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cutting out all non natural carbs as of today. I have been a pescatarian for about 5 years.. just feel like carbs are sticking with me. 
cutting out all non natural carbs as of today. I have been a pescatarian for about 5 years.. just feel like carbs are sticking with me. 

This is what you need
I'm really looking to put on about 10 extra, and turn it to muscle. I'm 6'2 and hovering 175 lbs.

Ideally, I'd like to be at a solid 200.
No workout today. Its my birthday and just devoured some bipimbap. I finished my goal dieting wise and feeling great will be back on the meal plan grind tomm
I think lifting helped my messed up arm. I used to not be able to get it back far enough to squat with out a smith machine. Today I tried it again 3 months later with a regular bar and was fine. Almost fell on my *** but no more pain. :pimp:
I want to add rack pull shrugs into the routine tonight. I know you can go reallllll heavy with those but I'm not sure where I should start with weight... I'm 150 pounds

I know you're supposed to do about what you deadlift maybe a little more. I've never deadlifted though. Thinking I'll just start at like 150 to get the form on point?
Lol, if you're still learning to deadlift, you should start with 65 or 85 pounds, or maybe even the bar.

Plenty of time to add on weight.

I've seen dudes a lot bigger than me start with just the bar or 65 for a few weeks. Not long after that, they're doing 200 with proper form lol, and so on and so on.
Ok cool. I do cleans regularily so I'm pretty sure I got the motion down... I know my form is good now but my god when I first started... :lol:

I'm in it for the long haul so I want a good foundation so yeah I'll watch a few dead lift videos and give er hell. I'll probably just start with a hook grip right off the bat right? Just to get used to it?

For some reason I want the strongest back in all the land.
Hit a leg workout yesterday and went back to the gym at night for 30min HIIT cardio

Feelin the soreness today but I know the real soreness wont hit me 100% till tomorrow [emoji]128547[/emoji]
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