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No more destroying my shins on DL day

They're called shinnovate if you have the same problem as me. Designed specifically for weight training.
I never once did that either. I got bruises from power cleans. Like tiny ones on my thighs. Nothing bad at all.
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Max Back Squats: 5X @ 235 went for 245 and did x2

Row 3000m -12:03
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that's kinda suspect 

just man up and take some bruises 
If it were just bruises I would. My sh**ts open up and bleed

Am i doing it wrong... i dont drag the bar up my shins or bang my shins when i DL
Different strokes for different folks. Engaging my lats and pulling against the shins is how I learned (Rippletoe). Allows the lift to occur in the straightest possible path.
You def shouldn't be opening up gashes in your shins because of deadlifts.
a little bump yes.. but ripping it apart everytime.... that's not ok
Am i doing it wrong... i dont drag the bar up my shins or bang my shins when i DL
I don't either. I also engage my lats but i don't pull back. I'm also on the shorter side so anatomy can play a role.

I haven't done squats or deads in about 2 weeks due to lower back pain from terrible posture while doing homework late nights. It finally feels back to normal so I'm hoping I can get back to it tomorrow.
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I don't either. I also engage my lats but i don't pull back. I'm also on the shorter side so anatomy can play a role.

I haven't done squats or deads in about 2 weeks due to lower back pain from terrible posture while doing homework late nights. It finally feels back to normal so I'm hoping I can get back to it tomorrow.
standing desk >>>>>>
Am i doing it wrong... i dont drag the bar up my shins or bang my shins when i DL

Are you "squatting" when DLing? I used to not be close to my shins. Now that I keep my hips a lot higher, I know what people are talking about.
Yeah I'm short. I didn't think of that but that still seems excessive. I just let my arms hang and push straight down with my legs. I imagine pushing through the floor. Never had an ounce of pain. Not my shins or lower back. I keep my *** up a little higher than cleans.

Going for 225 tonight. You guys weren't kidding about how quick you can up the weight.
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Are you "squatting" when DLing? I used to not be close to my shins. Now that I keep my hips a lot higher, I know what people are talking about.

Exactly this. Gotta get those hips up.

I wrote a long and detailed post about exactly this issue the last time the scraping the shins thing came up. I feel like that post was largely ignored :lol:
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This picture helped me a lot when I first started deadlifting. Ideally the set up should look something like 1) according to Rippetoe. My deadlift is a hybrid of 1/3 with my hips slightly higher then 1 but not as high as 3. Obviously limb lengths and anatomy will factor in as well
I don't either. I also engage my lats but i don't pull back. I'm also on the shorter side so anatomy can play a role.

I haven't done squats or deads in about 2 weeks due to lower back pain from terrible posture while doing homework late nights. It finally feels back to normal so I'm hoping I can get back to it tomorrow.

Foam roll bruh. I used to wake up with lower back aches everyday and foam rolling has me feeling a buck.
I want to gain 5-10lbs but its so hard getting 2.75 k calories in.

I know it may seem easy to yall but with school + work its a struggle 

need some meal prep ideas for real.

This picture helped me a lot when I first started deadlifting. Ideally the set up should look something like 1) according to Rippetoe. My deadlift is a hybrid of 1/3 with my hips slightly higher then 1 but not as high as 3. Obviously limb lengths and anatomy will factor in as well
Good pic. 1 here.

Foam roll bruh. I used to wake up with lower back aches everyday and foam rolling has me feeling a buck.
True. I've been telling myself to buy one for the longest but still haven't. I guess it's time.
Had to share this story. I rarely have dreams when i sleep or i dont remember them, whatever you want to call it. Light sleeper. But yesterday i had a solid leg day, and i think that contributed to me falling into a reallly deep sleep and had my best dream i had in years. It was about when i had the best summer fling ever, i was 22, so it was 9 years ago. She was 19 or 20. I was home for the summer so it was known it was going to end. Over 3 months, me and her smashed like every day, and she was fine AF. The dream was mad real! Her booty was soft AF. Lmao.
Do yall have dreams and real deep sleeps after great work outs?
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