STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

First day of Strong Lifts 5x5 went well, following the program so I just started with the bar weight.  I probably shouldn't have done this, but i doubled my reps since it was so simple.  I don't plan on doing this once I up the weight, since I will have warm up sets to do.  The most difficult wasthe Barbell Row, I feel like my form was complete garbage so I plan on reviewing some more videos today.

So here are my beginning weights:

Squat 45lb

Bench 45lb

Barbell Row 65lb

We don't worry about new years resolutions, we're freaks.
anyone here use dr dre PowerBeats to work out in?

im gonna start bringing music to the gym again.
I dread this time of year the most because it's almost the first of January AKA new resolutioners at the gym. I don't mind anyone bettering themselves, but you shouldn't need for the clock to strike 1/1 to start or give up within a month or so. You didn't get in that shape in that time frame, and you won't lose it completely in the same duration. Parking becomes such a problem...factor in with the dudes who come to ball and the folks who come to those workout feels like I'm in undergrad trying to find a parking spot during 10AM :lol: Have to follow folks to their cars and all.

**** doesn't bother me...if you're waiting till 1/1 to make a resolution, chances are you'll be out of the gym (or working out sporadically) by 1/8. I workout at weird hours, so I don't normally see the rush.
I find myself cracking my back often, never was able to crack it before. Ia that a bad sign?
edit: it cracks when I foam roll too. Maybe I should stop foam rolling?
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anyone here use dr dre PowerBeats to work out in?

im gonna start bringing music to the gym again.

what do you guys wear to train in? already looked up reviews an powerbeats suck it seems
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anyone here use dr dre PowerBeats to work out in?

im gonna start bringing music to the gym again.
I do. The bass is a lot heavier than the stock iPod earbuds I've been using for the last years. I think it kills my iPod quicker too, maybe to power up the ear buds. The only annoyance I have is I can feel them on my ears when I'm running at over 10 mph.
anyone here use dr dre PowerBeats to work out in?

im gonna start bringing music to the gym again.
I do. The bass is a lot heavier than the stock iPod earbuds I've been using for the last years. I think it kills my iPod quicker too, maybe to power up the ear buds. The only annoyance I have is I can feel them
**** doesn't bother me...if you're waiting till 1/1 to make a resolution, chances are you'll be out of the gym (or working out sporadically) by 1/8. I workout at weird hours, so I don't normally see the rush.
Yeah, man. Before I had a typical shift I used to love working at weird hours. At 2AM I used to run into nurses and doctors. At 6AM it was the senior citizens. Now that I work 8AM to 6PM, I go to the gym after work so that's prime time for the rush sadly.
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