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Ok cool. I do cleans regularily so I'm pretty sure I got the motion down... I know my form is good now but my god when I first started... :lol:

I'm in it for the long haul so I want a good foundation so yeah I'll watch a few dead lift videos and give er hell. I'll probably just start with a hook grip right off the bat right? Just to get used to it?

For some reason I want the strongest back in all the land.

How much do you clean?

If you clean regularly then I take that back. Work your way up to your max clean and then load a little more depending on how you feel. I wouldn't use hook grip or mixed grip until you start getting pretty heavy.

The biggest change you'd have to adjust is hip height and that there's no rebend in the knees after the initial pull.
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I clean 95# currently.

Yeah that's what I was thinking. Stop before I bounce the bar for the snatch and that's a deadlift...

Ok cool will do regular grip.
For time, 4 rounds

12 OHS #45
12 GHD sit-ups


Hip clean pull + hip clean
4 - 1+1 (x2)

I regular grip on my cleans but I grip the hell out of the bar...

I only hook for snatches...
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I think I'm confused on what a snatch is. While power cleaning isn't the part where you get under the bar with your elbows out called the snatch? And isn't this also a snatch?

I think I'm confused on what a snatch is. While power cleaning isn't the part where you get under the bar with your elbows out called the snatch? And isn't this also a snatch?


In the picture is a Snatch. Wider grip.

Cleans is when your grip is closer and you are getting your elbow up while you get under the bar. Basically a Front Squat; by the way will help your gains for cleans.

Power cleans starts anywhere above parallel. However, you still have to go into a full squat.
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Ok nice. Thanks for clarifying, so I am power cleaning and I don't know why I thought that part was called the snatch. I'm gonna work on getting that front squat in better tonight now that I'm catching the bar nice with my body and my squat game is solid.

How often do you do them? Thinking I'll just alternate cleans/deadlift with bench. Back day is gonna be straight hell.

Trying to make somewhat of a routine.
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Monday- Snatch. Snatch Pull. Every other week. (Sometimes I do full snatch. But I use blocks too (Knee or Hips)
Overhead Squats alternative Week.

Tuesday- Clean pull + Clean combo. Clean Pull. I use blocks too. (Knee and Hips) Every other week.
Alternative week. Cleans and Jerks. Clean pull + clean + jerk. Clean pulls. Either from knee or hip.

Thursday- I front squats and back squats. Depending on the week. I may do 80%-90%. 3x2.
Or I may do 60-75% and multiple reps like 5x5

Friday I power lift. Chest, tri/biceps, lots of shoulders, hamstrings, and leg press excercises.
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Thanks bro, big help sorting that all out for me. Cleans are about to be one of the main lifts again. I got kind of frustrated with them for a while.
Thanks bro, big help sorting that all out for me. Cleans are about to be one of the main lifts again. I got kind of frustrated with them for a while.

Best thing to do if you get frustrated is pick up the PVC pipe or broomstick and do the technique over and over and over again. Then hit that bar.

Sometimes I miss 2 in a row, then hit the pvc pipe about 5 strokes, then I am able to get it.

Techniques is everything. Patience, Perfection, Power. That first pull need to be patient and Perfect. Speed up once you on the second pull and load those quads with power. Big chest coming up off that bottom (squat) when doing cleans.
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Damn. That's a good move with the pipe. I'm off to the gym now. I'm just gonna hit the bar 10x or so just because and get those front squats in better.

I can def get them up quick but I just want to double check my form.

You compete right?

Edit: added 10 pounds on the last set and got it every time. :pimp:
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If you are confused with what is a snatch and what is a clean, then I'd question whether you're really cleaning with good form like you think you are. Are you being coached? Kinda hard to do this on your own.
Damn. That's a good move with the pipe. I'm off to the gym now. I'm just gonna hit the bar 10x or so just because and get those front squats in better.

I can def get them up quick but I just want to double check my form.

You compete right?

Edit: added 10 pounds on the last set and got it every time. :pimp:

Training to compete in oly lifting and crossfit. First meet is in Dec. for the Master (35+ age)
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If you are confused with what is a snatch and what is a clean, then I'd question whether you're really cleaning with good form like you think you are. Are you being coached? Kinda hard to do this on your own.

Yeah I am. He got me in good form and started me off with the bar. Yeah at first they were horrible until I got the motions down. I think someone told me that was a snatch or something. He just kept flipping the bar back and forth saying it was a snatch (random guy, not my boy). Just confused me while I was new in the gym. Idk I know it now though.

My boy who shows me all this told me my form is real good now. But I'm not dong big weight so I can focus. I got sick of him yelling at me about less weight. What do you know he was right...
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I'm more than sure he's being funny,

"Oly Lifting" better yet "weightlifting" is not Crossfit. Two different sport. :lol:

If that's the case then start-up a body building thread because that's what must of you guys doing anyway.
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To clarify things for you, the snatch is getting the bar from the ground to overhead in one motion.

The clean is the action of getting the bar from the ground to resting on your shoulder. If you can get it to your shoulder without having to squat below parallel to receive the bar that's a power clean. If you need to squat to get the bar onto your shoulders that's a full clean. And since the point of weightlifting is to get the bar overhead, you need another motion - the jerk.

Idk what you're talking about when you're saying 'dude is flipping the bar back and forth and calling that a snatch' lol. In no way is the snatch any part of the clean and jerk, that's a different movement altogether.
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Amel, I don't know what he was talking about either. He was wrong and this was at a martial arts gym. :lol: just a bro, he was kicking above my head for no reason right before...

Yeah I'm power cleaning. I'm not squatting the weight up I'm jumping it up.

I did get deadlifts in yesterday too. Arms like ropes, push your legs through the floor. Felt fine with no lower back tweaks or anything like that, just woke up and I'm feeling good sore not bad sore.

Powerclean w/front squat 3x8 95# 1x4 110#
Deadlift 2x8 110# 1x8 135#
Dips 3x12 on the assist machine -5#
Db Shrugs 40# got a little drill for that
Lat raises

That's what I did last night
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I haven't deadlifted in many months. Just oly lifting and squatting. I kinda wonder if my max is higher now. I feel like I'm stronger. Last I checked it was 250..
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