STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

IMO crossfit is awesome... especially if you are training for a sport. It uses the same principles as plyometrics.
I got a nice before pic that ill put in a spoiler
that was me a few years ago. my belly isn't like that anymore. dedicate yourself to burning more calories than you take in. find an exercise regimen that suits you. find a dietary strategy that you can do. and then go and do both and BE CONSISTENT. if you need to weigh yourself, do it at the most only 1x a week, same day, first thing in the morning after you piss. use the mirror (and belt) as your measure of progress also. if you consistently burn more calories than you take in, you will see progress. stick to it.
this stronglifts program is making me feel super weak.  Only at 80lb for squats and it's getting difficult already.  Don't get me wrong, I knock out the 5 sets no problem but I didn't think it was going to "feel heavy" this soon.

80 lbs on squats... are you a female by any chance?
 no.  I just started doing stronglifts 5x5 a few weeks ago so I'm still working up
Hey bro I respect all olympic style lifts and I agree there are just as many idiots in a regular gym. All groups of people will have bad apples in them but that shouldn't represent them as a whole. BUT you only come in this thread like once every 2 months so lets just stop the bickering now for the sake of this thread because no one talks about xfit on a daily basis in here.


Clearly says "Stay/Get back in shape" in the thread title. Unaware about it being bodybuilding specific, btw, there is a whole forum dedicated to that (

As much as kipping gets knocked by the bodybuilding community, it is a legit gymnastic movement when done correctly.

There is terrible programming in Crossfit, just like 95% of the workouts posted on here. "I want to work on my flabby/manboobs chest." *proceeds to do a chest workout consisting of: flat, incline, dumbell flys, dumbells flat/incline, cables, etc* Bad programming. Most of the youtubers you guys follow are garbage, straight bro science. Like I said, Candito is the only one that I can take seriously.

Doing WOD's is not going to get you a "Crossfit body", programming needs to develop and evolve. You are not going to crush PR's in Olympic lifts by doing daily WOD's. WOD's will get you in shape, which is perfect for Jan "9 to 5" and John "9 to 5". That is why it's booming. Jane and John Doe that has a 40-50 hour a week job with two kids doesn't want to waste time looking up programming and wasting time looking at bro science youtube videos. They want programming fed to them. The community aspect, don't see what is wrong with that? People encouraging you to workout? Awful people. It is more social, there isn't the isolated sense of self that goes with bodybuilding and putting on your headphones and ignoring everyone... until you need to ask a complete stranger to spot you :smile:lol).

You don't like it, fine, it's good but don't talk out your *** when you don't know a damn thing about it.

Crossfit has helped me personally, is it all I do? nope. It's part of my programming, got me to do lifts I stopped doing a long time ago. Busting through PR's and getting in great cardio shape. Some people just want to excercise and call it a day. Other's have goals. I still bench... :lol:

Most WODs are at light weights and scaled to the capacity of a person or their experience with the lift.

My strength programming is consistent with 5x5 training...

Yesterdays programming:

Not counting warm-up/cool down/stretch/mobility

15 min AMRAP
Pull Ups
Split Jerk @95

Finished round of 16


Hang Cleans w/Squat
2x5 @135
2x5 @155
1x3 @185
1x1@ 205
1x1 @225

5x5 @225
1x3 @285
1x3 @315

Forearms were cooked...
that was me a few years ago. my belly isn't like that anymore. dedicate yourself to burning more calories than you take in. find an exercise regimen that suits you. find a dietary strategy that you can do. and then go and do both and BE CONSISTENT. if you need to weigh yourself, do it at the most only 1x a week, same day, first thing in the morning after you piss. use the mirror (and belt) as your measure of progress also. if you consistently burn more calories than you take in, you will see progress. stick to it.
for now I'm just going to stop drinking soda completely and eat less. Once school starts for me I'll hit the gym and ride the stationary bicycle and use the machine that helps u do crunches. Like I said I pinched a nerve so exercising ain't that easy right now
 no.  I just started doing stronglifts 5x5 a few weeks ago so I'm still working up

You have to stay with it and be dedicated. When I started Stronglifts I started with 135 on squats/ 135 on bench/ 185 on deadlift/ 95 on power clean. It seemed trivial at first but adding 5 lbs a week makes it tough. Especailly with 75 squats a week. I did it for 3 months while I clean bulked and made huge gains. I was skinny fat when I started (not much muscle but love handles) then after 3 months of clean bulking I dropped my BF% form 21% to 9%. I hooped 5 times a week too though. The program does work... If you're sore then you need to make sure you're getting enough calories (especially protein) Rule of thumb is 1 g of protein/ lb of BW. If that doesn't work then get some cheap BCAA capsules and take them daily.
some of you guys that do crossfit are really sensitive. do they encourage consumption of soy products :lol:

like i said before though, i'd probably do crossfit if i could handle it. the people i've seen do it have some amazingly rapid and fantastic transformations in terms of body composition.
some of you guys that do crossfit are really sensitive. do they encourage consumption of soy products

like i said before though, i'd probably do crossfit if i could handle it. the people i've seen do it have some amazingly rapid and fantastic transformations in terms of body composition.

LOL at the soy products comment.

I've never used soy protein but do functional training twice a week. To me its more exciting than repetitive cardio.
for now I'm just going to stop drinking soda completely and eat less. Once school starts for me I'll hit the gym and ride the stationary bicycle and use the machine that helps u do crunches. Like I said I pinched a nerve so exercising ain't that easy right now

that's a good start man. i think i seen you posting in the high end threads with my homie spoonie gee. just know that it's tough when you have to start buying all new clothes. start getting the big clothes ready for ebay :lol:
that's a good start man. i think i seen you posting in the high end threads with my homie spoonie gee. just know that it's tough when you have to start buying all new clothes. start getting the big clothes ready for ebay :lol:
yup I'm in there, can't really rock the clothing though cuz I'm fat, just the shoes. I hope to change that this year. And :lol: I'm keeping my clothes this time. Last time when I lost weight got rid of all my fat clothes and now once I got fat had to buy everything all over again :smh:
some of you guys that do crossfit are really sensitive. do they encourage consumption of soy products :lol:


Not at all, just shooting down misconceptions.

Crossfit, especially things that come from HQ are heavily sponsored so you have to take it with a grain of salt. Everyone should know what goes in their body. I try to stay away from soy, only time I consume it is with a Clif bar here and there.

198g of protein daily

One or two protein based drinks, and chicken breast. Chicken Breast have 30-40g of protein depending on portion.
thanks for the advice @JoCruz89 that really helps!  I weigh in the hell do I consume 198g of protein daily?  Can you school me on BCAA pills?

200 g of Protein won't be too hard to achieve... You need some whey powder. One scoop of whey in water is 24-30 g of protein depending on what brand you use. A scoop usually contains 0g of fat and is around 120-150 cals (which is a good clean source of protein). A 6 oz chicken breast is around 35g of protein, greek yogurt 10-12 g, tuna is 18-20 per pouch. Personally, I drink 2 scoops of whey for breakfast, and 2 scoops post workout which is 100 g of protein.

BCAA's (branch chain amino acids) are a fast acting protein that helps to rebuild the muscle that you tore down working out. They pretty much make you less sore. I like the powder, but the capsules work just fine. You can get a bottle of them for $6.00 from

Diet is 90% of the equation though, if you want to lose weight (which I'm assuming you do) you need to be eating clean. NO BEER, SOFT DRINKS, FRIED FOOD, CANDY, AND GRAINS (unless they're whole wheat). Pretty much nothing that tastes good lol, but if you want it enough then you'll do what it takes.
thanks for the advice @JoCruz89 that really helps!  I weigh in the hell do I consume 198g of protein daily?  Can you school me on BCAA pills?
200 g of Protein won't be too hard to achieve... You need some whey powder. One scoop of whey in water is 24-30 g of protein depending on what brand you use. A scoop usually contains 0g of fat and is around 120-150 cals (which is a good clean source of protein). A 6 oz chicken breast is around 35g of protein, greek yogurt 10-12 g, tuna is 18-20 per pouch. Personally, I drink 2 scoops of whey for breakfast, and 2 scoops post workout which is 100 g of protein.

BCAA's (branch chain amino acids) are a fast acting protein that helps to rebuild the muscle that you tore down working out. They pretty much make you less sore. I like the powder, but the capsules work just fine. You can get a bottle of them for $6.00 from

Diet is 90% of the equation though, if you want to lose weight (which I'm assuming you do) you need to be eating clean. NO BEER, SOFT DRINKS, FRIED FOOD, CANDY, AND GRAINS (unless they're whole wheat). Pretty much nothing that tastes good lol, but if you want it enough then you'll do what it takes.
Other than 1 cheat day per week, I've been off that junk food.  My dinner 6 nights a week consists of an egg white omelet and wheat toast.

Definitely going to pick up some whey powder and post workout.  Just to make sure I'm understanding correctly - you use Whey, Post Workout and the BCAA's?  What Brands?

Sorry for the mass amount of questions, I really appreciate your help.
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Other than 1 cheat day per week, I've been off that junk food.  My dinner 6 nights a week consists of an egg white omelet and wheat toast.

Definitely going to pick up some whey powder and post workout.  Just to make sure I'm understanding correctly - you use Whey, Post Workout and the BCAA's?  What Brands?

Sorry for the mass amount of questions, I really appreciate your help.

The BCAA's pre-workout, and the protein powder post-workout. and in the morning. Make sure to order from which is WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY cheaper than GNC or complete nutrition. I would go for Optimum Nutrition BCAA's and as far as the whey goes, anything that doesn't contain soy. i.e. Optimum Gold Standard, Muscle Pharm, Phase 8.

The Phase 8 is buy one get free right now. I like the chocolate

EDIT: A stupid question is a question that isn't asked.
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you don't need that much protein to build muscle and why do you need aminos?

You don't need the BCAA's, but if you're overly sore to the point that you're dreading working out then the BCAA's will help out with that.

And as far as the protein goes, I believe that you are misinformed. 1g of protein per lb of body... do you know how to use google?
Other than 1 cheat day per week, I've been off that junk food.  My dinner 6 nights a week consists of an egg white omelet and wheat toast.

Definitely going to pick up some whey powder and post workout.  Just to make sure I'm understanding correctly - you use Whey, Post Workout and the BCAA's?  What Brands?

Sorry for the mass amount of questions, I really appreciate your help.

The BCAA's pre-workout, and the protein powder post-workout. and in the morning. Make sure to order from which is WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY cheaper than GNC or complete nutrition. I would go for Optimum Nutrition BCAA's and as far as the whey goes, anything that doesn't contain soy. i.e. Optimum Gold Standard, Muscle Pharm, Phase 8.

The Phase 8 is buy one get free right now. I like the chocolate

EDIT: A stupid question is a question that isn't asked.
order placed

thanks for the tips

check your PM when you get a chance
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We go back to this being a thread about staying in shape in general...not a bodybuilding/gym specific thread bro...guess if I was a yoga guy or a gymnist or swimmer you would run me off as well simply because I'm not part of the general public in here?...just doesn't seem fair bro....just don't see why ya get worked up everytime the word Crossfit is mentioned in here...I seriously just shared a tragic story about a man performing an excercise and come the jokes and uninformed assumptions.
I think the best bet is that you 2 start a crossfit thread. I don't think anyone in here would be opposed to that. It will give you 2 a place to talk and socialize about WODs, fake pull ups, and discuss how to recover from injuries.
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you don't need that much protein to build muscle and why do you need aminos?

You don't need the BCAA's, but if you're overly sore to the point that you're dreading working out then the BCAA's will help out with that.

And as far as the protein goes, I believe that you are misinformed. 1g of protein per lb of body... do you know how to use google?

then you should probably take some time off and heal up. you wont lose any gains taking a couple days off.
you don't need that much protein to build muscle and why do you need aminos?

You don't need the BCAA's, but if you're overly sore to the point that you're dreading working out then the BCAA's will help out with that.

And as far as the protein goes, I believe that you are misinformed. 1g of protein per lb of body... do you know how to use google?

Dat strong supplement company bro science
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