STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

If thats a really bad squat id enjoy seeing one of your squat videos. I feel like we can all learn something from a video like that.

Spell check is a ***** [emoji]128514[/emoji] I meant it wasn't that bad

My fault.
You cant be serious. If that is fat than your version of lean is just skinny. 

Looking like you lift>

Also some of you form gurus should post a video of you lifting....
I clearly stated my opinion, he looks fat b 

As someone said earlier he looks like he eats what he wants, smokes and drink regularly and then hops in the gym after the club 
Anyone have advice on how to build a tiny waist, and big hammies/glutes?

Like what lifts and stuff.

This is where I'm currently at

Don't u feel uncomfortable with that small shirt. I feel like I can't move properly
You can't build a small waist. It's genetic. You can build up other muscles to give the illusion your waist is smaller.
Yes, yes I do.

It basically keeps me in that same position until I take it off.
I tucked it in my pants in order to show the fact that my waist and abs need work. It's a Large lol
Damn. U must be a beast. When I wear small shirts like that. When I move my arms up over my head the sleeves roll up. Hate that ish.
Had to back squat 90% of my max
5x4 110KG

Then turn around and run 1 mile with a 20# slam ball for time. Going up and down a hill.
Hard part was holding that damn ball. Time was 8:34
I clearly stated my opinion, he looks fat b 

As someone said earlier he looks like he eats what he wants, smokes and drink regularly and then hops in the gym after the club 
Well in this case your opinion is wrong. If you think he's fat then you probably have body dysmorphia issues. 

There is a very high probability that he does everything in your second statement though lol
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Gais, 5/3/1 with Joker sets on Deadlift then 5x5 at 80% is no joke. It'll be the only lift you do that day and should effectively paralyze you for a day or so. Anyone looking to get gainz on DL, try this out
Only way you can make your waist smaller is by dropping body fat. If you're already as low as you want then like duke said you just have to keep working on growth.

My favorite things for hamstring growth besides deadlifts and RDLs is the Hamstring/Glute Raise. HGRs and Hyperextensions on that thing work the Hams pretty good
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