STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Food network channel is watched angrily till cheat day. The DDD show hurts me to watch. Come actual cheat day, list is a couple pages deep. D@mn near ready to leave town for a restaurant.
Buying good weights isn't too hard, the problem is the bench and stuff. You go cheap on them and it's potential disaster.
True, most cheap benches sit too high off the damn ground for me, so I had to drop the dough and get a nice one.
True, most cheap benches sit too high off the damn ground for me, so I had to drop the dough and get a nice one.

Not only that the cheap ones are wobbly. Setting you weights up when you're done with a set is like setting up a death trap.
That death trap taught you balance though. First bench I ever used was that kind with the leg extension. Better re-rack balanced or die.
Balance both literally, and the balance between life and death :lol:

I had my first POS bench back when, and when you rack it up after a set you couldn't just throw in back because it had a U shaped mount to put the bar in. You over shoot that say goodbye to the connective tissue in your shoulders :lol:
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Currently in bulking mode after cutting from early April to end of June.

Weight before cutting: 190-192 lbs
Weight after cutting: 177-179 lbs
Current weight after 1 month of this current bulking phase: 182-183 lbs

[COLOR=#red]My standard eating ritual/schedule (when I'm not traveling for work anyways):

Breakfast around 8 AM: 3 scrambled eggs and 2 slices of turkey bacon

Lunch #1 around 11-11:30 AM: one cup of rice and one grilled chicken breast

Lunch #2 around 1:30-2:00 PM: one cup of rice and 2 grilled pork chops

Snack around 4-4:30 PM: usually a granola bar and a Fit Crunch protein bar. Looking to try those Qwest bars I've seen everyone say are good once I finish my batch of Fit Crunch.

Dinner around 6:30-7:00 PM (depends on how late I'm staying at work and traffic): I've been trying to mix it up with pasta/meatballs and then steak. Totally open to adding something else to the rotation since all these meals will inevitably get old quick lol

Hit the gym around 1-1:30 AM and then have my protein shake when I get home.[/COLOR]

For drinks, I've been strictly on water, coffee in mornings, gatorade, milk used for protein shakes and Amino mix drink. Been off soda since Oct 2013 and rarely drink alcohol/beer.

Any advice/tips on to improve my meal plan to bulk more efficiently would be greatly appreciated. I've been doing this for about a month now and trying to make it a point to be bulking clean.

I usually have a cheat meal for Wednesday work lunch and Friday night dinner.

I had a hidden fat gut for the longest time :smh: (I had that misleading appearance where if you ignored my stomach/mid section area, you'd think at first glance "ah ok, he looks like a pretty buff athletic guy" until you saw me shirtless :rofl: :x ) and finally worked it off during my cutting phase. Not anywhere close to having visible abs but been working my core out more regularly so my midsection has been a lot better than it was before.

PM's welcomed so that we don't derail this bench press debate that's also got me wondering how I'm gonna do my chest day next :lol:

It feels good finally committing to a plan of any kind these last 4 months and seeing the results. I was a waist size 36 before cutting and then currently around 33-34. Doesn't sound like much but all my size 36 shorts/jeans are all hella loose on me now :lol:
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everyone's body is different-- but I know for myself, I can't really mess with all that red meat and keep off a belly. I tried to have steak in my omelette every morning during a bulk once, and my body just didn't process it well.

I try to stick with a lot of chicken and salmon-- and eat foods that are supposed to be good for building muscle and/or high in protein: sweet potatoes, greek yogurt, blueberries, broccoli, brown rice, beans... strictly water for me.
everyone's body is different-- but I know for myself, I can't really mess with all that red meat and keep off a belly. I tried to have steak in my omelette every morning during a bulk once, and my body just didn't process it well.

I try to stick with a lot of chicken and salmon-- and eat foods that are supposed to be good for building muscle and/or high in protein: sweet potatoes, greek yogurt, blueberries, broccoli, brown rice, beans... strictly water for me.

I make it tougher for myself on food options since I don't like seafood but I was basically living off chicken breasts upon chicken breasts during my cutting phase. Wanted to blow my brains out by end of the 2nd month and still managed to do one more month :lol:

Was incorporating greek yogurt during my cut so will look to add it back in to the rotation.
nothing wrong with chicken breast man, especially if you buy good quality stuff :pimp: i love it. so many ways to cook it.

havent been eating my fage yogurt as of late. i miss it :frown:
Just started reading this thread again, I'll write what I've been trying to do.

I got down from 207 beginning of May and weighed in at 193 today. Hopefully I'll be around 185-189 end of August, my goal range. My whole diet hasn't been perfect but I've been eating pretty much salads with low-calorie vinaigrette dressing, oatmeal breakfasts, chicken breasts, 0% fat greek yogurt, fruit (blueberries, apples, bananas) and scoops of whey protein here and there. I was on IIFYM for a while, but the counting just wore me out so I just eye ball reasonable portions. Sometimes I've gotten a cone of ice cream from UDF, I'll buy a cookie for a snack while having coffee, or I'll get a Chipotle burrito for lunch, but I try not to do it every day.

Workouts have been at least 5-6 days a week. Since school was out, it's been nice to be able to concentrate on one part of the body at a time. I'm hoping I can keep it going this upcoming semester. Right now my split is something like:


I've started incorporating an ab routine at the end of the workout to burn more fat, so I do 2 days of ab routines (abdominals one day, obliques next), take a day of rest, then do them again. After lifting, I'll either run as hard as I can home at a good pace, or doing some sprints. I'd like to create a HIIT circuit with no weights, just body exercises (i.e. burpees or jump-roping). Still have a lot of belly fat and almost every day I feel tired and sore. IDK if anyone watches his videos, but Scott Herman's Youtube videos have helped me with a lot of the workout routines I do.

Hoping to hit 170 by the end of the year, but we'll see what happens. It's going to be challenging trying to stay fit, eat right, work, stay involved, get enough sleep and go to class, but literally every time I go to the gym, any problems I feel I have coming into the gym seem to go away. So many people go to the gym just to be seen but I go just to prove to myself I can get in better shape.
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yea i have abs year round. not like contest ready, but 9-10%bf is pretty common
9-10% BF is not very common at all... maybe on the internet where everybody swears they are in single digit BF... but a lot of people really have no clue how much BF they actually have
9-10% BF is not very common at all... maybe on the internet where everybody swears they are in single digit BF... but a lot of people really have no clue how much BF they actually have
I was going to say this but didn't feel like starting another fight. Most people I see at the gym aren't under 12% BF and if they are they have very little muscle. 9/10 people will always underestimate their BF, its just what we do. 

But it will differ from person to person, some people have abs at a higher bf while others have to actually get to single digits before having them.

But Freeze and Audi are telling the truth from what pics Ive seen, no bromo. 
My bulk has been boring but I'm shooting for efficiency and cost effective standards.
5'11 typically 165 ish. Ran a marathon a little over a year ago and was super frail with like 7% bf.
Currently sitting at 175.2 during this bulk. Meals look like this:
AM1: fruit/1 cup of oats
AM2: 5 eggs/1 cup oats plus half scoop as protein
AM3: same as above
PM1: 6.5 oz boneless chicken thighs with 8 oz sweet potato and greens
PM2: 6.5 oz boneless c.t. with greens
PM3: PWO shake plus fruit
PM4: DINNER 8OZ of meat (pause), 40g of carbs
PM5: 1 cup of oats mixed with protein.

Basic, bland, and burnt out. But groceries total like 60 a week so I,can't complain. Oats are doable blended but eggs....I'm dying.
Sidenote: I got real interested in macros and made a spreadsheet with foods/serving sizes to ensure I hit ny daily goals. I can send a template if anyone wanted to take a look. It's basic but breaks down every thing from meals, to how much fruit I'll eat in the week, to the pounds of poultry/beef I need to have a surplus. LMK. Here to help and learn!
Just to put my 2 cents in on this bulking phase some of y'all currently in. I'm 34 now and happy with the muscle mass I've attained in 12 yrs. Got serious bout the whole bodybuilding thing for a bit. Went from 135 to my current weight of 205. Make sure your protein intake is up. Stay around 1g of protein per lb of body weight. Timing is important. Immediately after workout it's eating time. Protein and complex carbs for a post workout. Chicken, fish, lean red meats etc., protein with EVERY meal. Don't go longer than 3hrs without some protein/carbs. It'll keep your body in a metabolic state. Eat clean though. Don't get a d@mn large papa johns meat lovers and call it protein. Workouts need to be somewhat heavy. Sleep is beneficial. Get on a schedule. Consistency is key. Put in work, stay on schedule and you'll see results. Any questions, let me know. Don't want to leave a book here.
yea i have abs year round. not like contest ready, but 9-10%bf is pretty common
9-10% BF is not very common at all... maybe on the internet where everybody swears they are in single digit BF... but a lot of people really have no clue how much BF they actually have

No no no, I meant common for me year round. Sorry for the misunderstanding fellas
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Just to put my 2 cents in on this bulking phase some of y'all currently in. I'm 34 now and happy with the muscle mass I've attained in 12 yrs. Got serious bout the whole bodybuilding thing for a bit. Went from 135 to my current weight of 205. Make sure your protein intake is up. Stay around 1g of protein per lb of body weight. Timing is important. Immediately after workout it's eating time. Protein and complex carbs for a post workout. Chicken, fish, lean red meats etc., protein with EVERY meal. Don't go longer than 3hrs without some protein/carbs. It'll keep your body in a metabolic state. Eat clean though. Don't get a d@mn large papa johns meat lovers and call it protein. Workouts need to be somewhat heavy. Sleep is beneficial. Get on a schedule. Consistency is key. Put in work, stay on schedule and you'll see results. Any questions, let me know. Don't want to leave a book here.

Damn. Pics? No bromo. Before and after.
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everyone's body is different-- but I know for myself, I can't really mess with all that red meat and keep off a belly. I tried to have steak in my omelette every morning during a bulk once, and my body just didn't process it well.

I try to stick with a lot of chicken and salmon-- and eat foods that are supposed to be good for building muscle and/or high in protein: sweet potatoes, greek yogurt, blueberries, broccoli, brown rice, beans... strictly water for me.

Great success for me. Don't forgot almonds and egg whites.
I've never been on the preworkout bandwagon, but I caved in and bought some C4. I was shocked to see how small the scoops are lol
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