STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Just a heads up for those that want to jump on Romaleo's, Rogue website is closing them out at $149.99

Tempted to get the Black/Red "Rogue" exclusive, but I'm happy with my Adipowers.

Thought I'd pass the word along.

Rogue closing these out could mean the Romaleo 3 is around the corner,
Damn man I just doubled up on the red ones the other day.

**** it Im sending them back I want those Volts.
I just focus mainly on incline. And my chest is pretty big. I don't really do decline often. So If u want a huge chest like incline...I'm 170 lbs and incline 95s for 7 reps. GET ON MY LEVEL!!!!!!!!!
I dont do any decline o_o lol coming from a powerlifter, I have grown to realize that you need to focus on what you're trying to be good at. I know it may seem simple, but you become better at what you do most. I do 10+ sets of variations of FLAT bench. And guess what, I'm pretty good at it lol as for development, before I got into powerlifting I was all about the "look" and even then no decline. I saw the biggest changes with heavy weighted dips more then anything

i dont think its matters if you do it or not

but some of yall made it seem like its the worst workout you can do..
No we didn't.

Anyone with half a brain knows flat is the best for any hypertrophy/strength goal when it comes to chest exercises. 

Now if you want to do decline then by all means go ahead, but flat is still king.
Ive read incline rivals flat bench for "best" chest workout but too much "broscience" with that discussion. People tend to do both anyways.

Never liked decline, and my chest always feels cooked after flat and incline for me to use decline anyway.
i never do decline

dips and lean forward thats it, thats usually end of a chest routine

i been LOVING reverse-grip bench press this summer an i feel it has made a change in my chest for sure

today was the first time i did incline bench an i was VERY strong

i was bangin out reps with ease 225+
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Just saw the end of that chest video and dude lost a lot of credibility when he started talking about circular motions and cables being superior to dumbbells for certain exercises.
i never do decline

dips and lean forward thats it, thats usually end of a chest routine

i been LOVING reverse-grip bench press this summer an i feel it has made a change in my chest for sure

today was the first time i did incline bench an i was VERY strong

i was bangin out reps with ease 225+
Big dawwg 
Just saw the end of that chest video and dude lost a lot of credibility when he started talking about circular motions and cables being superior to dumbbells for certain exercises.
you should leave him a comment. he will respond and debate with you.

dude loves to bust out anatomy charts, draw detailed diagrams on whiteboards, make 45min videos etc. i think hes pretty well known and respected over in the exercise science community in india.

he made jason blaha and ian mccarthy quit in a debate 
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Just a heads up for those that want to jump on Romaleo's, Rogue website is closing them out at $149.99

Tempted to get the Black/Red "Rogue" exclusive, but I'm happy with my Adipowers.

Thought I'd pass the word along.

Rogue closing these out could mean the Romaleo 3 is around the corner, :nerd:


good looks man

but that last line killed it for me

ill get these then some romaleo 3 with flyknit technology drops, an ill be pissed

who blaha? yeah he's decently strong. i know he has some weird ear/balance disorder he's been battling his whole life. i think hes legally deaf too. poor dude is all messed up and has the worst genetics of all time.
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you should leave him a comment. he will respond and debate with you.

dude loves to bust out anatomy charts, draw detailed diagrams on whiteboards, make 45min videos etc. i think hes pretty well known and respected over in the exercise science community in india.

he made jason blaha and ian mccarthy quit in a debate :rofl:  

One thing I've learned is that people take their gymin VERY personal. Their way or go to hell :lol:

who blaha? yeah he's decently strong. i know he has some weird ear/balance disorder he's been battling his whole life. i think hes legally deaf too. poor dude is all messed up and has the worst genetics of all time.
Isn't he open about his gear usage too?

Dude is out there for sure, gotta respect his IDGAF attitude though.
Just came back from GNC and that new code is invalid, in the text it shows it expires 8/31 but it ended 7/31. Thats what the clerk told me but still took the $10 off

Just make sure you have the right one

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No we didn't.

Anyone with half a brain knows flat is the best for any hypertrophy/strength goal when it comes to chest exercises. 

Now if you want to do decline then by all means go ahead, but flat is still king.

you said its like doing the leg press...

i know flat is king, i wasnt arguing that. i dont care for decline so i do it sparingly i just threw my 2 cent in there since you guys made it seem like it was worthless or not a real workout/aided
I do decline, my chest is solid and big. I bounce between that and flat. The majority of my chest work is incline, then some fly work then some decline or flat if I'm feeling it. Rarely use the barbell on the bench anymore. I prefer dbs. Feels so much more effective in working my chest.
When squatting, after coming up I feel lightheaded. Is this because I'm squeezing my core to tough? Does anyone else experience this?
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