STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

As i tell everyone you just need a goal man.
you're an architect to your whole body, but you have to start with the blueprint to what you want.. once you have that the rest falls in place. go get your tools and start building and dont stop til your fully built man.
I'm just really trying to go slowly and not get hurt. That's my goal. Stay healthy. I think if I can just go to the gym without stopping the numbers will take care of themselves.

Many times I will get strong and get hurt somehow and go back to square one. :lol:

Not this yr. Knock on wood.

I'm really not about that 15 pound PR life. If I get a 5 pound PR I'll stop and save it for another day lol
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315 is like high school weight 
Yeah my goal is to just get stronger and not stop. I already hit my initial weight goal. Basically I was tired of being 115# and got a new hobby out of it. Now I just want to get stronger and stronger. I'm just trying to do it all right and take my time. It's coming fast naturally no need to rush and hurt myself.

My sub goal is to have the most shredded back in the game for someone of my weight. But I dont care that much.
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MPLSdunk didn't you get in a bad car accident a long time ago? or was that someone else (i'm not talking about al audi brah).
Yeah that was me. Remember when I was talking to you about plates in my arm? That's from the accident.
:pimp: thanks sir. Been a long time coming. The car accident and some other stuff had me feeling 75 years old. Trying to do better these days and take care of myself.
i hear you man. i got pictures of me weighing about 120# when i was smoking ice 24-7 and then weighing 210# after i was sober for years :lol: my body been through the ringer with the lifestyle i lived but i'm healthier and stronger than i've ever been. feels good man.
:pimp: thanks sir. Been a long time coming. The car accident and some other stuff had me feeling 75 years old. Trying to do better these days and take care of myself.

What happen??! Maybe I forgot, glad to hear you're better. I can't wait to go back to the gym. Push man. Good to hear.
you too? Damn, you know what I'm saying then for real.

Yeah I got 3 years off the sauce and when I was on it I was playing in the snow a lot.

Do people see you now and are like "wtf man!?" :lol: I used to wake up feeling and looking like a truck hit me daily. I'm sure you can relate. :lol:
i can definitely relate :lol:

yeah man, tell al audi what happened. he's recovering from a bad accident right now and i know yours was real bad too.
:pimp: thanks sir. Been a long time coming. The car accident and some other stuff had me feeling 75 years old. Trying to do better these days and take care of myself.

What happen??! Maybe I forgot, glad to hear you're better. I can't wait to go back to the gym. Push man. Good to hear.

I passed out behind the wheel and messed myself up something serious. The main deal was my liver got torn in half and lost most my blood. That's what was gonna kill me. Everything else was broken bones and a traumatic brain injury. Don't care about the lingering crap. I'm good for the most part and happy I'm not brain dead and my liver is 100%.

This was a while ago though man, **** just put me in an even further spiral. Now I got my head on straight.

Your recovery still going good man? You got a way better attitude than I ever had. Straight up, much respect. It isn't easy laying up waiting to get better. Sounds easy till you live it...
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Ohhh man. That sucks. I fell asleep behind the wheel one time and effed up my car pretty badly. Thankfully, the only part of me that was hurt was my wallet. Glad you recovered bruh :smokin
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Word, b thanks. That accident is the reason I try to make sure I'm well rested before I drive, or at least caffeinated.
I passed out behind the wheel and messed myself up something serious. The main deal was my liver got torn in half and lost most my blood. That's what was gonna kill me. Everything else was broken bones and a traumatic brain injury. Don't care about the lingering crap. I'm good for the most part and happy I'm not brain dead and my liver is 100%.

This was a while ago though man, **** just put me in an even further spiral. Now I got my head on straight.

Your recovery still going good man? You got a way better attitude than I ever had. Straight up, much respect. It isn't easy laying up waiting to get better. Sounds easy till you live it...

O wow!!

Yea man mindset is everything yea glad ur not brain dead, same coulda happened to me.
I was drunk af E everysingletime over .4 I can't remember what it was exactly. I quit drinking or else I wouldn't have shared that.

al audi al audi yeah man, ***** a journey for sure. Keep it up and soon you'll be in here swole again. :pimp:
Nah. The cop told me he thought I was dead anyways.

Well told my mom to tell me...
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