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what does it matter what i look like? :lol:

i lift and i def look like i lift. i dont need to post pics on what i look like. if anyone on here knows me personally that can tell you.

im not all into specifics about "nutrition"

but im just saying, whats better to take after a workout? just a BCAA drink or whey protein?

that was my whole argument when we got into talk about diet yesterday. you went off track, not me.
what does it matter what i look like? :lol:

i lift and i def look like i lift. i dont need to post pics on what i look like. if anyone on here knows me personally that can tell you.

im not all into specifics about "nutrition"

but im just saying, whats better to take after a workout? just a BCAA drink or whey protein?

that was my whole argument when we got into talk about diet yesterday. you went off track, not me.

youre a regular on this forum but nobody knows what you look like

i know youre not into all the specifics about nutrition, clear as day, fact

you cant throw out blanket statements

youre cool though, whatever bro im not gonna waste my time, this time

there isnt CLEAR cut answers when it comes to BB/nutrition

ive done so many diff things over the past decade now, amino pulse is great when staying lean/cutting for me.........aminos will spike quicker than your garbage whey you use cuz you dont even use quality at that

i dont know these majority of bbs you speak of without any data

an yes id take you more srs if i saw aesthetics, but it doesnt matter for you so you win

btw your NT username is based off a guy who was all about aesthetics.

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I had a super great leg day today. I was able to squat 315lbs for 10 reps on my 3rd set from 295lbs and 305lbs sets. Since I was so hyped that I was able to get 315lbs and that my knee nor my back was hurting. I decided to go up in weight. I was able to get. 335x3, 385x1 (new PR), than I went for 405lbs and was able to get it for 3 reps. Which was my goal as well as my new PR. My new goal is to hit 415 with no spot. I did have on for my 415lbs set but I'm not sure how much he helped.

I want to stay at 315lbs for the summer to continue to work on my form with heavy weight. In the fall and winter, I'm going to turn it up.
Today my homeboys told me that I still had a lil gut, although not as big as it once was. I've been bulking ever since late May, but I think some of it went to my stomach, which is not a good thing. I'm trying to lose my gut, and still gain muscle. I know I should do cardio of course, but should I look to cut, bulk, or maintain?
Today my homeboys told me that I still had a lil gut, although not as big as it once was. I've been bulking ever since late May, but I think some of it went to my stomach, which is not a good thing. I'm trying to lose my gut, and still gain muscle. I know I should do cardio of course, but should I look to cut, bulk, or maintain?
Losing your gut and gaining muscle will be virtually impossible.

Calories in vs calories out. 

Depending on your size, I wouldn't stop bulking. I know a lot of people, including myself, jump the gun on cutting because they wanna get lean quick. But a lot of times, they haven't put on that much muscle yet to be cutting. 
what does it matter what i look like? :lol:

i lift and i def look like i lift. i dont need to post pics on what i look like. if anyone on here knows me personally that can tell you.

im not all into specifics about "nutrition"

but im just saying, whats better to take after a workout? just a BCAA drink or whey protein?

that was my whole argument when we got into talk about diet yesterday. you went off track, not me.

youre a regular on this forum but nobody knows what you look like

i know youre not into all the specifics about nutrition, clear as day, fact

you cant throw out blanket statements

youre cool though, whatever bro im not gonna waste my time, this time

there isnt CLEAR cut answers when it comes to BB/nutrition

ive done so many diff things over the past decade now, amino pulse is great when staying lean/cutting for me.........aminos will spike quicker than your garbage whey you use cuz you dont even use quality at that

i dont know these majority of bbs you speak of without any data

an yes id take you more srs if i saw aesthetics, but it doesnt matter for you so you win

btw your NT username is based off a guy who was all about aesthetics.


read back what was said last night...

whats the "supplement" that anyone and everyone takes, is told to take, from magazines, to pros, to blogs, to social media to take... protein.

you said you would rather take amino acids. and you basically said its same thing when its not.

you dont see anyone saying hey, go take amino acids if you lift because its the most important supp. its something me, you and everyone needs and we get enough by eating food. unless you cut, you shouldnt be taking an BCAA supp. even cutting, its a crap shoot. did i say it doesnt work? no, who knows if it works from the little tub you buy but is it important to the human body? yes

im not stupid, i know about some of these supps. i dont post on but i only read the supplement forum so gander over there and you will see whats being said about all supps from expierenced people and those with "aesthetics" since i dont fit the criteria. im not into most supplements because id rather consume real food and make gains that way. the only supplement i recommend is whey protein but even then i only take it post workout while others OD on it.

like i said, ive taken BCAA before, i just think its a waste of money when if your a regular lifter you are most likely consuming a whey protein and it has the same amount of BCAA as the BCAA supp you are taking.

if it works for you keep doing it, im have nothing against you or what you do :lol: just like those crazy people with the most aesthetic bodies and all they eat is ben and jerrys and whey protein all day yet look better than 97% of the world. If it works for you then keep doing it

sorry for the ramble, idk what i even wrote :lol:
What's the consensus on Crossfit on NT? I'm curious to see what you guys think, because most of you appear to be VERY informed in regards to weight training.

BTW, I don't currently train Crossfit, nor do I plan to. Personal preference. But I'm interested in some feedback.
read back what was said last night...

whats the "supplement" that anyone and everyone takes, is told to take, from magazines, to pros, to blogs, to social media to take... protein.

you said you would rather take amino acids. and you basically said its same thing when its not.

you dont see anyone saying hey, go take amino acids if you lift because its the most important supp. its something me, you and everyone needs and we get enough by eating food. unless you cut, you shouldnt be taking an BCAA supp. even cutting, its a crap shoot. did i say it doesnt work? no, who knows if it works from the little tub you buy but is it important to the human body? yes

im not stupid, i know about some of these supps. i dont post on but i only read the supplement forum so gander over there and you will see whats being said about all supps from expierenced people and those with "aesthetics" since i dont fit the criteria. im not into most supplements because id rather consume real food and make gains that way. the only supplement i recommend is whey protein but even then i only take it post workout while others OD on it.

like i said, ive taken BCAA before, i just think its a waste of money when if your a regular lifter you are most likely consuming a whey protein and it has the same amount of BCAA as the BCAA supp you are taking.

if it works for you keep doing it, im have nothing against you or what you do
just like those crazy people with the most aesthetic bodies and all they eat is ben and jerrys and whey protein all day yet look better than 97% of the world. If it works for you then keep doing it

sorry for the ramble, idk what i even wrote

But then again, @Al Audi is gonna say some mess about the quality of protein that were taking. Apparently everything that doesnt fit his standards are "garbage".
Crossfit is a mix of weight training, plyo, and gymnastics. The workouts can be short and high intensity or long and more of a slow burner.

Has a bad rep for being dangerous because people get this image in their head of everyone throwing heavy weight around for time or amrap (as many reps as possible) but the fact of the matter is that many crossfitters aren't using the weight as prescribed (rx) and are scaling the weight to their ability. There's no way a respectable coach will ask you to do push presses for 95 pounds in a wod if 95 pounds is your one rep max.

It's fun. The workouts are randomized.

It's very good for someone who is already strong and while weak people do get stronger doing crossfit, there is no way you can get as strong as a weightlifter or a powerlifter just doing crossfit.

A lot of top crossfitters will supplement their crossfit workouts with a strength program of their own. That's why they're all pretty strong as well as conditioned.

The average crossfitter isn't going to be as strong but if you're consistent in the gym you will be very conditioned and agile.
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What's the consensus on Crossfit on NT? I'm curious to see what you guys think, because most of you appear to be VERY informed in regards to weight training.

BTW, I don't currently train Crossfit, nor do I plan to. Personal preference. But I'm interested in some feedback.

*checks calendar*


Wrong place...
Today was an alright lifting day. Recently I have been doing after every 2 workouts, increase my weighted dips by 2.5 pounds. I was at 40, last time and this time I was supposed to do 42.5, but I didn't feel like putting on a 25, 10, 5 and a 2.5, so I went straight for the 45. Still did my 3x10 even though it was hard as hell. Wish my Pullups would get better. Put up 190 5x3 Bench except form wasn't the best, will have to redo it. Deadlift is im still struggling with :x . I just can't for some reason DL the same or more weight I squat, and I am going down below parallel when I squat. I think it has to do something with my triple extension. It seems like I will forever struggle with DL, power clean and pull ups..
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Man... How do you guys run so many miles at once?
Does it consist of running the whole time? Or do you stop once in a while to walk a bit?

8 Miles is insane if it's all running, I run 3 miles and want to puke lol 

ive never ran more than 1.5 miles in one shot in my life


Obviously my ***** to the right.

I'm a runner, all my life. I ran track in highschool. I did the 100m, 200m, 400m, 4x400m, 1x400m. Running is in my blood, :lol:. I stopped running for 4 weeks and gained like 5lbs :lol:. You can run more than 1.5miles daily or every other day and still look like my dude to the right.

I gotta run, I feel better, and its part of my cardio regiment.
Chicken everyday :x
Yeah, everyday can take it's toll, I add salmon, talipia, lean ground beef and petite steak to my dinner rotation. Pretty cheap too, especially since Albertson now has a buy one get one free on there chicke breast and steak package. I can get 3 days dinner for $10 bucks!
Al Audi,

Son, you stay off track and never get to the point or make your point. You just ramble man. Still, 3 weeks later, you never told me why taking whey protein was bad and has no benefits.

Still, waiting...
Man... How do you guys run so many miles at once?
Does it consist of running the whole time? Or do you stop once in a while to walk a bit?

8 Miles is insane if it's all running, I run 3 miles and want to puke lol 

ive never ran more than 1.5 miles in one shot in my life


Obviously my ***** to the right.

I'm a runner, all my life. I ran track in highschool. I did the 100m, 200m, 400m, 4x400m, 1x400m. Running is in my blood, :lol:. I stopped running for 4 weeks and gained like 5lbs :lol:. You can run more than 1.5miles daily or every other day and still look like my dude to the right.

I gotta run, I feel better, and its part of my cardio regiment.

I bet I have a better track record than you.
I had a super great leg day today. I was able to squat 315lbs for 10 reps on my 3rd set from 295lbs and 305lbs sets. Since I was so hyped that I was able to get 315lbs and that my knee nor my back was hurting. I decided to go up in weight. I was able to get. 335x3, 385x1 (new PR), than I went for 405lbs and was able to get it for 3 reps. Which was my goal as well as my new PR. My new goal is to hit 415 with no spot. I did have on for my 415lbs set but I'm not sure how much he helped.

I want to stay at 315lbs for the summer to continue to work on my form with heavy weight. In the fall and winter, I'm going to turn it up.
Bruh....if you can rep 405 for 3 reps....after doing all that can easily reach 415lbs hell you could hit 455 for 1 rep more then likely.

I had working sets last night at 315lb and my first set i did 4 reps.  Second set i did 3 reps.  And my 1 rep max is 365lbs although i haven't tested it in a while.
Interested in feedback for something you don't train in and don't plan to. Not sure if cereal.

lots of people are misinformed when it comes to crossfit.. they talk about most injuries in any sports.. but that comes from people that dont know what they are doing. if they arent taught the proper mechanics it can be dangerous. but that goes for any sport. you dont learn the proper way to do stuff it can be dangerous.

crossfit is nothing but constantly varied, high intensity, functional/compound movements. and a mix of olympic weightlifting, gymnastics and metabolic conditioning. it also has no isolated movements like in a regular globo gym where you focus on one muscle group at a time. but to each their own... i just see a lot of people bashing crossfit for the wrong reasons... saying olympic weightlifting is crazy or dangerous or a weird movement. the majority of the lifts in crossfit are derived from olympic weightlifting.
I'm a runner, all my life. I ran track in highschool. I did the 100m, 200m, 400m, 4x400m, 1x400m. Running is in my blood,
. I stopped running for 4 weeks and gained like 5lbs
. You can run more than 1.5miles daily or every other day and still look like my dude to the right.

I gotta run, I feel better, and its part of my cardio regiment.
I agree, I enjoy running with my dad when he's in town. But its hard for me to get up and do it by myself, just gets boring.
If anyone knows where to get cheap(er) dumbbells in bulk or not, help a brother out. Thats all I need to complete my home setup and then I won't "have" to go to my gym unless I want to.
If anyone knows where to get cheap(er) dumbbells in bulk or not, help a brother out. Thats all I need to complete my home setup and then I won't "have" to go to my gym unless I want to.

Call around to different gyms in or near your city. A lot of times they'll have old weights that arent in bad condition for sale.
Losing your gut and gaining muscle will be virtually impossible.

Calories in vs calories out. 

Depending on your size, I wouldn't stop bulking. I know a lot of people, including myself, jump the gun on cutting because they wanna get lean quick. But a lot of times, they haven't put on that much muscle yet to be cutting. 

Well, when I have a shirt on it's not like it's a bulge there, so I guess I shouldn't be too worried. But at the same time, I'm making gains everywhere else, but my abs, aren't there yet.

So I should continue to bulk for the rest of the summer, and mix in some cardio, and then cut when I get back to school? Because it would be a lot easier for me to cut at school, since I have to eat at the cafe all the time
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