STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

:lol: Why did you lose respect for him maybe it worked for him lol. I tend to watch more of the power lifters now because it seems they just have better tips

Because that logically makes no sense at all :lol:  

maybe all respect isn't the right term, but come on :smh:

Just to raise some conversation and learn on this. Hypothetically if you widen your grip...and it limits the could save your shoulders? Ive played with widening my grip and arching my back a little more and it has shortened my bench motion. Whether it has helped my shoulders....idk really but it doesn't seem out of the realm of possible in my head. When i think of leverage points and the mechanics of it.

Idk i think a lot of it would depend on the persons size. No one who is 5 foot 5 should be holding pointer finger on the groove. But idk any other opinions?
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is it our bi weekly crossfit bash time !!!!!!

yess I patiently wait every 2 weeks for this!!!!
Don't flatter yourself, don't live in this thread. Was playing catch up, CFB and the World Series have consumed my minimal posting.

Just find it ironic. Don't feel bad cause I called you out for being a hypocrite. Not going to knock the powerlifting community, it's a great one. Then there are some that are full of ****. :lol:.

Talks **** about CF form, gives pass to power lifters. **** outta here.
Daaaaaaammmmmmmmm. Shots fired
I had a lot of misconceptions about crossfit until I actually started doing it. It's a lot of fun and a great way to improve your physique/strength/stamina.
Bruh today is the day before Halloween and I work in a school and theres mad candy. IDGAF I'm eating it all
i do crossfit also. I park a little further from the gym. and carry my heavy gym bag in

Annnnnnnd there it is, nothing to back up your claim except trying to bash me, just like every other time you try to call me out.

You ALWAYS find a way to bring crossfit up :lol:  I haven't said a word about you guys having **** form in awhile, nor do I care anymore because it doesn't affect me one bit.

Just go sit your *** down man you're not a strength coach, a competitive cross fitter, someone with years of experience, or anyone that I have to take serious when they speak so miss me with any of your BS.

And before you even say it, I don't claim to be anything more than a powerlifter, but unlike you I don't come in here sounding like a pompous know it all.

You aren't either, but you trump around like you're the moderator or the authority in this thread. :lol:. It's almost become intolerable to come in here.

I called you out on your "disclaimer". "Don't you dare..." :lol:.

Acting like you know people's resume. Your ego is ridiculous.

Let's check the first dummies form, off the top... Narrow stance, quad dominant and a rounded back. #nohamstringsallowed

Sorry for the reality check.

It's one thing to say, "man that's an impressive amount of weight to lift with questionable form". It's another to say what you said. GT*O! :lol:

Always love the reaction of a person getting called out on their ********.

is it our bi weekly crossfit bash time !!!!!!

yess I patiently wait every 2 weeks for this!!!!

Not even that, ya'll can go back to your circle jerk. Just here to help someone that was lost and couldn't help calling a spade a spade.
You aren't either, but you trump around like you're the moderator or the authority in this thread.
. It's almost become intolerable to come in here.
PLEASE tell me your resume then? I'm still under the assumption that you don't even lift, you occasionally do some crossfit and you're like 35? LOL  My resume is the numbers I put up on the platform, where it actually counts, call me cocky I don't really care but I'm actually doing what I say I do and I have PROOF so don't think for a second you are calling me out on jack **** buddy.

Don't even try to act like I'm the bad guy either, I haven't even posted in here a lot lately..... Also ask the COUNTLESS people who message me asking for help if I'm making this thread "intolerable to come in".

Just because YOU think he has bad form doesn't make it a fact. There is no such thing as correct universal form for everyone, the dude pulls damn near 700 and you want to talk about form? That just shows you don't know what you're talking about. My original statement was directed toward the gym bros who barely deadlift anything and would want to cry about his from cause his back is rounded but he is pulling double what they can....

Don even respond, just come see me in the gym dog
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Always have had weak legs compared to my upper body, and always have had lower back/back issues maybe due to bad form while squatting on top of other things. My front squa form is pretty good, and I hit 185 for 1 rep today. Felt good. Might not be much to all you bros but felt great to me, and the testosterone is real right now. :smokin
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I've been doing back extensions and thats been helpful for me 
With the extensions are you supposed to feel it more in your back or your hamstrings? I feel the strech in my legs but once I finish and get down my back tightens up alot
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With the extensions are you supposed to feel it more in your back or your hamstrings? I feel the strech in my legs but once I finish and get down my back tightens up alot
PLEASE tell me your resume then? I'm still under the assumption that you don't even lift, you occasionally do some crossfit and you're like 35? LOL  My resume is the numbers I put up on the platform, where it actually counts, call me cocky I don't really care but I'm actually doing what I say I do and I have PROOF so don't think for a second you are calling me out on jack **** buddy.

Don't even try to act like I'm the bad guy either, I haven't even posted in here a lot lately..... Also ask the COUNTLESS people who message me asking for help if I'm making this thread "intolerable to come in".

Just because YOU think he has bad form doesn't make it a fact. There is no such thing as correct universal form for everyone, the dude pulls damn near 700 and you want to talk about form? That just shows you don't know what you're talking about. My original statement was directed toward the gym bros who barely deadlift anything and would want to cry about his from cause his back is rounded but he is pulling double what they can....

Don even respond, just come see me in the gym dog 8)  

Sure, let me book a round trip flight to Jersey to work out at 24 Hour Fitness, :lol:

Sorry, forgot you make all the rules.

No universal form, you are incorrect and correct at the same time. If you're talking about starting position. There isn't a universal starting position, alter your stance based on bone structure and body composition.

A rounded back though... You're going to defend it because he's pulling X amount of weight. Love how your minions are assembling, sorry I called out their daddy.

Miss me on leading the blind. I get hit up too, and the advice I always give is what to look for in a real life setting. I'm not trying to remote/internet coach someone. If they're ok with getting training and nutrition coaching from a guy on a shoe sub forum. That's on them.
Just to raise some conversation and learn on this. Hypothetically if you widen your grip...and it limits the could save your shoulders? Ive played with widening my grip and arching my back a little more and it has shortened my bench motion. Whether it has helped my shoulders....idk really but it doesn't seem out of the realm of possible in my head. When i think of leverage points and the mechanics of it.

Idk i think a lot of it would depend on the persons size. No one who is 5 foot 5 should be holding pointer finger on the groove. But idk any other opinions?

The wider you grip the bar, the more likely you are to injure your shoulder/rotator cuf :lol:
went back and watched those DL vids again. going to deadlift in my romaleos today and see how that feels. i usually just wear socks and wearing a raised heel seems counter-intuitive but i'll give it a shot. also, this device looks pretty cool. wish i had one.

My boy does cross fit and he's pretty big. 5-9 190 pounds straight muscle. He will not tell you he does cross fit though. :lol: I don't know anything about it so I'm not knocking it. I see it obviously works for him...
went back and watched those DL vids again. going to deadlift in my romaleos today and see how that feels. i usually just wear socks and wearing a raised heel seems counter-intuitive but i'll give it a shot. also, this device looks pretty cool. wish i had one.

the reverse hyper-extension is one of favorite exercises after my herniated disc.

if anyone has sciatica or lower back pains from a herniation, the RHE really helps with the pain. I do this 3x a week, 3x15 with just body weight.
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That reverse hyper + slow negative GHRs have really helped out my squat lately

My gym just got one of these Swiss bars and I really love it.. this dropset the guy talks about in the vid is killer

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