STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

So I have a little bit of a dilemma fellas.

Went to the doctor today because I have too many bowel movements (3-5x loose/day). Explained to him that I'm eating a lot in attempt to gain lean mass: chicken, oats, rice, veggies, whey, etc.

The two things that he picked out of my diet that could be causing the influx of bowel movements are oatmeal and milk (possible lactose intolerance). So the issue is how do I keep up with the bulk diet while experimenting with/without oatmeal? I usually have a cup of oatmeal every day. Can you guys recommend a substitute while I figure out if it's the cause? Sucks because I was finally starting to see gains.

PS: He told me to eat Fiber One. I thought fiber made you go more? 
 Is there something I'm missing here? Could it change the loose stool or something?

(Sorry for the gross nature of this post)
why would you see a doctor for poo 3-5x/day? that doesn't seem excessive.
i guess the fiber would make the stool less soft.
good luck on your poo goals of 2014 man!
So I have a little bit of a dilemma fellas.

Went to the doctor today because I have too many bowel movements (3-5x loose/day). Explained to him that I'm eating a lot in attempt to gain lean mass: chicken, oats, rice, veggies, whey, etc.

The two things that he picked out of my diet that could be causing the influx of bowel movements are oatmeal and milk (possible lactose intolerance). So the issue is how do I keep up with the bulk diet while experimenting with/without oatmeal? I usually have a cup of oatmeal every day. Can you guys recommend a substitute while I figure out if it's the cause? Sucks because I was finally starting to see gains.

PS: He told me to eat Fiber One. I thought fiber made you go more? :nerd:  Is there something I'm missing here? Could it change the loose stool or something?

(Sorry for the gross nature of this post)

The fiber would be to harden your poo. Maybe the oatmeal was for gluten? You could always switch to buckwheat if that was the case. Throw some chia seeds in your buckwheat too for more fiber. They have like 5 grams of fiber per tablespoon and it will thicken the buckwheat up too. Beans have tons of fiber too and might be a good protein/carb source to add in.
why would you see a doctor for poo 3-5x/day? that doesn't seem excessive.
i guess the fiber would make the stool less soft.
good luck on your poo goals of 2014 man!
Got what I think was my first Hemorrhoid, excessive dukie being the cause 

He said 3 is too much. For someone my age, I should be going 1-2x/day.
Been eating pretty healthy for the past 3 weeks. Decided to get some boneless wings from Wingstop last night to eat with some brown rice. Woke up feeling sick. :smh:
thats exactly what happened to me in that vid a few years back. I thought i was gonna be paralyzed from the waist down.


Dudes whole kneecap split in half and he tore both of his quads :x :smh:

He's strong as an ox, hope he has a good recovery
just a fun question. pure speculation of course.
rich froning - natty or not natty?


id say natty. dude is yocked but not freakish. super cut and probably weighs 200ish

You do realize that body composition isn't the only reason people juice. You can't judge solely based on what someone looks like. If he's juicy it's for recovery purposes first and foremost. To get to his level of skill with Crossfit movements and conditioning, he must have to put in a huge amount of volume. Riding a bike would help with his recovery.

Same idea for a lot of Olympic athletes who get caught juicing. They don't necessarily look unnatty, but they still may juice.

So it's not just Crossfit that's dangerous...
Power lifting can result in catastrophic injuries as well...
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No worries. I was terrified and thought it had to do with lifting or cancer. Could have been worse I suppose.

I had a colonoscopy last week because I was getting blood in my stool. Even though I'm only 25 they wanted to make sure it wasn't anything serious and luckily it wasn't. It turned out to just be hemorrhoids. It still can be caused by lifting though if you strain too hard and don't breathe correctly during reps. I never even knew I had them until I had blood in the stool one day. Most adults have them/had them at some point.
I had a colonoscopy last week because I was getting blood in my stool. Even though I'm only 25 they wanted to make sure it wasn't anything serious and luckily it wasn't. It turned out to just be hemorrhoids. It still can be caused by lifting though if you strain too hard and don't breathe correctly during reps. I never even knew I had them until I had blood in the stool one day. Most adults have them/had them at some point.
got them. Gross bruh. But why u getting a colonoscopy so young?
No worries. I was terrified and thought it had to do with lifting or cancer. Could have been worse I suppose.

I had a colonoscopy last week because I was getting blood in my stool. Even though I'm only 25 they wanted to make sure it wasn't anything serious and luckily it wasn't. It turned out to just be hemorrhoids. It still can be caused by lifting though if you strain too hard and don't breathe correctly during reps. I never even knew I had them until I had blood in the stool one day. Most adults have them/had them at some point.

well one to save you or anyone the hassle. if its bright red blood, usually its nothing of concern. usually a hemorrhoid and something close to the surface which isnt dangerous.

if its dark blood then its something internal and should be checked out by a doctor ASAP
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got them. Gross bruh. But why u getting a colonoscopy so young?

My regular doc sent me to a gastro and he said it was probably nothing, but he did have a case where someone younger than me actually had colon cancer, so he never rules it out anymore. I decided to go ahead and just do it. I've neglected my health for many years and I decided I'm not going to do that anymore. It was more just a piece of mind sort of thing and the process was super simple. I came in at 7:30 am and was out by 8:30.
My regular doc sent me to a gastro and he said it was probably nothing, but he did have a case where someone younger than me actually had colon cancer, so he never rules it out anymore. I decided to go ahead and just do it. I've neglected my health for many years and I decided I'm not going to do that anymore. It was more just a piece of mind sort of thing and the process was super simple. I came in at 7:30 am and was out by 8:30.Oh
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How did you get rid of the 'roids? They gave me some prescription Cortisone to put on em. Hoping that works. I was disgusted when I felt it wiping.
How did you get rid of the 'roids? They gave me some prescription Cortisone to put on em. Hoping that works. I was disgusted when I felt it wiping.
eat more fiber.... drink more water..... sow down with the back/squat movements. And you could use butt meds. As long as it dont burn and ur not itching, you'll be good.
yeah. i was thinking only partly because of him being 5'9" and 200 solid #. more that he has demolished the competition for 3 years in a row in a highly competitive and growing sport. anabolics would assist recovery and i read that perhaps something like GW really helps to boost endurance.
You do realize that body composition isn't the only reason people juice. You can't judge solely based on what someone looks like. If he's juicy it's for recovery purposes first and foremost. To get to his level of skill with Crossfit movements and conditioning, he must have to put in a huge amount of volume. Riding a bike would help with his recovery.

Same idea for a lot of Olympic athletes who get caught juicing. They don't necessarily look unnatty, but they still may juice.

So it's not just Crossfit that's dangerous...
Power lifting can result in catastrophic injuries as well...

you are correct. "juicing" isnt just limited to pure mass or bodybuilding. GH to blood doping help tremendously with recovery/stamina i.e. lance armstrong. im not familiar with him or crossfit really but from what i understand dude is a beast. i was judging purely on the pic.
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