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If you guys are looking for a good Pre workout mix I seriously suggest trying Craze Performance Fuel by Driven Sports. I've only been lifting weights for a couple of months but I just had the absolute best workout to date. The energy it gave was almost euphoric. It was awesome!
apple pie>>>>>>berry lemondae>>>>>>>>candy grape
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It does have that tussin flavor haha. I just started it today and did 1 1/2 scoops and the pump from it was great.
thinking about trying a pre workout mix once again. last time i took NO XPlode and felt dizzy during my workouts to the point i was going to pass out. i just left the gym.
many people build a tolerance to it quickly - especially the euphoric feeling. i use it only on the weekend and take long breaks in between tubs. i love it and it works great for me. the first tubs that came out were much more tussin-y. the newer candy grape tastes better but still not that good.
many people build a tolerance to it quickly - especially the euphoric feeling. i use it only on the weekend and take long breaks in between tubs. i love it and it works great for me. the first tubs that came out were much more tussin-y. the newer candy grape tastes better but still not that good.

So far so good! I'm gonna take it for a week or two and then take a break from it so I don't get a tolerance built. It did not disappoint!
Been doing great on my delt routines for the last 2 months. Anyway i tried and add the arnold press last week and man my shoulders (prob rotator cuff) was hurting. Ive been reading about the excercise and man ima stop doing it. Lots of people get injured with it. Nothing has ever bothered me in the weight room until i started the Arnold press.
I've only been back at it for barely a week now..... but I am so gosh darn weak still :lol: :smh:
What vitamins are you guys taking? Had GNC Megaman, currently about to finish ON vitamins. Im sure its all the same biz, wanting to try Orange Triad. Ive been told the more pills you take, the less packed the vitamins are, so essentially they digest a lot better than say Megaman pills which offer the same vitamins, but harder to digest being only 2 pills.

Too much broscience?
nothing like coming off a 12 hour work day and absolutely killing it in the gym.

anyone use any Muscle Pharm products? specifically their Assault pre-workout?
just got back into the gym from a 2.5 week hiatus and poor eating habits (been eating less and more unhealthy :x)

dat loss of strength and stamina :smh::frown:
Yeah bro calipers are more of a ****** guesstimate to be honest, if you want the most accurate reading, you'll have to get underwater composition test done, which is expensive I've heard. Even if the calipers are off 3 points, you still only have 5-7, maybe 10 lbs at the most to get to 10%, which shouldn't take too long if your strict with your diet. 
Yeah I feel you fam. My goal is just to get shredded. I know I got a long way to go but I am not at my desired size yet. I'm currently on a bulk right now but I think I might do a 1-2 week cut just to shed a few pounds. Then start again on a clean bulk in the new year. Here are some pics. the sub 10% probably wasn't too accurate. Now that I look at pics, it looks more like in the 11-12 range. Either way, that's good news for me because it gives me something to work toward. 

Never mind the dirty *** mirror lol. I'm 5'9"-5'10" 178 lbs as of today. It's weird because I'm not huge and thats a pretty high weight for my height. Guess I just have denser muscle

Yeah homie... I'd say you're around 15-18% BF. I'm 5'9" 163 lbs and I'm more defined than you. I'm around 12-15% BF if I were to guess.

Keep up the hard work though and you'll get there. Also, it's hard to bulk and keep your abs.
Yeah bro calipers are more of a ****** guesstimate to be honest, if you want the most accurate reading, you'll have to get underwater composition test done, which is expensive I've heard. Even if the calipers are off 3 points, you still only have 5-7, maybe 10 lbs at the most to get to 10%, which shouldn't take too long if your strict with your diet. 
Yeah I feel you fam. My goal is just to get shredded. I know I got a long way to go but I am not at my desired size yet. I'm currently on a bulk right now but I think I might do a 1-2 week cut just to shed a few pounds. Then start again on a clean bulk in the new year. Here are some pics. the sub 10% probably wasn't too accurate. Now that I look at pics, it looks more like in the 11-12 range. Either way, that's good news for me because it gives me something to work toward. 

Never mind the dirty *** mirror lol. I'm 5'9"-5'10" 178 lbs as of today. It's weird because I'm not huge and thats a pretty high weight for my height. Guess I just have denser muscle

Are you positive you're 178lb bro? You just seem smaller than that from this picture. Maybe you have huge legs :smile:. Either way though, I agree with most of the posts, I'd def try and put on more muscle before another cut. If you continue trying to build and then stopping to cut only to start trying to build again, you'll never get anywhere like a hamster on the wheel. You just have to pick which direction you want to go in and stay focused on that until you reach the goals you've set. That's where this all starts, with goals and plans to meet them.

You said you've been bulking since summer and gained 18 pounds? for real? of muscle? because you dont have much fat.. It is totally possible that your pics are just misleading and you actually are bigger than you appear, happens all the time. Best of luck buddy in your endeavors.
Are you positive you're 178lb bro? You just seem smaller than that from this picture. Maybe you have huge legs :smile:. Either way though, I agree with most of the posts, I'd def try and put on more muscle before another cut. If you continue trying to build and then stopping to cut only to start trying to build again, you'll never get anywhere like a hamster on the wheel. You just have to pick which direction you want to go in and stay focused on that until you reach the goals you've set. That's where this all starts, with goals and plans to meet them.
You said you've been bulking since summer and gained 18 pounds? for real? of muscle? because you dont have much fat.. It is totally possible that your pics are just misleading and you actually are bigger than you appear, happens all the time. Best of luck buddy in your endeavors.

Thanks for the advice fam, I really appreciate it. I am pretty positive I'm 178. I got a 50 pound dumbbell to calibrate the scale. I think a large portion of my muscle is concentrated on my back. I really concentrated on that area

Yep, 18 pound since beginning o summer. I ate pretty lean too. Veggies, lean meat, and whole grain rice/pasta every night. It wasn't all macle but I'd say a large majority of it was muscle

I think I'm going to continue with my bulk except even make it cleaner. More lean proteins and veggies and smaller portions of rice and pasta. I used to eat, 2-3 cups of pasta a night. Way too much, I need to be eating like 1/2-1 a night
NT'ers would love some help

I do know how to work out just been crazy busy but now the end of the semester so I'm going stupid this next month in a half in the gym!

Using Isopure

any tips or recommendations please and thank you!

EDIT: My goal is not to get stupid crazy brolic... but a bit bigger especially my chest and arms and cut up
Gotta be more specific
What vitamins are you guys taking? Had GNC Megaman, currently about to finish ON vitamins. Im sure its all the same biz, wanting to try Orange Triad. Ive been told the more pills you take, the less packed the vitamins are, so essentially they digest a lot better than say Megaman pills which offer the same vitamins, but harder to digest being only 2 pills.

Too much broscience?
I take a mens multivitamin once a day and fish oils at every meal, no fancy brands just what was on sale at Walmart 
i just lurk this thread now but i had to comment on DS CRAZE since i see it mentioned on this page

if it came out later on this stuff was spiked................i would totally believe it. thats how good this stuff is to me.

if you do a google search you can read plenty of reviews/controversy on this supplement
i just lurk this thread now but i had to comment on DS CRAZE since i see it mentioned on this page
if it came out later on this stuff was spiked................i would totally believe it. thats how good this stuff is to me.
if you do a google search you can read plenty of reviews/controversy on this supplement

Well I only started taking it yesterday and I believe it. Stuff was awesome!
i just lurk this thread now but i had to comment on DS CRAZE since i see it mentioned on this page
if it came out later on this stuff was spiked................i would totally believe it. thats how good this stuff is to me.
if you do a google search you can read plenty of reviews/controversy on this supplement
lol i work in a drug rehab and when i first started taking it, i tested my piss 2x to make sure it wasn't amphetamines. i'm a former ice user and there were some similarities to when i smoked ice: the boost in mood, more confidence that i could lift heavier weight, tweaking in the gym for more than 2 hours, appetite suppressed. it doesn't hit me as hard anymore but it's still great. i'm due for a stim break soon though.
Did legs yesterday and did some speed and agility stuff today, with speed ladders and cones :pimp: feels good man

Tryna get dem cristiano ronaldo legs
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