STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Yeah I know they are his coaches. I'm a little dude like his coach. It's just impressive as hell to me because I'm out here not able to clean plates yet. That's some beast weight. :pimp:
Good luck on your journey, sir. Weightlifting is an awesome sport. My only regret is that I didn't pick it up when I was a teen. All those years wasted.
Bro me too, I used to lift as a teen. Was bigger than I am now but only for 6 months. I'm never stopping now. I looks at pics of me from the spring and I was a skeleton 115# looking like I smoked dope or something. Not a good look, never going back to that. Plus I do hella manual labor so it's nice being able to throw stuff I couldn't even lift before. Always gonna crush food and hit the gym. It's not that hard to keep a nice build.

Eat like a madman. Once I can do 3x12 throw more weight on and 3x8 wash rinse repeat. That's pretty much every lift I do, I use those sets.
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Good luck on your journey, sir. Weightlifting is an awesome sport. My only regret is that I didn't pick it up when I was a teen. All those years wasted.

Werd. I'm 35, so I am in a whole different tax bracket. :lol:
My first competition is on Dec 4th in Florida.

Master Tour. Gulf Breeze, FL.

1st WOD:

95# Power Cleans + Burpee to a 45# plate
3-6-9-12 for time

2nd WOD:

Triplet AMRAP
50 Wall Ball 20#
30 Snatches 75#
Pull-ups for reps for 8 mins

3rd WOD

Chipper - 12 mins cap

50 Thrusters at 95#
40 Toes 2 Bar
30 Overhead Wall Ball Walking Lunge #20
20 Burpees
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My dude Steve Cook tryna run a half marathon lol. 8:00 mark he goes shoe shopping... pretty funny ****.


i respect the heck out of his grind.........

but im good I'll keep my insides heavy and hard to digest with my animal based protein!!

that rice he made tho, i'll be stealing the recipe. tired of just boiling it
That run in this cool windy weather was a bad idea to start this season up 
. Asthma kicked in pretty good. I need to build that tolerance.
I feel like dude should have a lot less padding around the torso given his diet and training. Sum'n wrong.

Also, you want to start on an incline something low. Gradually add.5 to the incline as weeks go by.

A lot of people's high intensity varies. Some go by time on treadmill some go by the distance. I usually go by the music,while I'm running by the time I get to a certain song like BMF I'll go hard the whole song. Then lower my running speed wait a few songs and do it again once another High energy song comes on again.

You can't really target belly Fat you are typically gonna lose all over. You can add exercises to strengthen your core muscles that will aid in that overtime.

Also you might wanna clean up your eating/drinking a bit. It's a lot easier when your eating/drinking is on par with your workouts.

My final tip . Eventually run twice a day. That night run after your final meal is #gainz all day. Twice a day will come overtime if you like to run.
Why a night run is good for your gains ?
I feel like dude should have a lot less padding around the torso given his diet and training. Sum'n wrong.
I was thinking the same thing when I watched it a few weeks ago, but I doubt his diet is that on point macro wise.  I am thinking as high protein as he is saying his meals are, they are likely also very high fat and high carb.  And I'm sure his strength training is non-existent beyond training to avoid injuries.  

My body composition reacts incredibly poorly if I mix high carb and high fat contents in my meal. Whereas if I separate them between high fat/high protein days and high carb/high protein based on training needs, there is a vast improvement in my body composition.
Isn't it weird how sometimes you lift better when you're hurt?

I was doing some snatches, my form went iffy and tweaked my shoulder a bit.

Then I focused hard the next set not to put myself in a position where it hurt and the snatch ended up feeling better. And then I went up ten more pounds from there.
Isn't it weird how sometimes you lift better when you're hurt?

I was doing some snatches, my form went iffy and tweaked my shoulder a bit.

Then I focused hard the next set not to put myself in a position where it hurt and the snatch ended up feeling better. And then I went up ten more pounds from there.

Isn't it weird how sometimes you lift better when you're hurt?

I was doing some snatches, my form went iffy and tweaked my shoulder a bit.

Then I focused hard the next set not to put myself in a position where it hurt and the snatch ended up feeling better. And then I went up ten more pounds from there.
New to this thread, I generally hoop 2-3 times per week and hit weights 2 times per week.
Nothing spectacular but my weights routine is:
Rows of 3 x 11 of 150 pounds
Bench 3 x 11 of 135 pounds
Squat 3 x 11 of 210 pounds
Sled push 4 x 30 yards of 130 pounds
Kettle bell thrusts 3 x 11 of 18 KGs
Pull down bar 3 x 11 of 140 pounds
7 pounds from my og goal of 160. Thinking 180 and chill there now... I got a lot more filling out I can do.
Today was week 5 of Overhead Squats at 3x2.

I couldn't get that 165 X 2. But I did get it X 1. New *PR for me. I PR 10lbs each week starting from week 1.
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