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Crossfitter Kevin Ogar severed his spine during the OC throw down while performing a snatch.....terrible news made worst by the fact that hes uninsured
so i set some personal goals for myself to hit by April. im currently maxing out on flat bench at 225x3. im setting my goal for 315.
also on squats, im maxing at 275x4. im setting my goal at 365...

hopefully hit those 2 goals by end of april then i want to cut in May. i currently weigh in at 228, im 5'8".
i eat pretty clean for the most part with a cheat meal on sunday. i dont take any supplements right now. looking into start taking some form of protien tho

i have been lookin at the muscle pharm products. any one take or have taken muscle pharm prodcuts?
How low for an ATG? Last I checked people that claim use the term ATG describing going well below parallel, knees going past the toes, hips going lower than the knees, flexibility at the ankles, etc...

They might not understand the biometrics behind and ATG, but they sure as hell know what an ATG looks like and reenact it themselves.

It comes to flexibility anyway, some people can fold better than others at the hole.
I was reading some stuff about the high number of rabdomyolosis *sp in crossfit athletes. Hope some of you guys have good coaches that know what their doing. Be safe out there, who ever in here practices crossfit.
I don't have anything against crossfit personally but you know damn well that's going to add to the bad form/dangerous stigma that crossfit already has even tho it was likely a freak accident. :smh:

I never did understand why you want to physically fatigue yourself and try to do heavy, complex olympic lifts at the same time. :x
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I don't have anything against crossfit personally but you know damn well that's going to add to the bad form/dangerous stigma that crossfit already has even tho it was likely a freak accident.

I never did understand why you want to physically fatigue yourself and try to do heavy, complex olympic lifts at the same time.
Hence why its so dumb. Your just waiting to get hurt.
currently at 225 x 3 and the goal is 315 1rm by april?!?!
unless you're still making noob gains, that's a pretty lofty goal. good luck man.
so i set some personal goals for myself to hit by April. im currently maxing out on flat bench at 225x3. im setting my goal for 315.
also on squats, im maxing at 275x4. im setting my goal at 365...

hopefully hit those 2 goals by end of april then i want to cut in May. i currently weigh in at 228, im 5'8".
i eat pretty clean for the most part with a cheat meal on sunday. i dont take any supplements right now. looking into start taking some form of protien tho

i have been lookin at the muscle pharm products. any one take or have taken muscle pharm prodcuts?

I use some muscle pharm products, mainly their pre-workout, haven't used their protein though.
How low for an ATG? Last I checked people that claim use the term ATG describing going well below parallel, knees going past the toes, hips going lower than the knees, flexibility at the ankles, etc...

They might not understand the biometrics behind and ATG, but they sure as hell know what an ATG looks like and reenact it themselves.

It comes to flexibility anyway, some people can fold better than others at the hole.
Yeah going past parallel is plenty good. Just because you can do it doesn't mean you should lol I was taught your knees shouldn't be over your toes….. but everyone is different.

Not many of your average gym bros can ATG really heavy weight anyways.
Kinda thought it was big. Reason why I posted. What you think is a reasonable goal?
Are you running a bench program? Unless you just started lifting you will more than likely hit a plateau and have to deload before then.
Bench program? No. I hit it wit 4 sets on chest day goin up in weight on each set. And try to go up 10 pounds every 2 weeks. Not sure if that a program. Jus somthing I'm doing. At home doing push ups every night if that actually helps lol. But I been lifting on n off for a few years but I'm tryna keep it consistent now...I think 265 was the most I maxed and that was a few years back...
Bench program? No. I hit it wit 4 sets on chest day goin up in weight on each set. And try to go up 10 pounds every 2 weeks. Not sure if that a program. Jus somthing I'm doing. At home doing push ups every night if that actually helps lol. But I been lifting on n off for a few years but I'm tryna keep it consistent now...I think 265 was the most I maxed and that was a few years back...
Yeah I would try getting on a set program and going with that. 5x5 is fool proof and will get you progressing nicely, also 5x3 works,5/3/1, theres plenty out there. Just make sure you are adding weight even if its only 5 pounds a week and deload accordingly.
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Bench program? No. I hit it wit 4 sets on chest day goin up in weight on each set. And try to go up 10 pounds every 2 weeks. Not sure if that a program. Jus somthing I'm doing. At home doing push ups every night if that actually helps lol. But I been lifting on n off for a few years but I'm tryna keep it consistent now...I think 265 was the most I maxed and that was a few years back...
Yeah I would try getting on a set program and going with that. 5x5 is fool proof and will get you progressing nicely, also 5x3 works,5/3/1, theres plenty out there. Just make sure you are adding weight even if its only 5 pounds a week and deload accordingly.
Ok coo. Thanks for the advice. I'll have to do some research on them...
i'm not sure what a reasonable goal is for you. i see you have prior lifting experience. just as an estimate, you'd need to rep 225 around x13 to get up to 315 1rm. don't let my words hold you back though. shoot for 315 and see how close you get or better yet, you reach it.
i'm not sure what a reasonable goal is for you. i see you have prior lifting experience. just as an estimate, you'd need to rep 225 around x13 to get up to 315 1rm. don't let my words hold you back though. shoot for 315 and see how close you get or better yet, you reach it.
Thanks man. Yea ima go for it!
you can always get on the juice and hit 315 in a matter of weeks .... :lol:
but for real going from 225 to 315 is really hard. but with hard work and dedication in time you will get there.
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