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He says a lot more than that and explains in detail why. You could learn a thing or two
Lol So whats his reasoning behind not doing flat? I bet he sucks at flat and thats why he does decline. He seemed intelligent from the first couple minutes I saw but come on man, everyone knows flat is the best.

And to answer your question, flat DB and BB would be two of the best options for chest hypertrophy. 
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The video isnt bad, but theres a lot of stuff missing from it and some of his information is too narrow focused ignoring other vital aspects. Its better than most "chest" videos ive seen though.
So would you say for strictly chest hypertrophy the flat is superior to the decline?


I also believe the reason someones interested in chest hypertrophy plays a large role in the answer.

But in almost every aspect, id take a flat bench over a decline.
Lol So whats his reasoning behind not doing flat? I bet he sucks at flat and thats why he does decline. He seemed intelligent from the first couple minutes I saw but come on man, everyone knows flat is the best.

And to answer your question, flat DB and BB would be two of the best options for chest hypertrophy. 
He never said not to do flat.he even stated the great benefits of the flat. And yes the flat is a great exercise and all around beneficial but when it comes to chest hypertrophy it doesn't compare to the decline period. I think both exercises have their place. But to laugh at the decline like some of you guys were doing its just stupid
i rarely see people use the decline

i use it once in awhile just for an extra workout to hit the lower pecs. dont really like it that much
He never said not to do flat.he even stated the great benefits of the flat. And yes the flat is a great exercise and all around beneficial but when it comes to chest hypertrophy it doesn't compare to the decline period. I think both exercises have their place. But to laugh at the decline like some of you guys were doing its just stupid
Well if you do flat then theres no need for decline in my opinion and since flat is better in all aspects theres no reason to do decline. 

Flat involves your whole body from head to toe, it is great for strength and hypertrophy.

No one walks up to you in the gym and asks, hey how much do you decline? lol

To each his own though. 
Lol So whats his reasoning behind not doing flat? I bet he sucks at flat and thats why he does decline. He seemed intelligent from the first couple minutes I saw but come on man, everyone knows flat is the best.

And to answer your question, flat DB and BB would be two of the best options for chest hypertrophy. 
He never said not to do flat.he even stated the great benefits of the flat. And yes the flat is a great exercise and all around beneficial but when it comes to chest hypertrophy it doesn't compare to the decline period. I think both exercises have their place. But to laugh at the decline like some of you guys were doing its just stupid
He explicitly states at the end of the video all you need is incline decline and flys. 11:31 seconds "you do not need flat bench press" 

The only benefits listed were if you were a competitive lifter and flat was necessary.  He said flat only uses "barely 5%" of the muscle fibers. 
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Well if you do flat then theres no need for decline in my opinion and since flat is better in all aspects theres no reason to do decline. 

Flat involves your whole body from head to toe, it is great for strength and hypertrophy.

No one walks up to you in the gym and asks, hey how much do you decline? lol

To each his own though. 
Flat is better in all aspects except hypertrophy. Your average gym goer that just wants a bigger chest would benefit more by doing decline. I think the flat its an essential exercise to any work out routine. But for a bigger chest the decline triumphs the flat. I believe both should be used
He explicitly states at the end of the video all you need is incline decline and flys. 11:31 seconds "you do not need flat bench press" 
The only benefits listed were if you were a competitive lifter and flat was necessary.  He said flat only uses "barely 5%" of the muscle fibers. 
and for just a strictly bigger chest you dont need the flat. For powerlifting, strength, power, athletics...etc the flat is superior of course
So in basically every aspect of lifting, you admit that flat is better than decline but for "building a bigger chest" (not entirely sure what that even means) decline is superior?

Just think about that for a second.
So in basically every aspect of lifting, you admit that flat is better than decline but for "building a bigger chest" (not entirely sure what that even means) decline is superior?

Just think about that for a second.
yes and yes. You laughed at the decline...not sure why. And im not sure why a person would be unable to used both in their routine, which I do.
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How about just do both :lol:

Not really any harm in that.

Some people prefer decline because it's easier on their shoulders.

As far as never having to do flat..... Nah man :lol:
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I'm not sure if I ever even seen a top level bodybuilder do decline so I guess none of them have big chests....

You talk about bro science when every bro I see does incline decline and flat in their chest workout.

If you bench heavy on flat you'll have a big chest period.
I'm not sure if I ever even seen a top level bodybuilder do decline so I guess none of them have big chests....

You talk about bro science when every bro I see does incline decline and flat in their chest workout.

If you bench heavy on flat you'll have a big chest period.
Dorian Yates swore/still swears by the decline bench. He's the only one I know of. 
you guys like used the wide chest press?
yup, the hammer strength machines are great for partials/ burnout sets at the end of push my day.

Lately been doing Myo-reps and using the shoulder press machine in reverse hits the delts real well


Anyones had tremors or shaking in their hands or fingers?

Since ive been on my cut and working out 3-5 times a week, my left thumb will occasionally tremor if I bend it (like if I were to text). Quick google led me to "texters fingers".

It goes away but its probably the 3rd time it has come back.
Just a heads up for those that want to jump on Romaleo's, Rogue website is closing them out at $149.99

Tempted to get the Black/Red "Rogue" exclusive, but I'm happy with my Adipowers.

Thought I'd pass the word along.

Rogue closing these out could mean the Romaleo 3 is around the corner, :nerd:
I'm not sure if I ever even seen a top level bodybuilder do decline so I guess none of them have big chests....

You talk about bro science when every bro I see does incline decline and flat in their chest workout.

If you bench heavy on flat you'll have a big chest period.

why do you act like you know everything a bodybuilder does? a lot of them dudes do decline and i can put money on it

now is it the best chest workout or a main one? NAH

you can do well wihtout it
Just came back from GNC and that new code is invalid, in the text it shows it expires 8/31 but it ended 7/31. Thats what the clerk told me but still took the $10 off
weighed in at 186# today :x
gonna do my best to drop some fat before my wedding. most workouts will be fasted and in the morning. bought me some xtend to drink before and during. might be unnecessary but it tastes really good. tried the mango and watermelon before and this time i got green apple and blue raz. now if only i can actually eat at a caloric deficit :lol: :frown:
I dont do any decline o_o lol coming from a powerlifter, I have grown to realize that you need to focus on what you're trying to be good at. I know it may seem simple, but you become better at what you do most. I do 10+ sets of variations of FLAT bench. And guess what, I'm pretty good at it lol as for development, before I got into powerlifting I was all about the "look" and even then no decline. I saw the biggest changes with heavy weighted dips more then anything
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