So Tiger Woods is in more trouble...and this time, it's from members of the Black community...lulz

Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

Let's imagine that Tiger Woods was white and his wife was black. If white women made these comments about his wife, wouldn't they be considered racist? To me it's beyond hypocritical. Black folk can't reserve the right to be racist, and then demand that people not be racist towards them.

I know I'll get flamed for saying it, but it's been my personal experience that black women are as racist as any other subset of people. There are A LOT who will (generally speaking) not date outside of the race, (and if you are a black man who is successful and/or good looking) they don't want you dating outside of the race either. They don't care how successful a (non black) guy is or whether he has a great personality blah blah blah, etc.

This isn't a stupid generalization either. If you google something like "black women who date outside their race" you will find that there is research to actually back up my claims.

And yes, I'm black.
Well since this is your personal experience with black women being racist there really isn't anything anybody can tell you because you knowwhat you have experienced. I will say this though you stating it as if it is some kind of grand mal fact because a google search "backs up yourclaims" about some black women and the keyword says so is what bothers me so I'm responding.

They don't care how successful a (non black) guy is or whether he has a great personality blah blah blah, etc.
I'm going to stack this up to your personal experience as well but just know that isn't everybody. For you to go to that extreme youclearly don't think too much of a black women's ability to pick a match for herself if she so chooses to date inter-racially.

There are A LOT who will (generally speaking) not date outside of the race, (and if you are a black man who is successful and/or good looking) they don't want you dating outside of the race either.
I also noticed how you did not say anything about a black's man personality or positive attributes like if he has family values, or moralswhen describing what would make him appealing when it comes to dating within and outside the race. You went straight to the success(money) and thephysical(good looking) both of which can be taken like that.

Black folk can't reserve the right to be racist, and then demand that people not be racist towards them.
How about folks just not be racist across the board but you know at the end of the day honesty is the best policy and people feel how they feel.It ain't right but for example purposes it was good to see how people really felt about Kanye after the Taylor Swift joint. Folks were finally beinghonest.

So thank you for being honest.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Isn't it just as bad for me to say, "I'm looking for a strong black woman" as it is for me to say, "I'm looking for a strong white woman"? I think there's a double standard.



I don't have the time or patience to explain things in depth that should be common sense.

Neither one of those things are "bad" but we are speaking about cultural norms and societal labels here.

The problem is with ruling out an entire race of women and only dealing with a pool of white women as opposed to genuinely finding someone you want to be withregardless of race.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

"Had Barack had a white wife, I would have thought twice
about voting for him," Johnson Cooper said.
Wow. That's just sad honestly.

Ridiculously sad. _'s need to get their heads out they behinds. This is 2009. You can't complain about racism and prejudices and then
go and say some !%@@ like this.

Its highly unlikely that a White Republican candidate would have a Black Wife in the first place and damn near impossible that a White GOP candidate with a Black Wife would be given the nomination by his party.

I don't see that statement as sad. I see it as the reality of American Identity politics.

Only Black people seem to have this deep concern of what others think of them and how they can reach out to assimilate.

Everyone else sticks to their core "values" and makes no bones about it.

Stop being gaffled Black People.

We're not for racism and separation but there is certainly nothing wrong with a strong Black Family unit. This isn't even a consideration in other ethic communities. You can't control love and I believe you should be accepting, welcoming and happy of peoples' personal choices...but there is this concerted effort to cast black love aside and to reach out specifically to the white race of the opposite gender.

Thats not integration and harmony, its an extension of your inferiority complex in many cases. Thats why there is so much resentment to Black Women displayed on places like NT...when in reality most of these cats haven't had significant dealings with women of any race period.
The thing that most people are apparently missing on here is the fact that U.S. society does nearly everything in its power to brainwash everyone into believing that whiteness is the standard of beauty, especially white women. Thus, in this context, it's not just a "preference" for white women; it is a systematic conditioning of everyone in the U.S. that white (especially blonde, i.e. really white) women are more attractive than women of other racial backgrounds. As such, any time a non-white (and especially a black) man has an apparently strong pattern of dating exclusively white women, some see this as evidence of those men buying into the ridiculous notion that white women are more beautiful than women of other races (especially black women).

Society beats black folks down enough as it is without black women having to feel like the black men that share in their experience of racial oppression have bought into the racist brainwashing that holds white women as the ideal beauty (by displaying a strong preference for white women, dating them exclusively, etc).

That's what makes the "non-white (especially black) man and white woman" combination different from any other and why black women are likely (and justifiably) more offended and infuriated by the interracial (white) dating habits of some of their male counterparts.

So no, it's not just Tiger's "preference" as so many of you are quick to state as if that's all there is to it.
This is no good, no good at all. Black women (along with the black community) have the right to be angry at black males for dating white women, but that does not mean it's justifiable. The real problem is not that society has made white women out to be the paragon of beauty. The problem is that when a black man is doing well for himself, if he doesn't marry/date within his race, they see him as a sellout. Not me, nor any other black man in this world, is entitled to marry a black woman. Also, I don't ever hear this argument come up when a black man dates an Asian, or a Latina, or anything else. Why is it that when black men date white women he has to be a sellout? Or he has to been brainwashed to believe a certain race of women are the best thing since sliced bread? Why can it not be that he simply has a preference? Is it wrong for us to have preferences now? If it's not, "damn, why he gotta marry that white chick?!" it's "damn, why he with that light skin chick". It's not our jobs to please you with OUR significant other. Whoever that man decides to be with is his business, there shouldn't even be uproars about this nonsense. Moreover, Halle Berry is married to a white man and has a child by him, I don't see anyone screaming "she doesn't acknowledge the black community" or "she's been brainwashed to believe white males are better". You know why? Because it's only the females who spew that crap.

You are completely missing the point. You and many other in this thread keep talking about "preference" as if there is nothing thataffects a person's "preference" in women, it's just something someone is born with. In the case of African American men appearing to beattracted to and only dating white women, I don't think this is ever a "simple preference." Are you really that "simple"?

And yes, the problem IS that society has made white women out to be the paragon of beauty. How is it not? If thiswere not the case, black women probably wouldn't see black men as sell-outs for dating and marrying white women.

As for your "arguments" about black men and women of different racial backgrounds and black women dating white guys, you apparently missed the partwhere I clearly stated that the
"non-white (especially black) man and white woman" combination different from any other
Then to top it off, you contradict yourself by then stating that people have problems with black men going after light-skinned women... soapparently these relationships are problematic. I will break it down for you as to why since it doesn't seem likeyou are grasping it:

- White women have been set up as the "paragon of beauty" in U.S. society. This "ideal"includes long flowing hair, being thin, white skin,light (blonde) hair, thin pointed nose, high cheek bones, etc. Black women are essentially at the opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to most of thesefeatures (skin, hair, facial construction, etc.) This sets up a dichotomy in which white women are the most attractive (as wealready established) and black women are the least attractive.
- Thus, black men that date white women exclusively appear to have bought into the notion that white women are more beautiful than other women, withdark-skinned black women being on the opposite end of the "scale of attraction," if you will.
- Men go after who they find attractive- what their preference is, as you so eloquently put. But why is it that blond, white women get the most"love" from men in our society? Do you honestly think that is the result of tens of millions of men's "simple preference"? Or is it(at least partially, and more so for black men) the result of social conditioning?
- As for men going after Latina, Asian, and light-skinned black women, they fall closer to the "ideal" of white beauty than dark-skinned black women. Why are most of the women in rap videos light-skinned? Why did Yung Berg state (besides the fact that he's an idiot) that he doesn't mess with"dark butts"? There is a hierarchy of beauty with white women at the top, dark-skinned black women at the bottom and everyone else falling somewherein between.

I don't see why you and so many others have such a problem with black women criticizing black men who have apparentlybought into this ridiculous and destructive social conditioning.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Man at the end of the day, just be with however makes you happy. Regardless of skin color.
Just because you are ___ doesn't mean you only have to be with ____ women/men. We all the same just diff shades

(Im black) They need to chiil out "I would think twice about voting For Barack Obama if he had a white wife." Are you kidding me? This is justemberassing.
There are reasons for people feeling this way about Tiger Woods, and most of them are things that we cannot look at unless we were in his mind.

I dont think most people understand what it means when a man says he wants a strong woman. A man wants a woman who is going to command his attention. No matterwhere that attention is. That attention is physical, emotional, and physical. This is an attention that allows a relationship to prosper. Its having theability to be upfront with the woman, talk to come to an understanding. Men want to be able to go out and not have their wife thinking they are cheating,knowing they are doing what there supposed to.

I aint gonna lie there are men who take advantage of these things, but at the same time its the womans responsibility to know the strength of her man.

The bottom line with Tiger is that he married a weak woman. A woman who didnt comand his love, trust, and respect. Its a lot harder to find that when yourrich, and thats why most dudes end up not finding it.

There are plenty of strong women out there. Race does not factor into it.
For real though ...

I just find it ironic that one of the main posters in here, is dark like Wesley Snipes inshade, & constantly beasts on a female NTer of the lighter tone.
I have never came across him saying ANY darker female was attractive.

Self-hatred FTL.

#kanye shrug

#just saying
blueLAMBORGHINI wrote:
For real though ...

I just find it ironic that one of the main posters in here, is dark like Wesley Snipes in shade, & constantly beasts on a female NTer of the lighter tone.
I have never came across him saying ANY darker female was attractive.

Self-hatred FTL.

#kanye shrug

#just saying

Just because somebody has a particular preference doesn't mean it's always self hatred.
It's just whatever they find attractive.
Originally Posted by Strawberry Milkshakes

Its deeper than just "preferences"...

This is exactly what most of y'all are failing to acknowledge and this speaks to exactly what I was saying about the black male-white female"preference."� You guys acting like "preference" in a mate is some innate disposition and refusing to admit to how society conditions us...even by the time we're in kindergarten.� They even know that they think the black doll is bad, ugly, etc.because it's black and the white one is good, pretty, nice, etc. becauseit's white.� But let me guess, it's just their "simple preference" right?


red mpls wrote:
Originally Posted by Strawberry Milkshakes

Its deeper than just "preferences"...

This is exactly what most of y'all are failing to acknowledge and this speaks to exactly what I was saying about the black male-white female "preference."� You guys acting like "preference" in a mate is some innate disposition and refusing to admit to how society conditions us... even by the time we're in kindergarten.� They even know that they think the black doll is bad, ugly, etc. because it's black and the white one is good, pretty, nice, etc. because it's white.� But let me guess, it's just their "simple preference" right?



I don't think children that age are gonna respond with.."I can't differentiate between the dolls, because both of them are equallybeautiful." or "They are both nice dolls so I can't choose just one"....
By asking, "Which doll is...", I think its leading them into picking what they are most used to seeing in mainstream media and play toys.
That doesn't necessarily mean those kids are going to grow up hating themselves as they go through parenting and get further into education.
It doesn't mean a particular adult black male is only going to want white females because when he was 4 years old, most of his toys and favorite cartooncharacters were white.
all i know is, i was arguing about tiger woods with "someone" in the sports forum and his justification as to why its ok for tiger to do what he did(and for all of us to do what tiger did) was that it's human nature and our natural instinct ... well check that vid up there homie ... but we'resupposed to ignore THAT aspect of human nature right ...
well this thread went exactly how i thought it would

black women gettin upset at black men for dating outside the race - check
black women playing the victim role, the "woe is me card" - check
somebody sayin sumtin stupid - check (black men who date white women do so because they cant handle black women)
somebody trying to say that a person's prefernce for other races = self hatred - check
somebody saying that nobody likes dark skinned women - check

now all we need is the flame war between two female posters...
RenaRene wrote:

I don't think children that age are gonna respond with.."I can't differentiate between the dolls, because both of them are equally beautiful." or "They are both nice dolls so I can't choose just one"....
By asking, "Which doll is...", I think its leading them into picking what they are most used to seeing in mainstream media and play toys.
That doesn't necessarily mean those kids are going to grow up hating themselves as they go through parenting and get further into education.
It doesn't mean a particular adult black male is only going to want white females because when he was 4 years old, most of his toys and favorite cartoon characters were white.

that wasnt the point of that video/experiment ... it was to debate if someone as young as that can already be indoctrinated with, essentially,white = good and black = bad ... or if it isn't indoctrination, just simply our natural human instincts ...
Originally Posted by GoinHam

well this thread went exactly how i thought it would

black women gettin upset at black men for dating outside the race - check
black women playing the victim role, the "woe is me card" - check
somebody sayin sumtin stupid - check (black men who date white women do so because they cant handle black women)
somebody trying to say that a person's prefernce for other races = self hatred - check
somebody saying that nobody likes dark skinned women - check

now all we need is the flame war between two female posters...
We might be goinham in here
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

I really don't see what they're complaining about. He won't identify himself with the black community? Who really cares? He acknowledges that he's mixed, they're mad because he won't say he's black when technically he's not. Also, being upset because he has a preference for white women? Give me a break. I prefer Asian women, I guess that makes me a bad person too.
LilStarZ07 wrote:
RenaRene wrote:

I don't think children that age are gonna respond with.."I can't differentiate between the dolls, because both of them are equally beautiful." or "They are both nice dolls so I can't choose just one"....
By asking, "Which doll is...", I think its leading them into picking what they are most used to seeing in mainstream media and play toys.
That doesn't necessarily mean those kids are going to grow up hating themselves as they go through parenting and get further into education.
It doesn't mean a particular adult black male is only going to want white females because when he was 4 years old, most of his toys and favorite cartoon characters were white.

that wasnt the point of that video/experiment ... it was to debate if someone as young as that can already be indoctrinated with, essentially, white = good and black = bad ... or if it isn't indoctrination, just simply our natural human instincts ...

I know what "the point" of the video was. But that doesn't mean the ways of going about it were entirely fair in regards to the mental state ofthe children, in comparison to the result they were trying to portray.
It's like growing up and defining vegetables as "bad" because we didn't like the taste of them. It's not until later that we actually"learn" they only taste "bad", but are good for us.

The majority of toys/cartoons/books, or any form of entertainment these kids have at that particular age will be inundated with white characters. They likethese characters. So they are the "good" ones.
Once the "good" doll is chosen by these kids, what is left by default?
I'm not saying that there isn't any persuasion in mainstream media. It's all over the place. I just think those kids are too young for a fairassessment.
all i know is, i was arguing about tiger woods with "someone" in the sports forum and his justification as to why its ok for tiger to do what he did (and for all of us to do what tiger did) was that it's human nature and our natural instinct ... well check that vid up there homie ... but we're supposed to ignore THAT aspect of human nature right ...
Umm who is suppose to ignore it? What are you trying to say exactly? How does justifiying what Tiger did tie into that video on the bases of thishuman nature?
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

He could've been raised around that certain race of people and that's what he relates to the most. How often do you think a black man raised around white people would meet a black woman that has the same interests as him? Thus, that black man prefers white woman because it's easier for him to find a companion whom he can relate to. It's not as if he's saying he doesn't acknowledge black women, or that they are inferior, but rather that the possibilities of finding a black woman that he can meet at level grounds is slim to none. Honestly, preference goes hand-and-hand with convenience.

Like I said....I don't agree with the sellout label based purely off of the race of your spouse but what you just described is a textbook sellout.

How do you know that you wont share the same values and interests with another person just because they weren't raised around whites? Thats beyond silly.

So you as a black man can somehow rationalize that there is slim to no chance of a black woman being compatible with you hear how crazy that sounds?

Substitute any races in that equation and you get the same result.

I am a Black man that has been raised around Blacks people but I won't rule out marrying an Japanese woman or an Italian women, even though we may have vastly different cultural upbringings. If that divine connection is there is we see eye to eye in love and parenting...then I would be a fool to close that door or not have it open in the first place.

How do you know that a black woman won't share the same interests as you?...Thats crazy talk. You have rowdy Japanese Reggae lovers and humble Black Country singers.

Thats some sellout s_ if I ever heard it.

How is what he said any different then what you said earlier? You said you love black women because of the physical bond and how you relate in culture. You say"The Black Woman is my Queen" and that if you find another woman that can do that its ok but you havent found it yet.

He said a man might be attracted to a white woman because he's been around them and will be able to relate more to them. He said it would be easier for himto find a white woman he can relate to but its not impossible to find that with a black woman. You basically said the same thing. You like black woman becauseyou can relate to them and its been hard to find another race of woman to identify with.

But yet in his scenario he's a "textbook sellout"?

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

I love all women but I love my Black women especially because of the physic bond and cultural familiarity that we share. The Black Woman is my Queen, whose womb will grant me immortality through children and whose essence makes me whole. If I can find a woman of another race that makes me feel the same way, then I won't blink to jump the broom but I haven't experienced that divine connection outside of my race yet.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

Let's imagine that Tiger Woods was white and his wife was black. If white women made these comments about his wife, wouldn't they be considered racist? To me it's beyond hypocritical. Black folk can't reserve the right to be racist, and then demand that people not be racist towards them.

I know I'll get flamed for saying it, but it's been my personal experience that black women are as racist as any other subset of people. There are A LOT who will (generally speaking) not date outside of the race, (and if you are a black man who is successful and/or good looking) they don't want you dating outside of the race either. They don't care how successful a (non black) guy is or whether he has a great personality blah blah blah, etc.

This isn't a stupid generalization either. If you google something like "black women who date outside their race" you will find that there is research to actually back up my claims.

And yes, I'm black.
Well since this is your personal experience with black women being racist there really isn't anything anybody can tell you because you know what you have experienced. I will say this though you stating it as if it is some kind of grand mal fact because a google search "backs up your claims" about some black women and the keyword says so is what bothers me so I'm responding.

They don't care how successful a (non black) guy is or whether he has a great personality blah blah blah, etc.
I'm going to stack this up to your personal experience as well but just know that isn't everybody. For you to go to that extreme you clearly don't think too much of a black women's ability to pick a match for herself if she so chooses to date inter-racially.

There are A LOT who will (generally speaking) not date outside of the race, (and if you are a black man who is successful and/or good looking) they don't want you dating outside of the race either.
I also noticed how you did not say anything about a black's man personality or positive attributes like if he has family values, or morals when describing what would make him appealing when it comes to dating within and outside the race. You went straight to the success(money) and the physical(good looking) both of which can be taken like that.

Black folk can't reserve the right to be racist, and then demand that people not be racist towards them.
How about folks just not be racist across the board but you know at the end of the day honesty is the best policy and people feel how they feel. It ain't right but for example purposes it was good to see how people really felt about Kanye after the Taylor Swift joint. Folks were finally being honest.

So thank you for being honest.

1. other black people within this thread are saying some of the same things. soi'm not isolated with these experiences.
2. essence, ebony, jet, and other black publications, radio shows, television shows, books, etc., have discussed this very issue.
3. and are you really trying to discount the fact that you can google discussions, articles et. al on this topic??? seriously??? no. seriously???
4. i've personally had conversations with different black women who have said they would not consider a white dude PERIOD (regardless of money, success,personality, penis size, etc.). so it's not my 'opinion' that black women "pick a match for herself if she so chooses to dateinter-racially."

Extra Credit - the black women quoted in Antigen's article aresaying they prefer when black men date within their race!!!
Tiger likes White women best. Cool.

He still lost though, no way is He not losing. Someone should stay with you for love not money. You either stay with someone because you love them or not.Money shouldn't dictate it. He is a super simp if the stories are true. $5 million to stay and $75 million over the next X amount of years.

Simp of the year goes to Tiger Woods. You shouldn't have to pay someone to stay with you nor should you entertain the idea.
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