3 in the morning as advised on bottle, for the whole day. See if I have more energy and feel the thermogenic effects more.

I just dont use jetfuel as my primary pwo... the thermogenic effects it has after a nice run or hiit workout is crazy...def noticeable when your not on it..... vs. when your own it.... 

my wife got on it and she lost about 40 pounds, and she is a novice at this fitness stuff
you're not supposed to consume any other caffeine with it...So I rely on that until I cycle off for a month when the bottle is done.

I'll try 3 and give my review in 2-4 weeks. I'm doing a slow cut so I can maintain/gain strength. I powerbuild. Heavy compounds, hypertrophy accessory.

What should the thermogenic feel like, anyways? Just a warming feeling?
Just did curls with my curl bar. I haven't felt this good in a long time . Benching is getting better also since I learned it's also mental with this ****. I used to focus on the left side of my chest since I had a weaker arm but now that I remember to do that I feel my right side of my chest is working more than it used to.

Feels goodman. :pimp:
Is there any gain to that? Always wondered that. I've seen Mike Rash Is do it. Isn't it considered a "burn out"? From what I read either burn outs work for you or they don't. I've did them but not enough to know whether thy work for me.
you're not supposed to consume any other caffeine with it...So I rely on that until I cycle off for a month when the bottle is done.

I'll try 3 and give my review in 2-4 weeks. I'm doing a slow cut so I can maintain/gain strength. I powerbuild. Heavy compounds, hypertrophy accessory.

What should the thermogenic feel like, anyways? Just a warming feeling?
LOL youll be alright you can take additional caffeine,and yes a tingling sensation warm feeling.... I have been using it for years and still get that feeling....

It burns fat without you doing anything, trust the process lol

metabolic nutrition makes great products might have to try it one day.
Just did curls with my curl bar. I haven't felt this good in a long time . Benching is getting better also since I learned it's also mental with this ****. I used to focus on the left side of my chest since I had a weaker arm but now that I remember to do that I feel my right side of my chest is working more than it used to.

Feels goodman. :pimp:

Is there any gain to that? Always wondered that. I've seen Mike Rash Is do it. Isn't it considered a "burn out"? From what I read either burn outs work for you or they don't. I've did them but not enough to know whether thy work for me.
Maybe, maybe not, my coach had one of his buddies do the when he was rehabbing a pec strain just to pump as much blood into the area as possible. Will you actually gain strength or size? Probably not, but you will get a hell of a pump and all the "little" muscles and joints will be sore as **** the next few days.
IG have you started working on the pistol squats?

leg day and i didn't hit squats or dead.

i had my first school clearance today and it drained me mentally.

went w bro bodybuilding and hit machines.

superseded leg press w assisted pistol squats. i do it better w my right leg v left which weird bc I'm lefty.

gonna do them in my office when I'm bored too.

thanks for the tips man
you do pistol squats with weight? or just body weight? looks hell hard for me lol. I love the burn from bulgarin split squat tho.

i looked up types of squats and i saw this one called Anderson squat...i think im gonna give it a try one of these days
you do pistol squats with weight? or just body weight? looks hell hard for me lol. I love the burn from bulgarin split squat tho.

i looked up types of squats and i saw this one called Anderson squat...i think im gonna give it a try one of these days
def body weight. trying to perfect them unassisted first lol
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