STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Guys I need some help. I'm 6' 1" and about 170 so I'm basically a stick. I don't really have any experience lifting so I don't even know where to begin as far as what to do for a workout to gain weight. My diet is obviously going to be a major part of it. What are some simple things you guys eat for each meal? I've browsed through parts of the thread and have viewed some stuff but do you guys have a sample workout plan and diet or a direct link to a site with one?
Starting Strength/5x5 routine

For meals, stick to 3 big meals with a small snack/meal in between them. You're big meal should consist of a protein (chicken, fish, steak, etc), a carb (brown rice, wheat pasta, lentils) and veggies (i usually go with the frozen bags, really easy to make). If you hit those things in your main meals, i guarantee you you will see major gains.
Yo ZYZZ! Thanks brotha. Preciate it.

But that's it?

So, basically,

- big breakfast.
- fruit
- fruit
- fruit
- shake
- dinner

Seems light, no?


its all different, thats not my schedule. my breakfest is later in the day like 1-2 PM lol

so my first meal is around then, snacking in between on various fruits or a shake. then a few hours later when im hungry ill have my dinner which usually consists of a lot of chicken and potatoes and usually some veggies

i have a very large appetite but with this it satisfied me no problem, i was never hungry because they were rather big meals and healthy light snacking a lot with a lot of water.

with the breakfest i added a lot of ham or sausage plus at time it would be more eggs, the eggs depended on how i felt :lol: sometime it would be 10 but usually 6-7
Do you have any opinions on OxyElite Pro Super Thermo Zyzz? My brother got some the other day and i'm gonna start taking it tomorrow. I've been reading a lot about it on BB forums and have heard a lot of good things.
Yo freeze, pm dat workout sched Brody lol

Yo Freeze...

I will take you up on that... I have been lifting for over 10 years now. I have done the heavy/light routines, cross fit style, TRX, etc..

PM me a workout I can try out for xmas break? I have access to a full gym at work, and at home I have adjustable dumb bells, adjustable bench, TRX ropes, and a steep hill.

I am a teacher so I have 2 1/2 weeks off so I would love to try something new...

thanks man!

Any body part specific? Something you want to focus on?

I have always had that 'swimmer' type body...

strong chest, shoulders, and defined abs would be my focus

pm's sent guys.
I'm truely a beginner, in every sense of the word. Without having to go through all 111 pages in this forum, can someone help give me simple directions on how to start getting fit.

i have an extremely poor diet .. i've never eaten a salad in my 27 years of living and im just tired of living the way that i do. SOB STORY I KNOW lol .. but in all realness, id like a jumpstart, if any one has any good advice a PM would be apreciated. Thanks in advance nt bros :nthat: :nthat:
Do you have any opinions on OxyElite Pro Super Thermo Zyzz? My brother got some the other day and i'm gonna start taking it tomorrow. I've been reading a lot about it on BB forums and have heard a lot of good things.

im not into supps other than Whey :lol: so i cant really tell you. sorry brah
Cutting out Carbs around the Holidays is hard :frown:
Right? I'm still not at the size I want to be so technically I am still trying to bulk. Might have to just wait till the new year to start a cut. I figured I've been bulking for so long, it's time to change things up a bit and get rid of this layer of fat on my belly. The rest of my body is fine (sub 10% BF), I just need to get rid of this gut so I can start seeing some abs.

Idk bruh, under 10% bf but have a gut? Your probably around 14-18 bf man. I know dudes with clear abs showing and there still at about 13% bf.
Damn and you were able to scare down that many eggs with no bread?! lol. That's taboo in my culture.

I'm so lost with diet.. Every couple days I'm on to something new. :[


if your talking to me, look at that many eggs by itself, its kinda gross but when you got potatoes and lots of meat (pause) its rather easy, taste good.

i need some yolk in there so thats why ill go with one whole egg and rest white unless i go with ten then its two whole. I tried scrambled egg white but it was :x :x crazy how one yolk can change the entire thing :lol:
if your talking to me, look at that many eggs by itself, its kinda gross but when you got potatoes and lots of meat (pause) its rather easy, taste good.
i need some yolk in there so thats why ill go with one whole egg and rest white unless i go with ten then its two whole. I tried scrambled egg white but it was :x :x crazy how one yolk can change the entire thing :lol:

yeah. 1 yolk will get rid of that gross egg white thats all watery.

what kind of fruit you b eating tho?
Alright. So tomorrow ima wake up.
- 5 egg whites. 1 yolk with bologna slices in it. Maybe oatmeal.
- apple
- banana
- shake
- Gym
- Big dinner.
- Shake

put this in your address bar.

thats the site address. make your own meal plan. its a great site.

quoting for later and repped for benefit

That website is great.

Gonna do shoulders and back today i think.....will post body picks for help tomorrow. Great stuff in here though
thanks to NT mobile and this thread, I'm on my way to the gym now. I've been slacking hardcore (only been to the gym twice in the past 6 months). Being unemployed and stressed, I was spending my time finding cheap green fees and golfing. I found golf to be therapeutic but my gut is back with a vengeance. Good luck to everyone who is starting up again. Don't wait til New Years when the gym is packed!
Did chest this morning.  My gym had a lot more people than usual.  I guess the "New Years Resolutions" have started early......
Idk bruh, under 10% bf but have a gut? Your probably around 14-18 bf man. I know dudes with clear abs showing and there still at about 13% bf.

Thats what I thought, but then I get it measured (multiple occasions over a period of time to ensure accuracy) and consistently got 9.5-9.7. It's not so much a gut but just a layer of fat that won't allow any definition to show. I'll post pics later tonight to show yall what I mean
doing chest later today. looking forward to absolutely killing every last muscle fiber in there. Lots of incline and decline movements, the only flat exercise I really do for chest is can go super deep without putting unnecessary stress on the shoulders. I'm going to destroy it.
first post! (w/ my new SN since my old one left somewhere along the way)

applause to everyone in here trying to better themselves through healthy living/choices & exercise. mirin' everyone

anyone take a look at sites like these??:

Human movement is always fascinating to me, and I always want to better improve my movement. If it didn't become obvious yet, I'm a crossfitter, just not an annoying one (if they exist to you, but you know what I'm talking about). Been doing it for almost 3 years now. Worked for me, went from 287# to 185# in a year and a couple months. Sitting at 205# 5'8" and basically only oly lifting now, for the better part of half a year (met-cons for me are pretty rare, but I still drag myself to do them even though its a conflict of interest).

Any who, good work to everyone here!! keep it up!
Thats what I thought, but then I get it measured (multiple occasions over a period of time to ensure accuracy) and consistently got 9.5-9.7. It's not so much a gut but just a layer of fat that won't allow any definition to show. I'll post pics later tonight to show yall what I mean
Under 10% you aren't gonna have any kind of gut bro to be honest, are you getting it measured at the gym with the calipers? They can be off 2-3% usually, not trying to burst your bubble or anything, I'm trying to get down to 10 as we speak.

I know everyone's body is different but this pic is pretty accurate when it comes to determining your BF%
Under 10% you aren't gonna have any kind of gut bro to be honest, are you getting it measured at the gym with the calipers? They can be off 2-3% usually, not trying to burst your bubble or anything, I'm trying to get down to 10 as we speak.

I know everyone's body is different but this pic is pretty accurate when it comes to determining your BF%

I feel you fam, it was done by a trainer with calipers and a bodpod
My abs show a bit but I estimate myself around 12-15% BF. 10% will have you looking shredded so that layer of fat that won't show definition is a sign that something is off with the measurements.
yea fam...Idk bro. 10% is low for the average man. you'd be pretty ripped. not master shedder, but you'd definitely have some great definition. so if you dont..something has to be off...somewhere. there's only so much lower you can go, if you dont have defined abdominals and you're already in the single digit bfp's, then idk...just sounds off.
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