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Is it possible to lose fat while eating at maintenance?

or very close to maintenance?

My maintenance is 3,000. If I eat 2800 cals a day will I lose fat?

I'm not in a hurry, I just want to cut fat slowly and surely and keep muscle.

Well yeah if your eating under Maintenance then you will lose weight, if its only 200 cals per day though chances are it will take a long time for big changes
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SLA fit expo was fun as hell, spent some money and got my picture with Lobliner since I missed him @ the Olympia :smokin

That booth was INSANE all day both days, so we made a conscious wise decision to make that the first stop yesterday @10am

Here's the purchases and the free shirts




The expo compared to last year, DEFINITELY a MUCH heavier crossfit presence on both the competitions and sales side, and the crowd is out there representing in numbers
I know most of you dont follow PLng but Brandon Lilly got injured pretty bad on his final squat attempt yesterday. I follow him on FB and YT and hes a real cool guy. Wish him a speedy recovery.

thats exactly what happened to me in that vid a few years back. I thought i was gonna be paralyzed from the waist down.
That video wasnt even that gruesome. Ive see more cringe worthy things on amercias funniest home videos.
Leg day for me today too... but I don't squat heavy because my legs are already solid, and I don't like wearing baggy jeans.
Man. I can't watch this ****.

Its gonna F up my mentality for leg day...
Its really not that bad, Ive seen way worse.

I went this morning and killed squats like a mad man. It was a freak accident and he hasnt been training heavy lately so I think that could have played into it. Also carrying 300+ pounds around everyday on your knees is going to wear them out.

This one is way worse, I wont embed it.

How many times you guys can bench your body weight?

I plan on doing a burnout set at the end of every chest workout.
You won't really get an accurate number if you do it after you've already fatigued your muscles.

I usually go combine style with 225.  Couple of weeks ago I did working sets of 15.  Think my max thus far is 18, but I rarely push to complete muscle failure with that weight.  Pretty sure I should be able to hit 20 with my bodyweight (214ish depending on the time of day).
I know most of you dont follow PLng but Brandon Lilly got injured pretty bad on his final squat attempt yesterday. I follow him on FB and YT and hes a real cool guy. Wish him a speedy recovery.

He prob failed like that cause the music was so bad.
My quads naturally kinda big considering I'm 5' 9" 175 ....they slimmed down when I stopped lifting years back....def don't wanna go back to the old jean fit :frown:
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