STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Oh okay.

I WOD for an hour and the. 2 hours I lift. Half hours on skills.(muscle-ups, hspu, pistol squats, etc) Powerlifting only on Fridays.

6 days a week I train.

Funny I do this and Thrusters are still my weakness. That's a full fledge workout in itself

Damn. That's a nice load you're putting on yourself. You're going to be lifting more than me very soon.
Ran 5k this morning. Havent been able to do that type of distance in a while (im not a runner nor did i do much cardio during bulks or prior.)
It was tough but felt good to complete. Hoping i can contine u getting faster and better with breathing
I ran 2 miles today that I didn't want to do but if you are down for some 3/5k races just let me know.
Chill with the vest pa

Your joints may appreciate you.


A 20lb vest is not going to damage his joints. Old school ankle and wrist weights MAY put some strain on joints but saying a 20lb vest will, which evenly distributes the weight, is just bro science as far as I'm concerned.

A 20lb vest is not going to damage his joints. Old school ankle and wrist weights MAY put some strain on joints but saying a 20lb vest will, which evenly distributes the weight, is just bro science as far as I'm concerned.
I know 

A 20lb vest is not going to damage his joints. Old school ankle and wrist weights MAY put some strain on joints but saying a 20lb vest will, which evenly distributes the weight, is just bro science as far as I'm concerned.

I was about the say, the military got it worse.

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That was a good vid. I was about to just go to the gym but now I'm gonna hit the park for a run after I get out.

That vegan nutrition is crazy man.
In b4 guys who cant lift 315 say his form is wrong and he's going to visit snap city....
Getting ready to hit the gym for the first time in a while. I'm just trying to lose some belly fat. Anyone got some tips? Treadmill vs elliptical? HIIT tips?
Getting ready to hit the gym for the first time in a while. I'm just trying to lose some belly fat. Anyone got some tips? Treadmill vs elliptical? HIIT tips?


Also, you want to start on an incline something low. Gradually add.5 to the incline as weeks go by.

A lot of people's high intensity varies. Some go by time on treadmill some go by the distance. I usually go by the music,while I'm running by the time I get to a certain song like BMF I'll go hard the whole song. Then lower my running speed wait a few songs and do it again once another High energy song comes on again.

You can't really target belly Fat you are typically gonna lose all over. You can add exercises to strengthen your core muscles that will aid in that overtime.

Also you might wanna clean up your eating/drinking a bit. It's a lot easier when your eating/drinking is on par with your workouts.

My final tip . Eventually run twice a day. That night run after your final meal is #gainz all day. Twice a day will come overtime if you like to run.
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my fav cardio machine in the gym is the rowing machine

I hate running honestly I can never stick to it so I had to find something I can actually endure
I like the elliptical but not the kind where it raises you up super high.

Lately i just hit the bike though with some resistance.

Grine Grine damn dude is a beast. That super impressive to me because those are my exact stats give or take a pound, that's where I wanna get. Not over 170 or so and strong as an ox. :pimp:
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I don't have many gym pet peeves....but my main one is watching when someone is suppose to be the watching/training/helping their gym partner, but the person is doing something completely wrong...
dudes Dad/uncle. sat there and was watching his 15 year old kid struggling on bench. i mean kid was lop sided. not even picking it up half the time... just struggling. dude wasn't even helping.
then had the nerve to still record it as a good set or rep in the book

then had him doing box jumps... incorrectly. then with weight as he was still barely making it...
kid was struggling
When you set up for bench, do you guys unrack the bar and then let the bar + gravity retract your scapulae to help stabilize (sort of like a reverse push up plus)?
I think those stats are his coach's.

285 and 215 are good stats for someone of that height amd weight

I would be super stoked to get there one day

Lol, none of my old coaches had those stats and one of them was 6"2, 200. I think his best clean and jerk was 265 and his best snatch was 175.

My new coach is a much better lifter. His lifetime best is 396 for the clean jerk and 330 for the snatch, I believe.
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