STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

dont you guys get tired of just the same workouts every time? i really dont have the motivation to keep doing the same exercises every damn day...
dont you guys get tired of just the same workouts every time? i really dont have the motivation to keep doing the same exercises every damn day...

no. u gotta switch it up every once in a while.. you always have your main lifts that u gon always do.
I Think Im gonna go finish my workout that i stopped today saturday morning, do some curls and try the leg press and get my cardio in.
Where I'm at currently, I'm 5'10" been grinding for a full year now, started off at 185lbs, up to 200lbs flat, trying to get to 205 by March.


Long way to go still
man going to papdeuxs tomorrow with my girl, lol been eating bad all week. SWEAR TO LORD IM CUTTING HARD NEXT WEEK, and wont weigh myself for 2 weeks.
Whre I'm at:



I'm 5'6 and 145. Started last november at 175, got down to 130 and now I bulked a little, in January I'm going for my last definition of this process...
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Had a great workout these past 2 weeks. Gaining weight and cutting at the same time. Been working out pretty good.

I've starting to notice how using free weights are so much more benefical than machines man.
need some help NT...

LAST YEAR - 6'3" - 230lbs - could bench 3 plates flat, incline 295 - overall very strong, good build
THIS YEAR - 6'3" - 200lbs - flat 275, incline 275 - still very strong, good build but cut down fat (lost some size though obviously)

my abs are starting to come out slowly (never really had a fully defined 6 pack)... what are the best ways to get them showing? I have been reading Men's Health for the past 10 years and EVERY SINGLE issue has something about it but was looking for good old NT advice...

1) Diet - ??? - how strict are we talking here?
2) Ab Exercise - how often? how hard?
3) Cardio - how often?

Thanks in advance! :smokin
abs are made in the kitchen, period.

clean up your diet and your abs will show.

like i said i did before, no cardio and barley worked out my abs and i have a full 6 pack unflexed. all diet bro
need some help NT...
LAST YEAR - 6'3" - 230lbs - could bench 3 plates flat, incline 295 - overall very strong, good build
THIS YEAR - 6'3" - 200lbs - flat 275, incline 275 - still very strong, good build but cut down fat (lost some size though obviously)
my abs are starting to come out slowly (never really had a fully defined 6 pack)... what are the best ways to get them showing? I have been reading Men's Health for the past 10 years and EVERY SINGLE issue has something about it but was looking for good old NT advice...
1) Diet - ??? - how strict are we talking here?
2) Ab Exercise - how often? how hard?
3) Cardio - how often?
Thanks in advance! :smokin

It's 70% diet 30% training my brother
Don't believe what you read in Men's Health, there is no ab exercise or cardio (unless you just like it) is necessary
Find your maintenance caloric intake, eat 30% under that on rest days and close to it on training days.
Go heavy on carbs on training days and light on rest days, keep protein at about 200 g regardless of day.
Training wise idk your program but I'd suggest doing the Big 3 (bench, squat, deadlift(once a week)) Pull ups (weighted if your that strong) & Overhead press all Reverse Pyramid style.
Train 3 days Rest 4

If you do that over 8-12 weeks you'll have a six pack and be in the best shape you've been in your life.
That goes for a lot of my fellow fitness enthusiasts in here, just keep it simple
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Figured I'd upload a pic, since I'm always giving advice and whatnot.

6'0...6'2 in timbs lol. roughly 200-205lbs. give or take, I dont weigh myself too often. I do know I lost like 25 pounds in like 2 weeks due to a break up, but didnt lose any musculature or strength, so figured it was water and fat loss. That appetite loss has since dissipated and I'm back to eating like a bear lol

Steady making progress. I dont really have a problem putting on fact if anything, its coming quite fast now. but whatever. I'll just thicken up thhis winter and then trim out around Feb. I have some vacas coming up, beachy stuff, so I'll def get down for that. I dont have much fat as is, so the weight I'm putting on is pretty lean.

My routines lately have been a mixture of heavy weight low reps and lighter weight high reps. switching every other set to fatigue those fibers. A lot of just the basic movements as well. Just getting into the dirt. I've always been a sports guy, played basketball, boxed, soccer, lacrosse, but through working out, I've always loved the football player body. the thick and strong, yet agile bodies. So a lot that I do stems from that. I strive to make my body powerful and sculpted, but also functional.
Figured I'd upload a pic, since I'm always giving advice and whatnot.

6'0...6'2 in timbs lol. roughly 200-205lbs. give or take, I dont weigh myself too often. I do know I lost like 25 pounds in like 2 weeks due to a break up, but didnt lose any musculature or strength, so figured it was water and fat loss. That appetite loss has since dissipated and I'm back to eating like a bear lol
Steady making progress. I dont really have a problem putting on fact if anything, its coming quite fast now. but whatever. I'll just thicken up thhis winter and then trim out around Feb. I have some vacas coming up, beachy stuff, so I'll def get down for that. I dont have much fat as is, so the weight I'm putting on is pretty lean.
My routines lately have been a mixture of heavy weight low reps and lighter weight high reps. switching every other set to fatigue those fibers. A lot of just the basic movements as well. Just getting into the dirt. I've always been a sports guy, played basketball, boxed, soccer, lacrosse, but through working out, I've always loved the football player body. the thick and strong, yet agile bodies. So a lot that I do stems from that. I strive to make my body powerful and sculpted, but also functional.


You all natural?
need some help NT...
LAST YEAR - 6'3" - 230lbs - could bench 3 plates flat, incline 295 - overall very strong, good build
THIS YEAR - 6'3" - 200lbs - flat 275, incline 275 - still very strong, good build but cut down fat (lost some size though obviously)
my abs are starting to come out slowly (never really had a fully defined 6 pack)... what are the best ways to get them showing? I have been reading Men's Health for the past 10 years and EVERY SINGLE issue has something about it but was looking for good old NT advice...
1) Diet - ??? - how strict are we talking here?
2) Ab Exercise - how often? how hard?
3) Cardio - how often?
Thanks in advance! :smokin

It's 70% diet 30% training my brother
Don't believe what you read in Men's Health, there is no ab exercise or cardio (unless you just like it) is necessary
Find your maintenance caloric intake, eat 30% under that on rest days and close to it on training days.
Go heavy on carbs on training days and light on rest days, keep protein at about 200 g regardless of day.
Training wise idk your program but I'd suggest doing the Big 3 (bench, squat, deadlift(once a week)) Pull ups (weighted if your that strong) & Overhead press all Reverse Pyramid style.
Train 3 days Rest 4

If you do that over 8-12 weeks you'll have a six pack and be in the best shape you've been in your life.
That goes for a lot of my fellow fitness enthusiasts in here, just keep it simple

thanks for the quick reply... what is the best way to find my maintenance caloric intake?

also, it is super hard for me to only train 3 days a week... as of now my routine looks like this...
mon - chest/tricepts
tue - cardio - basketball full court
wed - legs/back
thurs - cardio - basketball full court
fri - shoulders/arms
sat - cardio - run outdoors, indoor sprints
sun - watch football all day lol

am I going OD on the exercises? I do notice I get elbow tendinitis during basketball season (even though I'm the coach I still go full blast with them during drills) and it REALLY has an affect on my workouts (especially shoulders/biceps)
Figured I'd upload a pic, since I'm always giving advice and whatnot.

6'0...6'2 in timbs lol. roughly 200-205lbs. give or take, I dont weigh myself too often. I do know I lost like 25 pounds in like 2 weeks due to a break up, but didnt lose any musculature or strength, so figured it was water and fat loss. That appetite loss has since dissipated and I'm back to eating like a bear lol
Steady making progress. I dont really have a problem putting on fact if anything, its coming quite fast now. but whatever. I'll just thicken up thhis winter and then trim out around Feb. I have some vacas coming up, beachy stuff, so I'll def get down for that. I dont have much fat as is, so the weight I'm putting on is pretty lean.
My routines lately have been a mixture of heavy weight low reps and lighter weight high reps. switching every other set to fatigue those fibers. A lot of just the basic movements as well. Just getting into the dirt. I've always been a sports guy, played basketball, boxed, soccer, lacrosse, but through working out, I've always loved the football player body. the thick and strong, yet agile bodies. So a lot that I do stems from that. I strive to make my body powerful and sculpted, but also functional.


You all natural?

yea bro, of course. I would never put my health at risk to put on muscle, when i can just eat food and lift heavy. I don't compete, so I'm in no rush. I take a multi, eat everything i see, get my sleep, but the main piece is.. I'm in the gym...a lot. It's my therapy.

Thanks Zyzz, haha I wish. dude is brolic. He's one of my targets to aim for. that type of body.
im bulking now.. but when it comes down to cut. im gonna need a little more insight. right now im just doing clean bulk. i never eat junk. so hopefully in march i can cut down.
need some help NT...
LAST YEAR - 6'3" - 230lbs - could bench 3 plates flat, incline 295 - overall very strong, good build
THIS YEAR - 6'3" - 200lbs - flat 275, incline 275 - still very strong, good build but cut down fat (lost some size though obviously)
my abs are starting to come out slowly (never really had a fully defined 6 pack)... what are the best ways to get them showing? I have been reading Men's Health for the past 10 years and EVERY SINGLE issue has something about it but was looking for good old NT advice...
1) Diet - ??? - how strict are we talking here?
2) Ab Exercise - how often? how hard?
3) Cardio - how often?
Thanks in advance! :smokin

It's 70% diet 30% training my brother
Don't believe what you read in Men's Health, there is no ab exercise or cardio (unless you just like it) is necessary
Find your maintenance caloric intake, eat 30% under that on rest days and close to it on training days.
Go heavy on carbs on training days and light on rest days, keep protein at about 200 g regardless of day.
Training wise idk your program but I'd suggest doing the Big 3 (bench, squat, deadlift(once a week)) Pull ups (weighted if your that strong) & Overhead press all Reverse Pyramid style.
Train 3 days Rest 4

If you do that over 8-12 weeks you'll have a six pack and be in the best shape you've been in your life.
That goes for a lot of my fellow fitness enthusiasts in here, just keep it simple

200g of protein for what? :lol:

I'm still making gains and I'm only aiming for ~150g...I do go over a lot.
really? is that what most of you on this board think of crossfit? i'd love to hear it though...
Crossfit has been proven to be bad for your joints, they don't stress proper form and foundation. It's just a race to see who can finish the workout first. It might something to do once a week or something but not everyday.

Also you can't gain muscle and cut fat at the same time, it doesn't work like that, you have to do one or the other.

@ Freeze lookin beast bro, no romo
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Crossfit has been proven to be bad for your joints, they don't stress proper form and foundation. It's just a race to see who can finish the workout first. It might something to do once a week or something but not everyday.

Also you can't gain muscle and cut fat at the same time, it doesn't work like that, you have to do one or the other.

@ Freeze lookin beast bro, no romo:pimp:

proven to be bad on your joints by whom? sorry bro, but you're wrong on on your assessment, cause form, foundation and safety are the most important in crossfit..they want you to have the proper form first, before you start lifting heavier or faster. same as in a regular gym. and by looking at the people that are at my box, they get results.. and since i havent been getting results in a regular gym, i switched.
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