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Go figure I went up in body fat and lost some muscle after a 3 day stomach bug. Once I got better I pigged out. Pizza is my kryptonite. Well I got a few lol. But it don't help that a good bar is a 2 minutes up the street from me and they make the best pizza in town.

Since I slowed down on cardio this winter, I have no real motivation for it now. I sound like some of y'all in here lol. I did some sprints at work the other day and I thought I was gonna vomit
Watched one of his videos...I definitely need to concentrate on the elbow flare.  He said that keeping the elbows tucked could add 60 pounds to the lift?? do you think that's true?

Yes, tucking your elbows is one of the most important things on benching.
Just out of curiosity why is 175 your goal? I know people carry weight different. But i am 6 foot about 175 right now and id like to get down to 170 for soccer season since i feel better running when im lighter. But in the off season im about 180-190. You have any specific goal for why 175?
I am trying to lean out (cut) and get to <9% body fat, and attain a resting 6 pack. I also hoop in the summer, and noticed a significant lack of speed and agility. 
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Glad the thread finally starting to talk diet, I was starting to feel alone out here.

Current favorite foods:

0% Fat yogurt
Almond/Skim Milk

180 - 6'1, eating around 1800 cals a day, 2 days of fasting until 3 and 1 day of mostly shakes. Goal is 175, started at 215 as of last August.

Just out of curiosity why is 175 your goal? I know people carry weight different. But i am 6 foot about 175 right now and id like to get down to 170 for soccer season since i feel better running when im lighter. But in the off season im about 180-190. You have any specific goal for why 175?

Man I wish I was as lean as you guys. I have 190lbs of just lean mass on me at also 6ft. 100lbs of fat on top of that though :x

I eat about the same as you except boneless skinless chicken breast/tenderloin in there and lean turkey burgers and lean cubed steaks too. No cashews for me, whole raw almonds, and put coconut oil in everything. I let the dude at Total Nutrition convince me those green-alkaline powders where the best thing since sliced bread but I wasn't about to mess with their overpriced brand, so I got some from I'm excited to try.

I just want to get back on the basketball court and get back dunking. At the goal weight they set for me, 225, assuming I gained no muscle mass and lost only fat which we know neither is likely, that'd be 15.6%bf which on me would be lean enough
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Go figure I went up in body fat and lost some muscle after a 3 day stomach bug. Once I got better I pigged out. Pizza is my kryptonite. Well I got a few lol. But it don't help that a good bar is a 2 minutes up the street from me and they make the best pizza in town.
I see you're in NJ. Name of this bar? know so I can avoid going and eating this pizza. 

my bench really sucks and I have no confidence in it to the point I hate doing it...I mean my OHP 1RM is only 50 lbs away from my bench.  Can anybody post some solid informational vids for me?

I used this advice and my bench went from 140 to 175.
12lbs down in a month and a half, almost two months.

Not on a rigorous diet, just working out all the time and making better choices.. cut out soda but every now and then I'll have a diet soda. Smaller portions.. etc. Making it a lifestyle change rather than a diet.
12lbs down in a month and a half, almost two months.

Not on a rigorous diet, just working out all the time and making better choices.. cut out soda but every now and then I'll have a diet soda. Smaller portions.. etc. Making it a lifestyle change rather than a diet.
Keep it up man! I have a friend who I'm trying to influence to change, I think for a lot of people the thought of losing a lot of weight is scary, but a lot of the times it's just incremental lifestyle changes. Nothing drastic. Keep it up! And keep us posted on your progress. I cut out soda, not because of the calories initially, but because what it was doing to my teeth, but once I saw the calorie/sugar content it was a no brainer. I think it's been a few years since I had soda honestly. 
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Good stuff. I know when i tell people im trying to drop a few lbs they always look at me like what? why? you are too skinny now you should be gaining weight. But from a performance perspective i can run for 90 mins easier at a lighter weight. It makes me feel better on the field. But people don't really seem to get that.
I get the same looks, from my girl included, like you already skinny bro haha. The tricky part is atleast maintaining my strength which is tough but def doable. What was life changing for me was suffering an injury while playing ball, and while my lifting weights wasn't the only factor, having 30 extra lbs didn't help.
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Anybody know any good snacks to eat late at night? I get the munchies. I've tried eating bigger dinners at 6pm. Doesn't really help.
will do..i had some fage yogurt and threw some protein powder in was pretty gross. Ill try it again though. Smoking weed is messing with my gains bruhhh.
Anybody know any good snacks to eat late at night? I get the munchies. I've tried eating bigger dinners at 6pm. Doesn't really help.
It's higher in carbs, but gluten free and pretty healthy overall imo. I need something to satisfy my sweet tooth without the guilt of pigging out and this does the trick
Man I wanna shed some fat off me. I'm still trying to figure out a meal plan cause it's hard to gain weight easy to lose weight. I wanna stay above 120 though.
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