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Crossfit has been proven to be bad for your joints, they don't stress proper form and foundation. It's just a race to see who can finish the workout first. It might something to do once a week or something but not everyday.

Also you can't gain muscle and cut fat at the same time, it doesn't work like that, you have to do one or the other.

@ Freeze lookin beast bro, no romo:pimp:

proven to be bad on your joints by whom? sorry bro, but you're wrong on on your assessment, cause form, foundation and safety are the most important in crossfit..they want you to have the proper form first, before you start lifting heavier or faster. same as in a regular gym. and by looking at the people that are at my box, they get results.. and since i havent been getting results in a regular gym, i switched.

I ain't here to change your opinion, but when you need rotator cuff surgery in 5 years from doing 15,000+ pullups a year, we can talk. For now, do you.
Figured I'd upload a pic, since I'm always giving advice and whatnot.
6'0...6'2 in timbs lol. roughly 200-205lbs. give or take, I dont weigh myself too often. I do know I lost like 25 pounds in like 2 weeks due to a break up, but didnt lose any musculature or strength, so figured it was water and fat loss. That appetite loss has since dissipated and I'm back to eating like a bear lol
Steady making progress. I dont really have a problem putting on fact if anything, its coming quite fast now. but whatever. I'll just thicken up thhis winter and then trim out around Feb. I have some vacas coming up, beachy stuff, so I'll def get down for that. I dont have much fat as is, so the weight I'm putting on is pretty lean.
My routines lately have been a mixture of heavy weight low reps and lighter weight high reps. switching every other set to fatigue those fibers. A lot of just the basic movements as well. Just getting into the dirt. I've always been a sports guy, played basketball, boxed, soccer, lacrosse, but through working out, I've always loved the football player body. the thick and strong, yet agile bodies. So a lot that I do stems from that. I strive to make my body powerful and sculpted, but also functional.
Good stuff Freeze.

We pretty much have the same approach to diet and exercise.

Salute brother.
really? is that what most of you on this board think of crossfit? i'd love to hear it though...
Crossfit has been proven to be bad for your joints, they don't stress proper form and foundation. It's just a race to see who can finish the workout first. It might something to do once a week or something but not everyday.

Also you can't gain muscle and cut fat at the same time, it doesn't work like that, you have to do one or the other.

@ Freeze lookin beast bro, no romo:pimp:

If I'm not mistaken, beginners can cut fat and gain muscle at the same time. I may be wrong but that's what I read in Starting Strength by Rippetoe. As for Crossfit...a lot of "Crossfit gyms" don't stress proper form/foundation but that doesn't mean all.


I was doing squats today and after a set, my left hand started feeling numb. I think it's because the bar rests close to my rear delts so my wrist is slightly cocked back. Anybody have any insight?

Good workout today overall though...just had to wait for a few machines to finish.
abs are made in the kitchen, period.

clean up your diet and your abs will show.

like i said i did before, no cardio and barley worked out my abs and i have a full 6 pack unflexed. all diet bro
thanks for the quick reply... what is the best way to find my maintenance caloric intake?
also, it is super hard for me to only train 3 days a week... as of now my routine looks like this...
mon - chest/tricepts
tue - cardio - basketball full court
wed - legs/back
thurs - cardio - basketball full court
fri - shoulders/arms
sat - cardio - run outdoors, indoor sprints
sun - watch football all day lol
am I going OD on the exercises? I do notice I get elbow tendinitis during basketball season (even though I'm the coach I still go full blast with them during drills) and it REALLY has an affect on my workouts (especially shoulders/biceps)
For your caloric needs go here
Also will help with macros but that will take some experiment on your part since you know your body best.
I would say your doing too much if your trying to cut weight, being at a caloric deficit means your at an energy deficit as well so it would be best to truly rest on your rest days.
You'll crash hard if your eating at -30% of your maintenance and playing full court ball, your body will never have time to recover which is just as important as training.
When trying to cut, the answer is never more cardio, always fix your diet first. You can go back all of that once you've gotten to your desired goal bf% wise and are eating at maintenance or surplus if your bulking.

200g of protein for what? :lol:
I'm still making gains and I'm only aiming for ~150g...I do go over a lot.

My fault g, I was speaking specifically to him as he actually weighs around 200.
Of course you should adjust as you drop weight but I believe eating at around your weight in protein will help keep lean muscle during a cut
I've heard you should take ~1g per pound of LEAN body mass. So let's say I'm 165 with 10% BF, I've have to take around ~148-149g protein. That's what I believe in; however, people say anywhere from 0.75g per pound of lean body mass all the way to 1.5g per pound of lean body mass.

So, it can be debated no doubt but I didn't know he was around 200. Was thinking you were just throwing the number out in general. My fault.
I appreciate the props fellas, you know we're all in this war together. Building superhero bodies. So yea, if any of you ever need advice, tips or just motivation to keep pushing when you're sore, I'm always here. I'm far from perfect, hell I'm still learning myself, but I've done tons and tons, hours upon hours of research to become uber effective. I hate wasting time, so I always go for the exercises with the best benefits. I don't know everything, but I know quite a bit.

'I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free'

- Michelangelo
I appreciate the props fellas, you know we're all in this war together. Building superhero bodies. So yea, if any of you ever need advice, tips or just motivation to keep pushing when you're sore, I'm always here. I'm far from perfect, hell I'm still learning myself, but I've done tons and tons, hours upon hours of research to become uber effective. I hate wasting time, so I always go for the exercises with the best benefits. I don't know everything, but I know quite a bit.

'I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free'

- Michelangelo

im stealing that quote

but im beginning to experience some asymmetry, my left pec is noticeably larger than my right, how do i correct this? ive started doing pushups and its helped a little, but i want to be as symmetrical in the things i can help as possible (asymmetrical abs dont bother me, but im pretty sure once i carve the fat they are symmetrical, they were in hs)
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I appreciate the props fellas, you know we're all in this war together. Building superhero bodies. So yea, if any of you ever need advice, tips or just motivation to keep pushing when you're sore, I'm always here. I'm far from perfect, hell I'm still learning myself, but I've done tons and tons, hours upon hours of research to become uber effective. I hate wasting time, so I always go for the exercises with the best benefits. I don't know everything, but I know quite a bit.

'I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free'

- Michelangelo

Most definitely, fam. No matter where we are in terms of progress, we're still making progress.

"When you want to quit, remember why you started"

Also...for me, it takes a lot more effort to stay home on a rest day than going to the gym on a workout day.
Ate OD carbs from pasta every day this past week, had wings and pizza and crap 2 days in a row, and still clocked in at 3lbs lighter today (more than likely some water weight fluctuation) and going out to eat tonight so I`m not eating anything all day until then and I`ll just get all my calories in that meal.
Yo Freeze...

I will take you up on that... I have been lifting for over 10 years now. I have done the heavy/light routines, cross fit style, TRX, etc..

PM me a workout I can try out for xmas break? I have access to a full gym at work, and at home I have adjustable dumb bells, adjustable bench, TRX ropes, and a steep hill.

I am a teacher so I have 2 1/2 weeks off so I would love to try something new...

thanks man!
I appreciate the props fellas, you know we're all in this war together. Building superhero bodies. So yea, if any of you ever need advice, tips or just motivation to keep pushing when you're sore, I'm always here. I'm far from perfect, hell I'm still learning myself, but I've done tons and tons, hours upon hours of research to become uber effective. I hate wasting time, so I always go for the exercises with the best benefits. I don't know everything, but I know quite a bit.

'I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free'

- Michelangelo

im stealing that quote

but im beginning to experience some asymmetry, my left pec is noticeably larger than my right, how do i correct this? ive started doing pushups and its helped a little, but i want to be as symmetrical in the things i can help as possible (asymmetrical abs dont bother me, but im pretty sure once i carve the fat they are symmetrical, they were in hs)

do you have access to weights? specifically dumbbells? Try alternating dumbbell presses. It's a good exercise imo to get up lacking pec development. Plus it benefits some shoulder strength, works the core because you're balancing on the negatives and it works each pec separately. A friend of mine actually suggested doing this exercise with one db at a time. tons of core work on the negs. but I'd just use both dbs. try them both out when you get the chance. see what works for you.
Yo Freeze...

I will take you up on that... I have been lifting for over 10 years now. I have done the heavy/light routines, cross fit style, TRX, etc..

PM me a workout I can try out for xmas break? I have access to a full gym at work, and at home I have adjustable dumb bells, adjustable bench, TRX ropes, and a steep hill.

I am a teacher so I have 2 1/2 weeks off so I would love to try something new...

thanks man!

Any body part specific? Something you want to focus on?
If I'm not mistaken, beginners can cut fat and gain muscle at the same time. I may be wrong but that's what I read in Starting Strength by Rippetoe. As for Crossfit...a lot of "Crossfit gyms" don't stress proper form/foundation but that doesn't mean all.
At first that does happen (noob gains) but I meant you can't concentrate on both at the same time and see results, because you have to eat more to build muscle VS eating less to cut fat.
proven to be bad on your joints by whom? sorry bro, but you're wrong on on your assessment, cause form, foundation and safety are the most important in crossfit..they want you to have the proper form first, before you start lifting heavier or faster. same as in a regular gym. and by looking at the people that are at my box, they get results.. and since i havent been getting results in a regular gym, i switched.
Well of course I'm going to be wrong to you, your pro crossfit, but I don't see any advantages to it really but either way do you homie.
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To whoever posted the leaning lateral raises and one arm upright rows on the smith machine, thank you. Mine lag so bad and I've never had a burn like that before! I've hit them twice now this week and it feels so good
hmm, I'm having trouble fellas.
I have the necessary ingredients to make gains (meaning equipment), except for one essential piece; a bench. So I cant' do any bench presses at the moment and I'm kind lost on what to do. I was on 5x5 so I've done

Rows/Power cleans
chin ups

for two workout days so far. I need variation, but Im kinda lost on what do to hold me till I can buy a bench ya know? Any recommendations for the day I have to bench press?
Yo Freeze...

I will take you up on that... I have been lifting for over 10 years now. I have done the heavy/light routines, cross fit style, TRX, etc..

PM me a workout I can try out for xmas break? I have access to a full gym at work, and at home I have adjustable dumb bells, adjustable bench, TRX ropes, and a steep hill.

I am a teacher so I have 2 1/2 weeks off so I would love to try something new...

thanks man!

Any body part specific? Something you want to focus on?

I have always had that 'swimmer' type body...

strong chest, shoulders, and defined abs would be my focus
Rayray & rook I'll pm you guys tonight. It'll pretty much be the type of things I do, with an added tip here and there. We'll see if we can get you guys some results!!

Today is ARM day. Looking forward to it. Killed my legs yesterday, so im hobbling now lol looking like Igor in this ***** lol. My arms are a pretty easy body part for me so I don't have to go insane to get the results I want. I'm going to do every other exercise bis then tris with some forearms at the end. Shouldn't take too long. Time seems to always escape when when I do arms though, my arms have crazy stamina so they don't fatigue like other body parts so they're always being used. Just gotta continuously increase the load.
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