STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

That video. Why was that other dude clapping when dude was doing his pullups?! Gross.

Lol at 'I got my protein' though
Need a little advice
I've had lower back pain in the past and it comes up from time to time(annually I'd say). Woke up this morning and it was catching up to me again.
I have 2 jobs that consist of me sitting for 13 hours/day from Monday-Friday (irking I know).
Aside from changing up my sitting posture, I was thinking about running for 45min-1hour a day to offset the amount of time I sit. Any other advice? thanks in advance

Also, didn't know where to put this but since it involves running I thought this would be the right place
13 hours. A day. :wow:

Yea that can cause back problems. I notice sometimes that happens to me when I pull a double shift.

Try not to sit down. Unless you have to.

I work in a nursing office for 8 hours a day. I just get up and walk every once in a while now.
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My third semester of law school, I was easily sitting 12 hours a day at a desk for over a month. It just destroyed my hips :lol:

I couldn't squat for 2 months :lol:

Lesson learned and now i only use a standing desk.
Good end of leg day movement or just nice overall way to promote leg symmetry. Can be done in lunge stance as well, leg doesn't necessarily have to be on the bench.

13 hours. A day.

Yea that can cause back problems. I notice sometimes that happens to me when I pull a double shift.

Try not to sit down. Unless you have to.

I work in a nursing office for 8 hours a day. I just get up and was every once in a while now.
It's definitely worth it to read up on posture while working a desk job and techniques to prevent bad habits. Poor posture causes all sorts of issues from neuro-muscular to respiratory. Dealing with some now.
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Need a little advice
I've had lower back pain in the past and it comes up from time to time(annually I'd say). Woke up this morning and it was catching up to me again.
I have 2 jobs that consist of me sitting for 13 hours/day from Monday-Friday (irking I know).
Aside from changing up my sitting posture, I was thinking about running for 45min-1hour a day to offset the amount of time I sit. Any other advice? thanks in advance

Also, didn't know where to put this but since it involves running I thought this would be the right place

I can't speak for everyone but I dealt with back issues before and I don't think I would recommend running until you're feeling better. Running with proper form is difficult. Finding a surface that is good for running isn't always possible and you need the right shoes and stuff. Even with all that, running and jumping is pretty stressful on my back.

Personally, I think you should focus on posture, lifting and possibly stretching. Lifting gets your core stronger which can't hurt. It's a more controlled movement than running. With proper form and the right amount of weight, I think it helped me a lot.

But damn 13 hours is a lot. Definitely do research on posture.
Saw a dude that weighed 130 load up the bench with 225... I'm thinking wow I'm in for a show. Then he starts doing that :rofl:
Had to share this story. I rarely have dreams when i sleep or i dont remember them, whatever you want to call it. Light sleeper. But yesterday i had a solid leg day, and i think that contributed to me falling into a reallly deep sleep and had my best dream i had in years. It was about when i had the best summer fling ever, i was 22, so it was 9 years ago. She was 19 or 20. I was home for the summer so it was known it was going to end. Over 3 months, me and her smashed like every day, and she was fine AF. The dream was mad real! Her booty was soft AF. Lmao.
Do yall have dreams and real deep sleeps after great work outs?

Don't really have goals i guess? Just want a sculpted chest and get stronger I guess? :lol:
pecs are activated more at the very bottom of the ROM on bench press so if you're not even touching your chest, you're not being effective for "sculpting". barbell flat bench press is not the best exercise for your chest anyway. do some weighted dips, cable flys etc.
for strength? i'd suggest you bench press with proper form/ROM. same with all the big compounds.
canifly34 canifly34 I've never had lower back pain until a couple weeks ago. When it was at its worse, which was the day after trying to deadlift heavy even though I woke up with minor pain, I couldn't really run without feeling it so I didn't. Since then I would do upper body exercises and I would notice the discomfort had decreased possibly due increased blood flow. I'm no expert but I read a chiropractor's statement that said most back pain is due to either muscle or ligament strain which will go away with care. It stated to sleep on your back if possible as it keeps the spine in the most neutral position. Stretching is important but it's hard to stretch after you already have LBP. Someone suggested a foam roller which I've always heard works wonders for pain and stiffness. A professional massage should help also.
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Pro massage is ideal but who can afford that. I foam roll everyday. I still get minor pains but nothing close to before.
Best thing I ever did for my low back pain that started 2 months after I got rear ended in my past car was go to a chiro and strengthen my lower back and core.
Don't really have goals i guess? Just want a sculpted chest and get stronger I guess? 
pecs are activated more at the very bottom of the ROM on bench press so if you're not even touching your chest, you're not being effective for "sculpting". barbell flat bench press is not the best exercise for your chest anyway. do some weighted dips, cable flys etc.
for strength? i'd suggest you bench press with proper form/ROM. same with all the big compounds.
Oh okay,

I only bench every other week, I do mostly dumbell work and cable fly work
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