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Story of my life

For real 

Thats why I just need to buckle down do it and get it over with.
Seen a kid wearing the Bane mask and the "Train Insaiyan" T-shirt going hard on some quarter squats lol I was like wtf is that nois
day 2 stronglifts complete...chompin on some granola...should I eat a protein bar/granola bar instead?  or just pure granola..any suggestions for post workout/mid morning meals?  I go to work right after the gym so cooking breakfast is out
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You can cook oatmeal that takes minute and a half?


I always carb up before heavy lift routines.
If I could I would have a breakfast feast every morning.

I love hash browns and over easy eggs
You can hard boil eggs the night before...
I'm horrible at hard boiled eggs. Shell always sticks to the white, so when I try to pull it off, half the egg gets pulled off with the shell

End up getting pissed and throwing it all away.

Been sticking with scrambled.
I'm horrible at hard boiled eggs. Shell always sticks to the white, so when I try to pull it off, half the egg gets pulled off with the shell

End up getting pissed and throwing it all away.

Been sticking with scrambled.
If you're doing them in a pan, trick is to throw a pinch of salt into the water and they should peel easier when cooled. Also you don't want to use really fresh eggs -ones that are a few days old are best.

Personally I use an egg cooker, and it works just as well with that.

I usually prepare 14 at a time (for the week) peel them and throw them in a pickle jar... 

My go to lunch, especially in the summer: 2 cold hard boiled eggs with cold tuna salad, couple of tomatoes, cucumber and some pickled onions 
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I'm horrible at hard boiled eggs. Shell always sticks to the white, so when I try to pull it off, half the egg gets pulled off with the shell :smh:

End up getting pissed and throwing it all away.

Been sticking with scrambled.
I've found that the longer you cook em the easier they ate to peel. The downside is the longer you cook em the worse they taste. But then again see don't care about taste we're freaks
i love eggs.

When i decided to lose weight a while ago and found out its one of the very few things I could keep in my diet i was really happy. :lol:
Jesus Christ this hurts more than I thought it would.

Am I being stubborn by only taking one oxy every few hours instead of 2?

How am I supposed to poop with one leg...

I hate this ****.
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