Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

crazy gross.

Remove her breasts and a large majority of dudes would want that physique. 
for hanging leg raises, whats a go set/rep amount? and how exactly is the form, should you be using more your hips or trying to get a certain height with your legs...?
Do you guys recommend cardio before or after workout?

Right now, I do my workout and then finish it off with 35mins on the Elliptical.
Originally Posted by youngmoney

i just cant do the akward
I feel you.. jus gotta get used to it.

I feel that the Elliptical keeps me running/active versus the treadmill.. when I am on the treadmill I am more likely to start walking more than running.. idk
Im 15 5:8 175 i need to lose weight to become an elite basketball player I have all the skills and score alot and get alot of attention, but to go d1 i need to slim down because to many times at aau tryouts I do good but i get judged because I look chubby, i have little man boobs and rolls, can someone help me out to get to the next level either message me or talk to me here and ill post pics if needed
So, I'm at the same poundage I was last month at 178.5 but the thing is, I can see that my face lost fat, I dont have as big of a gut, I can fit a size smaller in my jeans and t-shirts and my arms , shoulders, chest, thighs and calves are developing muscle. I understand I'm gaining muscle but I wanted to lose weight first THEN bulk up.

I'm excited that I'm developing more muscle and strength, but it gets to be a downer to see you're not losing any weight from the past month.

Is this a good thing? Any tips on what I should do?
Can someone put me on to a good/easy healthy meals that yall are eating to hit your daily protein goals? I'm already eating chicken, turkey patties, tuna, but i need some new variations and ideas
Originally Posted by McStabb05

Can someone put me on to a good/easy healthy meals that yall are eating to hit your daily protein goals? I'm already eating chicken, turkey patties, tuna, but i need some new variations and ideas

Salmon, cod, halibut (any fish pretty much), shrimp, eggs are a great source, beans, pork tenderloin, the list goes on.

Here's what I had for dinner tonight:

Low fat chicken meatballs, lightly stir fried asparagus with garlic and a half teaspoon of olive oil, and roma tomato slices. Had an apple for dessert so I had some carbs in the meal. For those of you trying to lose weight, a simple tip for ya: use smaller plates. I cheated by using two plates, but the plate with the asparagus on it is only about 7 inches in diameter. Smaller plate = eat less food. Small tip that might work for some of you trying to control portions.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by DubA169

can anyone recommend me a good protein powder? Im currently doing p90x. Trying to lose my gut and gain muscle everywhere else. My arms and legs are toothpicks. Seems whatever fat i gain goes straight to my gut. Should i do it post workout? How many a day? can i use it as a meal supplement?
Optimum Nutrition Whey is the basic.  The rule of thumb is 1 gram of protein per KG of body weight per day.

You want a shake ASAP after a workout.

It's not a meal replacement, but I occasionally take smaller shakes and combine them with salads or fruits or whatever it is i'm eating if my meal is gonna be low on protein.
Try Isopure. It did wonders for me. I drank it every night before going to bed. 

The amount of protein you take should be about 1/3 of your body weigh. Even then, after 50 grams of protein a day, you won't be building additional muscle with the additional protein.
Originally Posted by Me4u2Night

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by DubA169

can anyone recommend me a good protein powder? Im currently doing p90x. Trying to lose my gut and gain muscle everywhere else. My arms and legs are toothpicks. Seems whatever fat i gain goes straight to my gut. Should i do it post workout? How many a day? can i use it as a meal supplement?
Optimum Nutrition Whey is the basic.  The rule of thumb is 1 gram of protein per KG of body weight per day.

You want a shake ASAP after a workout.

It's not a meal replacement, but I occasionally take smaller shakes and combine them with salads or fruits or whatever it is i'm eating if my meal is gonna be low on protein.
Try Isopure. It did wonders for me. I drank it every night before going to bed. 

The amount of protein you take should be about 1/3 of your body weigh. Even then, after 50 grams of protein a day, you won't be building additional muscle with the additional protein.
50 grams....?
Where did you learn this?
My bulimic ex girlfriend was shooting for 50g min just to stay alliiiive
My first ever diet ended today and I managed to drop 3,4kgs in 4 weeks. I'm pretty happy with myself
Carlos Tevez wrote:
Does anyone include this shoulder exercise in their routine? This past week I've seen 4 different people at the gym do it which is strange because I've never seen this exercise done before. I might give it a try next week...

I do that, but I clean it off the floor before that.I do it on my leg/sports/functional day.

Originally Posted by Meangene4

Originally Posted by Goldmember

Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by Meangene4

Goldmember wrote:
Can anyone recommend me a good lower abs workout?.. trying to get rid of this beer belly of mine

your going to have to lose weight you cant spot reduce. With proper nutrition� the belly will melt away.� its 80% diet 20% working out.
too lazy to find original post

but do leg raises

do hanging leg raises to impress the girls though
Thanks!.. yea i know its going to start with my diet.. just wanna know some exercise to go with it..

Double Leg Lifts: Lie down on your back, with your hands placed under your butt, with the palms facing the floor. Then, contracting your lower abdominal muscles, and tightening the muscles of your legs, lift them straight up vertically, and hold them there for a few seconds. Then lower them down until they are a few inches off the floor, and hold it there again for a few seconds.
That's gonna work your hip flexors more than your abs. 
Originally Posted by Calypso Chanta

for hanging leg raises, whats a go set/rep amount? and how exactly is the form, should you be using more your hips or trying to get a certain height with your legs...?
Most people do these ineffectively if targeting their lower abs is their goal.Your abs (rectus abs) are responsible for 30-40 degrees of spinal flexion, not hip flexion.
Your hip angle should be at 90 degrees (knees bent) throughout the whole exercise, so as to eliminate hip flexor activity, and you should be flexing at the spine, rather than the hips.
Bodylastics????????  Anyone use this, or Weider X Factor, or that Randy Couture one?  I won't have much space to workout so looking for something like this to give me an option when I can't make it out of the house?  Thanks!  Any links to workout videos, or etc that would be good for building a little mass but mostly slimming down and strengthenin core/getting cut using these types of bands would be awesome.
most of yall have to realize that the avg person is not going to be able to keep up with watching every last thing they eat while counting calories and protein intake. Just eat a sensibly and workout. Everything else will fall into place.
Were all just regular people, no need to go OD on diets, supplements, etc...
i dont believe in the word *diet*..i used to always go on "diets" and i would just end up eating whatever i felt like after awile..i call it a lifestyle change...when you eralize you have to eat this way for the rest of your, the sooner youll accept it and take it seriously...(of course with 1 cheat day)
OK, wrong choice of words. Cutting ended today. I try to eat healthy all the time but I just kept it little more disciplined than usually.
Originally Posted by Meangene4

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Do you guys recommend cardio before or after workout?

Right now, I do my workout and then finish it off with 35mins on the Elliptical.

if you want to burn fat after workout.

Anyone else with comments or suggestions?
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