STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

That's what's up. Nate dogg on that gym hype.

That's my physique if I were able to take it up to 11. Right now at a 7.

ACL surgery went chill. No pain when I awoke and no real pain now. But I'm looking forward to them oxys. Doc said I can even bare weight as needed.

Doing some straight leg lifts, ankle pumps and even some quad activation.

Spirits up. Hope y'all stay safe
Hope you rehab goes well, I know how much of a struggle it can be.

Kobe aint under 10% bf lol

And Nate is not too "brolic" for his size lol The dude is one of the smallest players in the league, he wouldn't last if he was 20lbs lighter. Don't know many lanky 5'8'' dudes.
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I want a gladiator body now. Warrior status. I wanna look like I can be dropped in Athens at any time with a sword and shield and able to wreck ****. Achilles with no Achilles heel swag. Savage animal body. Speed agility, muscle, cuts, power. I'm pretty much there because I've always trained with a footballer mindstate. But I'm making the conscious effort to be on some spartan **** lol. New challenges, new goals kinda get me excited for the gym again. I still don't find it fun to workout anymore but the results are always appreciated
Likewise and be strong as ****. 

Only a few of us in here bout that life.
just got cleared after a month from appendix surgery to workout again.........

was thinking of going to gym and doing circuit training tomorrow chest, let me know if it sounds ok...(4 times)

pull ups (max)

bench press (12)

butterflies (12)

incline (12)

push ups (max)

cable crossovers (12)

decline  (12)

diamond pushups (8)
How do guys like Kobe, cut weight? I am talking already in tip top shape and really lean. I remember hearing him drop 15 lbs for the olympics, and he said he wants to cut 10-15 lbs this season. Wouldn't he be losing a lot of muscle, esp considering he is probably around 8-9% BF
Well first off they probably walk around during the offseason at a much heavier weight, so it's not actually that hard to drop the weight.
If you've ever played a sport where you have an intense pre-season period, you've probably noticed how you drop off a fair amount of weight right off the bat when you get back started with training.
I'd imagine dropping a good 10 lbs or so probably happens to most pro athletes when they start up their seasons unless they actively make extra efforts to keep on the weight.
just got cleared after a month from appendix surgery to workout again.........
I had the same surgery not to long ago. Throwing up white foam and at the hospital i couldnt stop throwing up stomach fluids.. All because my appendix burst
He needs that muscle to be able to take hits and punishment when driving to the lane.
But compared to other cats around his size, ie Rose, CP3, Wall, etc dude is buffer than the rest. Lanky dudes can still drive, ask KD! Lol

Going to go hard until Friday and then take a week off until after Christmas.
I also need to go extra in with all the planned fattening holiday meals for work and such :frown:
He needs that muscle to be able to take hits and punishment when driving to the lane.
But compared to other cats around his size, ie Rose, CP3, Wall, etc dude is buffer than the rest. Lanky dudes can still drive, ask KD! Lol

Going to go hard until Friday and then take a week off until after Christmas.
I also need to go extra in with all the planned fattening holiday meals for work and such :frown:

They aren't around his size lol. He's like 5'8. He's not cocky, he's compact. Check his ig some more. Dude is small. Rose is 6'3. Wall is 6'4. CP3 is 6 and husky.
Can anyone recommend any lower back exercises?

Standing lat pull downs (pulling the bar down in front of you)

Standing cable rows (hooking a rope to the bottom pulley on those cable machines with a high pulley and a low one too, you know the ones?). I do one arm at a time.

Back movements are my favorite and these two have done me good.
First day of my cut has started! Gonna be hard but it's time to get back on that grind fellas.
Right there with you homie, done it before and we can do it again. Lets go.
They aren't around his size lol. He's like 5'8. He's not cocky, he's compact. Check his ig some more. Dude is small. Rose is 6'3. Wall is 6'4. CP3 is 6 and husky.
Yeah I think Wis is a little confused about his actual stats.
Right there with you homie, done it before and we can do it again. Lets go.

Yeah I think Wis is a little confused about his actual stats.

Absolutely! Holidays have absolutely destroyed my eating habits and I feel disgusting so it's time to get back on track.
I want a gladiator body now. Warrior status. I wanna look like I can be dropped in Athens at any time with a sword and shield and able to wreck ****. Achilles with no Achilles heel swag. Savage animal body. Speed agility, muscle, cuts, power. I'm pretty much there because I've always trained with a footballer mindstate. But I'm making the conscious effort to be on some spartan **** lol. New challenges, new goals kinda get me excited for the gym again. I still don't find it fun to workout anymore but the results are always appreciated

Join a BJJ/MMA gym if you dont like lifting weights anymore. Just do it
I have an extra container of Creature creatine, 300g, 60 servings. It's on for $30, if any NT'er wants it, I got them for $15 shipped.

It's just been sitting in my closet, I don;t know what to do with it :lol:
First day of my cut has started! Gonna be hard but it's time to get back on that grind fellas.
Right there with you homie, done it before and we can do it again. Lets go.

They aren't around his size lol. He's like 5'8. He's not cocky, he's compact. Check his ig some more. Dude is small. Rose is 6'3. Wall is 6'4. CP3 is 6 and husky.
Yeah I think Wis is a little confused about his actual stats.

Yeah being 5'7 I can tell he's definitely closer to my height than 5'10.
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