So Tiger Woods is in more trouble...and this time, it's from members of the Black community...lulz

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

Of course it wouldn't effect white men because they have been able to DEFINE their OWN and OTHERS
sexuality. Black people (ESPECIALLY black women) have not had this privilege.

Who are you...?

I think this is the first time (this thread) that I'm seeing you post.


Random dork girl. Don't worry.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by DtotheD

they say stick to your own race/kind, but then they want freedom and hate racism. plz

hell are you talking about?

He's talking about HYPOCRISY!!!

There's a lot of it in this thread.
I'd possibly date and smash outside my race, but I'd wife a Black or hispanic woman before anyone else
@Super Antigen I'm not saying Tiger isn't black. I view him as a black man despite what he says/thinks. I was just talking about it from his standpoint as far as the reaching for support stand point.

When it comes to how this affects all black men I don't see why we should let it affect us. PPL swayed by these un-newsworthy sensationalism should not beallowed by us to dictate what kind of men we are. At the end of the day ppl who are negative are going to find anything to put us down for the acts of oneperson or a few ppl simply because of the color of our skin. I won't stand for it and don't see why the rest of us should. I do see how his acts willperpetuate a stereotype for the ignorant majority to feed in to. I just don't see why I should I care. This aint the 1960s or the 1800s. W/e negativityattached to us for his actions especially dealing with this topic will not impede my pursuit in relationships with the opposite sex.

Like I said before ignore the ignorant if you have to. Can't teach everybody how to fish.

I just want to know what this burden is and what exactly are we dealing with that is such a problem for us? Is it just ppl saying shh behind our backs? andwomen influenced y that ignorance not giving us a chance? Lets not act like we can't dismiss it and move on. Forget the complaining about it, just distanceyourself from ppl of that ilk. They don't deserve the attention or a 2nd thought. It aint like a bunch of women are gonna throw golf balls at every blackman or half black half Asian man with taunts of how they're cheaters and unfaithful.

I see and understand what this means for black men but I don't see why we can't persevere and overcome this ignorance. I'm not gonna just say wellTiger did this and now the chances of me getting in a relationship just got smaller.

Keep in mind ignorant ppl aren't mentally ******ed. Their ignorance isn't irreversible. Set the standard, be the example. Open their eyes to the truthat least for yourself if not for all black men.
I personally never considered Tiger a brother anyways. Dudes always give him props for being a Black golfer, I don't think he ever associated himself withus.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by StonedFace

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by Lrrr

your cliff notes need cliff notes

My cliff notes span two sentences...


Looks like 6 paragraphs to me

My Cliff Notes start at: "Certain members of the A.A..." and conclude with "...white racist opponents of mixed marriage." So tell me again, how that looks or gets to anything near six paragraphs...

If you lack the attention span needed to read through two-three sentences, then your input in this thread is NOT needed, as input of such sorts would be stemming from the head of someone on the Pre-K level.

Cliff Notes are short bullet sentences. No more than 7-12 words.

Maybe you should consider learning how to summarize. I can read the story twice if I wanted to, you don't need to repeat the damn story in the post.

Classic argument "I can't summarize, so blah blah blah you don't know how to read."

Anyway, calling out a black guy as an Uncle Tom is stupid in today's world. Like if you want to be racially integrated and be equal with everyone, thendon't try to set standards on who can marry who.

African American rights groups are trying way too hard.
Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

Of course it wouldn't effect white men because they have been able to DEFINE their OWN and OTHERS
sexuality. Black people (ESPECIALLY black women) have not had this privilege.

Its about time we start redefining our own perceptions of sexuality and love.

I love all women but I love my Black women especially because of the physic bond and cultural familiarity that we share. The Black Woman is my Queen, whosewomb will grant me immortality through children and whose essence makes me whole. If I can find a woman of another race that makes me feel the same way, then Iwon't blink to jump the broom but I haven't experienced that divine connection outside of my race yet.

Its time to resurrect positive Black imagery and family structure or face the continuing decay of our communities and standards of living.


ive always love Phylicia Rashad ( i think i spelled her first name wrong) and Debbie Allen...Different World is my favorite show ever and i just knew i wasgoin to Hilman until i found out it didnt exist...i agree with Haze on the positive images...its up to us...the negative will always be there for any group ofpeople but some how we've let the negative outway the positive
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by AG 47

CallHimAR wrote:

"Had Barack had a white wife, I would have thought twice

about voting for him," Johnson Cooper said.
Wow. That's just sad honestly.

Ridiculously sad. _'s need to get their heads out they behinds. This is 2009. You can't complain about racism and prejudices and then

go and say some !%@@ like this.

Its highly unlikely that a White Republican candidate would have a Black Wife in the first place and damn near impossible that a White GOP candidate with a Black Wife would be given the nomination by his party.

I don't see that statement as sad. I see it as the reality of American Identity politics.

Only Black people seem to have this deep concern of what others think of them and how they can reach out to assimilate.

Everyone else sticks to their core "values" and makes no bones about it.

Stop being gaffled Black People.

We're not for racism and separation but there is certainly nothing wrong with a strong Black Family unit. This isn't even a consideration in other ethic communities. You can't control love and I believe you should be accepting, welcoming and happy of peoples' personal choices...but there is this concerted effort to cast black love aside and to reach out specifically to the white race of the opposite gender.

Thats not integration and harmony, its an extension of your inferiority complex in many cases. Thats why there is so much resentment to Black Women displayed on places like NT...when in reality most of these cats haven't had significant dealings with women of any race period.

I find it equally sad that a politician with a different race partner automatically loses votes. That's not the kind of world I want to live in.
I realize it's the reality of current America, but that doesn't make it okay. Somebody show me the problem of Obama having a white wife?
How do you justify NOT voting for him because he has a white wife rather than a black one?

Don't get me wrong, a strong black family unit is MAJOR plus, especially considering black families as a whole have been lacking. But a bi-racial
family shouldn't be seen as a detriment to the cause.
halle isn't married to that guy and i have heard people speak about her choice in a mate and it wasn't black women...
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

halle isn't married to that guy and i have heard people speak about her choice in a mate and it wasn't black women...

yeah, it was all the salty men.

me included
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by CallHimAR
This is no good, no good at all. Black women (along with the black community) have the right to be angry at black males for dating white women, but that does not mean it's justifiable. The real problem is not that society has made white women out to be the paragon of beauty. The problem is that when a black man is doing well for himself, if he doesn't marry/date within his race, they see him as a sellout. Not me, nor any other black man in this world, is entitled to marry a black woman. Also, I don't ever hear this argument come up when a black man dates an Asian, or a Latina, or anything else. Why is it that when black men date white women he has to be a sellout? Or he has to been brainwashed to believe a certain race of women are the best thing since sliced bread? Why can it not be that he simply has a preference? Is it wrong for us to have preferences now? If it's not, "damn, why he gotta marry that white chick?!" it's "damn, why he with that light skin chick". It's not our jobs to please you with OUR significant other. Whoever that man decides to be with is his business, there shouldn't even be uproars about this nonsense. Moreover, Halle Berry is married to a white man and has a child by him, I don't see anyone screaming "she doesn't acknowledge the black community" or "she's been brainwashed to believe white males are better". You know why? Because it's only the females who spew that crap.

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

halle isn't married to that guy
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Good to see that that's the most important thing you can pull outof that paragraph.[/color]

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

This is no good, no good at all. Black women (along with the black community) have the right to be angry at black males for dating white women, but that does not mean it's justifiable. The real problem is not that society has made white women out to be the paragon of beauty. The problem is that when a black man is doing well for himself, if he doesn't marry/date within his race, they see him as a sellout. Not me, nor any other black man in this world, is entitled to marry a black woman. Also, I don't ever hear this argument come up when a black man dates an Asian, or a Latina, or anything else. Why is it that when black men date white women he has to be a sellout? Or he has to been brainwashed to believe white women are the best thing since sliced bread? Why can it not be that he simply has a preference? Is it wrong for us to have preferences now? If it's not, "damn, why he gotta marry that white chick?!" it's "damn, why he with that light skin chick". It's not our jobs to please you with OUR significant other. Whoever that man decides to be with is his business, their shouldn't even be uproars about this nonsense. Moreover, Halle Berry is married to a white man and has a child by him, I don't see anyone screaming "she doesn't acknowledge the black community" or "she's been brainwashed to believe white males are better". You know why? Because it's only the females who spew that crap.

I agree that people shouldn't be looked at as sellouts, simply based on the race of their spouse but...

Why would you have a preference of a woman outside of your race?

What would constitute that preference?

Most times its because of stereotypes or aesthetic based bias...thats where the "sellout" label comes into play (rightly or wrongly)

If you meet someone you love outside of your race and that person fulfills your needs thats whats up, God Bless your relationship..but if your walking aroundwith preferences based off of ignorant stereotypes and European ideals of beauty that automatically label women ugly and have to understand howthat sellout tag could be slapped on your back.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay
I agree that people shouldn't be looked at as sellouts, simply based on the race of their spouse but...

Why would you have a preference of a woman outside of your race?

What would constitute that preference?

Most times its because of stereotypes or aesthetic based bias...thats where the "sellout" label comes into play (rightly or wrongly)

If you meet someone you love outside of your race and that person fulfills your needs thats whats up, God Bless your relationship..but if your walking around with preferences based off of ignorant stereotypes and European ideals of beauty that automatically label women ugly and have to understand how that sellout tag could be slapped on your back.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]So you're telling me someone just can't go around liking aparticular group of women without it being "based off of ignorant stereotypes and European ideals"? Is that just not possible?[/color]
As a black woman, I'm not gonna sit here and front like I don't give these brothas side eyes sometimes.

At the end of the day though, I don't care who so-so big time black guy is dating. Just don't use lame excuses to justify your preferences.
It's wack.
Nyota de la star wrote:
At the end of the day though, I don't care who so-so big time black guy is dating. Just don't use lame excuses to justify your preferences.
It's wack.

That's what I'm saying.

Quincy Jones never lied. He ALWAYS kept it %100.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

halle isn't married to that guy
Good to see that that's the most important thing you can pull out of that paragraph.


maybe its cuz i didn't disagree with any of the other stuff he said...fall back
He smashed out, I could care less if she was African-American, Caucasian, Asian, Icelandic, w/e...the man got it in, lol.

These views and opinions aren't the views and opinions of the whole African-American community. I'm more than certain of it. Some of us have gottenpast racial biases...
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

"Had Barack had a white wife, I would have thought twice
about voting for him," Johnson Cooper said.
Wow. That's just sad honestly.

Ridiculously sad. _'s need to get their heads out they behinds. This is 2009. You can't complain about racism and prejudices and then
go and say some !%@@ like this.

Its highly unlikely that a White Republican candidate would have a Black Wife in the first place and damn near impossible that a White GOP candidate with a Black Wife would be given the nomination by his party.

I don't see that statement as sad. I see it as the reality of American Identity politics.

Only Black people seem to have this deep concern of what others think of them and how they can reach out to assimilate.

Everyone else sticks to their core "values" and makes no bones about it.

Stop being gaffled Black People.

We're not for racism and separation but there is certainly nothing wrong with a strong Black Family unit. This isn't even a consideration in other ethic communities. You can't control love and I believe you should be accepting, welcoming and happy of peoples' personal choices...but there is this concerted effort to cast black love aside and to reach out specifically to the white race of the opposite gender.

Thats not integration and harmony, its an extension of your inferiority complex in many cases. Thats why there is so much resentment to Black Women displayed on places like NT...when in reality most of these cats haven't had significant dealings with women of any race period.
The thing that most people are apparently missing on here is the fact that U.S. society does nearly everything in its power to brainwash everyone into believing that whiteness is the standard of beauty, especially white women. Thus, in this context, it's not just a "preference" for white women; it is a systematic conditioning of everyone in the U.S. that white (especially blonde, i.e. really white) women are more attractive than women of other racial backgrounds. As such, any time a non-white (and especially a black) man has an apparently strong pattern of dating exclusively white women, some see this as evidence of those men buying into the ridiculous notion that white women are more beautiful than women of other races (especially black women).

Society beats black folks down enough as it is without black women having to feel like the black men that share in their experience of racial oppression have bought into the racist brainwashing that holds white women as the ideal beauty (by displaying a strong preference for white women, dating them exclusively, etc).

That's what makes the "non-white (especially black) man and white woman" combination different from any other and why black women are likely (and justifiably) more offended and infuriated by the interracial (white) dating habits of some of their male counterparts.

So no, it's not just Tiger's "preference" as so many of you are quick to state as if that's all there is to it.
This is no good, no good at all. Black women (along with the black community) have the right to be angry at black males for dating white women, but that does not mean it's justifiable. The real problem is not that society has made white women out to be the paragon of beauty. The problem is that when a black man is doing well for himself, if he doesn't marry/date within his race, they see him as a sellout. Not me, nor any other black man in this world, is entitled to marry a black woman. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Also, I don't ever hear this argument come up when a black man dates an Asian, or a Latina, or anything else. Why is it that when black men date white women he has to be a sellout? Or he has to been brainwashed to believe a certain race of women are the best thing since sliced bread?[/color] Why can it not be that he simply has a preference? Is it wrong for us to have preferences now? If it's not, "damn, why he gotta marry that white chick?!" it's "damn, why he with that light skin chick". It's not our jobs to please you with OUR significant other. Whoever that man decides to be with is his business, there shouldn't even be uproars about this nonsense. Moreover, Halle Berry is married to a white man and has a child by him, I don't see anyone screaming "she doesn't acknowledge the black community" or "she's been brainwashed to believe white males are better". You know why? Because it's only the females who spew that crap.

I mean, you may not hear it but that isn't evidence that it's not being said. I have personally heard it--most notably during the summer of'08--when the first installation of the "Black in America" series was aired. I heard it all in the debate that followed between my black femalefriends and black male friends, with a few Native Americans sprinkled amongst us...

I think it just has to do with the fact then, when certain black mean reach a certain status--financially and socially speaking--they feel the need to have"trophy wives" and in this society, a trophy wife is a woman with blonde hair, blue eyes and w/e comes along with that package. I mean, itdoesn't necessarily have to be a blonde hair and blue eyed female, but anything that falls under the definition of America's standard of beauty--whichwould be a white woman--would be the trophy.

That said, black women will often "lose out" because they're not the societal standard of what a "trophy" wife is or should like. Theymay occasionally be an "exotic" attraction, but they are rarely the trophy wives.

As for the whole "preferences"--sometimes it's genuine, at other times, it's merely an escape clause that frees someone from having to facethe truth of being a racist/bigot and prejudiced...

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay
I agree that people shouldn't be looked at as sellouts, simply based on the race of their spouse but...

Why would you have a preference of a woman outside of your race?

What would constitute that preference?

Most times its because of stereotypes or aesthetic based bias...thats where the "sellout" label comes into play (rightly or wrongly)

If you meet someone you love outside of your race and that person fulfills your needs thats whats up, God Bless your relationship..but if your walking around with preferences based off of ignorant stereotypes and European ideals of beauty that automatically label women ugly and have to understand how that sellout tag could be slapped on your back.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]So you're telling me someone just can't go around liking a particular group of women without it being "based off of ignorant stereotypes and European ideals"? Is that just not possible?[/color]
I mean...if you are going around only picking up women of a certain are making a choice, right?

All I asked is what is the basis behind that choice?

Most times it, skin color and facial features (European beauty paradigms) or because you write off any entire group for some pre-determinedreason, which is a stereotype.

If there are other reasons for exclusively dealing with one race of tell me.

I said most times.

If you don't have a biased based on perceptions of beauty or believe that one group of women has inherent character flaws then all women should be on thesame playing field, right? And you should be picking up all types of women, no?
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