STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

What are you guys' daily food intake looking like?

I recently started cooking my own lunch instead of eating out daily.

For me currently:

6:30AM: a bowl of oatmeal with fruits
8:30AM: 2 pieces of rice cake, a string cheese, and banana
10AM: peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread, and a handful of nuts
12PM: 2 burgers on wheat buns, either extra lean beef or turkey, 2 small baked potatoes, and a couple slices of either cantaloupe or watermelon
2PM: a cup of sugar free Jello and a handful of strawberries
4PM: an apple and a bag of carrots
8PM: a bowl of brown rice with chicken, broccoli, an orange, a cup of yogurt

This is for week days. On week ends, I have my cheat meals so I eat 'normal' foods :lol:
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3 eggs w/ 2 slices of buttered toast & Protein shake with banana, strawberries, blackberries, Cranberries and spinach.

Snack before lunch
Trail mix and nutri-grain bar

BBQ Chicken breast and Rice w/ mixed veggies

protein shake and a fiber one and nature valley protein bar. (I get very hungry after a workout)

Anything I feel like making.

I only drink water throughout the day.
I dont even check my macros when it comes to bulking because I'm eating anything and everything. (Still eat 2-3 chicken breasts a day tho and white rice with every meal) 

Gained a solid 10-12 pounds in about a month and a half and gradually increased strength throughout.

Winter bulking feels really good and liberating especially when spring is around the corner and cutting and watching macros comes back
Anyone here get M&F magazine in the mail? I got mine yesterday but it was Jan '14, and not Dec's?? Anyone else get theres

Any good prices for Optimum Nutrition Protein? I missed the deal they had a few weeks back
What are you guys' daily food intake looking like?

I recently started cooking my own lunch instead of eating out daily.

For me currently:

6:30AM: a bowl of oatmeal with fruits
8:30AM: 2 pieces of rice cake, a string cheese, and banana
10AM: peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread, and a handful of nuts
12PM: 2 burgers on wheat buns, either extra lean beef or turkey, 2 small baked potatoes, and a couple slices of either cantaloupe or watermelon
2PM: a cup of sugar free Jello and a handful of strawberries
4PM: an apple and a bag of carrots
8PM: a bowl of brown rice with chicken, broccoli, an orange, a cup of yogurt

This is for week days. On week ends, I have my cheat meals so I eat 'normal' foods :lol:

~7:30: Some kind of scramble with 6 eggs (whole; we don't care about "cholesterol" we're freaks), some chopped up veggies (peppers, onion, mushrooms, spinach), sometimes cheese and bacon. And usually a carb source (sweet potato or brown rice) either mixed in with the scramble or on the size.
AM at work: depending on how I'm feeling, I'll snack on some almonds, fruit, yogurt, maybe a scoop of protein
Lunch: leftovers from dinner the night before - 3/4 lb of meat - chicken, steak, ground beef, along with some carbs - either rice or sweet potatoes. Along with some frozen veggies - green beans/brocolli.
PM at work: a piece of fruit, a yogurt, maybe some almonds. Sometimes a scoop of whey. Also, if I'm lifting that day - a half sweet potato before I go to lift.
Dinner: Same set up as lunch, with maybe some additional veggies or garnishes.
Post dinner: sometimes some dark chocolate, usually a solid shake with fruit mixed in.

That's the framework but things change.
My meals this week are..

Breakfast - Whey shake breakfast

Lunch - Cobb Salad.

Pre workout - Parmesan chicken breast x veggies x whey shake

Post workout - Ground beef x spinach casserole x whey shake
Anyone here get M&F magazine in the mail? I got mine yesterday but it was Jan '14, and not Dec's?? Anyone else get theres

Any good prices for Optimum Nutrition Protein? I missed the deal they had a few weeks back

i think the past issue was Dec.

i got subscription but i dont pay attention to the months :lol:
3 shakes a day and that diet.....are you cutting? that sounds like a starvation meal plan. i hope your protein powder is tasty at least.
3 shakes a day and that diet.....are you cutting? that sounds like a starvation meal plan. i hope your protein powder is tasty at least.
Also agree. I'm not sure of the portions but if I had to take a guess, that's about 1000 to 1500 cals for a day?

That's pretty aggressive but sounds similar to what I was eating years ago during the weight dropping.

If you get hungry in-between I don't think it would harm to throw in one or two healthy snacks :smile:
1500 cal :x way too low man. hope youre lifting weights too because your going to end up with no muscle or worse skinny fat. :x
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No grown *** man should be taking in 1k-1500 calls a day. Period. I don't care who you are or what your trying to do. Thats the quickest way to **** up your metabolism.

If you need to drop weight that bad then just up your cardio.
No grown *** man should be taking in 1k-1500 calls a day. Period. I don't care who you are or what your trying to do. Thats the quickest way to **** up your metabolism.

If you need to drop weight that bad then just up your cardio.

Ever heard of herschel walker
nobody in this thread is herschel walker. dude either had godly genetics or is a liar. he was out here training MMA and he said he ate one meal consisting of cabbage and soup per day....:rolleyes
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whey is an excellent protein source with high bioavailability but that many shakes with so little whole foods is terrible in terms of satiety.
Let me live man :lol:

Calories end up being around 2500 a day
For sure, man. Good luck on your journey. I'm sure all the dudes in here really support one another. 2500 cals is alright. I guess I didn't guess the portions correctly.

Don't be fooled with the whey shakes though. They wanna make it seem like you can take them with minimal workout and have a God like physique.

You can cook some good stuff and still be within your cal limit. The patties I'm working with are only like 200 a piece and the buns are like 200 also. I just throw lettuce and guac on and I'm good to go.

Speak of carbs and productivity at the gym, I can totally feel the difference between going in the morning after I wake up as oppose to later on in the day when I've eaten meals.
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depending on your size, 2500 is not bad at all. just looked like the kinda diet that would have me hungry all the time. good luck on your goals man!
I dread this time of year the most because it's almost the first of January AKA new resolutioners at the gym. I don't mind anyone bettering themselves, but you shouldn't need for the clock to strike 1/1 to start or give up within a month or so. You didn't get in that shape in that time frame, and you won't lose it completely in the same duration. Parking becomes such a problem...factor in with the dudes who come to ball and the folks who come to those workout feels like I'm in undergrad trying to find a parking spot during 10AM :lol: Have to follow folks to their cars and all.
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