So Tiger Woods is in more trouble...and this time, it's from members of the Black community...lulz

Let's imagine that Tiger Woods was white and his wife was black. If white women made these comments about his wife, wouldn't they be consideredracist? To me it's beyond hypocritical. Black folk can't reserve the right to be racist, and then demand that people not be racist towards them.

I know I'll get flamed for saying it, but it's been my personal experience that black women are as racist as any other subset of people. There are A LOT who will (generally speaking) not date outside of the race, (and if you are a black man who is successful and/orgood looking) they don't want you dating outside of the race either. They don't care how successful a (non black) guy is or whether he has a greatpersonality blah blah blah, etc.

This isn't a stupid generalization either. If you google something like "black women who date outside their race" you will find that there isresearch to actually back up my claims.

And yes, I'm black.
Here we go people trying to define black women AGAIN.
We have it so hard when it comes to this stuff.
Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

Let's imagine that Tiger Woods was white and his wife was black. If white women made these comments about his wife, wouldn't they be considered racist? To me it's beyond hypocritical. Black folk can't reserve the right to be racist, and then demand that people not be racist towards them.

I know I'll get flamed for saying it, but it's been my personal experience that black women are as racist as any other subset of people. There are A LOT who will (generally speaking) not date outside of the race, (and if you are a black man who is successful and/or good looking) they don't want you dating outside of the race either. They don't care how successful a (non black) guy is or whether he has a great personality blah blah blah, etc.

This isn't a stupid generalization either. If you google something like "black women who date outside their race" you will find that there is research to actually back up my claims.

And yes, I'm black.

Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

Here we go people trying to define black women AGAIN.
We have it so hard when it comes to this stuff.


I mean, we're all just giving out thoughts on the matter.

Feel free to address N.S.Jay...

"We've discussed this for years among black women," said Denene Millner, author of several books on black relationships. "Why is it when they get to this level ... they tend to go directly for the nearest blonde?"

saltiness at its finest
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

Here we go people trying to define black women AGAIN.
We have it so hard when it comes to this stuff.


I mean, we're all just giving out thoughts on the matter.

Feel free to address N.S.Jay...


Yes because apparently BW are one-dimensional individuals lacking any sort of of depth and ability to look past color.
That's all man...I can't
Are u kidding me, seriously

Dude cheated on his wife and black people are upset its not with a black women

SMH, never dating a black women
Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

Here we go people trying to define black women AGAIN.
We have it so hard when it comes to this stuff.


I mean, we're all just giving out thoughts on the matter.

Feel free to address N.S.Jay...


Yes because apparently BW are one-dimensional individuals lacking any sort of of depth and ability to look past color.
That's all man...I can't
see below. black women are discussing whether they have the ability to look pastcolor.

ao17 wrote:
"We've discussed this for years among black women," said Denene Millner, author of several books on black relationships. "Why is it when they get to this level ... they tend to go directly for the nearest blonde?"

saltiness at its finest
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

Let's imagine that Tiger Woods was white and his wife was black. If white women made these comments about his wife, wouldn't they be considered racist? To me it's beyond hypocritical. Black folk can't reserve the right to be racist, and then demand that people not be racist towards them.

I know I'll get flamed for saying it, but it's been my personal experience that black women are as racist as any other subset of people. There are A LOT who will (generally speaking) not date outside of the race, (and if you are a black man who is successful and/or good looking) they don't want you dating outside of the race either. They don't care how successful a (non black) guy is or whether he has a great personality blah blah blah, etc.

This isn't a stupid generalization either. If you google something like "black women who date outside their race" you will find that there is research to actually back up my claims.

And yes, I'm black.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

Let's imagine that Tiger Woods was white and his wife was black. If white women made these comments about his wife, wouldn't they be considered racist? To me it's beyond hypocritical. Black folk can't reserve the right to be racist, and then demand that people not be racist towards them.

I know I'll get flamed for saying it, but it's been my personal experience that black women are as racist as any other subset of people. There are A LOT who will (generally speaking) not date outside of the race, (and if you are a black man who is successful and/or good looking) they don't want you dating outside of the race either. They don't care how successful a (non black) guy is or whether he has a great personality blah blah blah, etc.

This isn't a stupid generalization either. If you google something like "black women who date outside their race" you will find that there is research to actually back up my claims.

And yes, I'm black.

Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

Here we go people trying to define black women AGAIN.
We have it so hard when it comes to this stuff.


I mean, we're all just giving out thoughts on the matter.

Feel free to address N.S.Jay...


Yes because apparently BW are one-dimensional individuals lacking any sort of of depth and ability to look past color.
That's all man...I can't
see below. black women are discussing whether they have the ability to look past color.

ao17 wrote:
"We've discussed this for years among black women," said Denene Millner, author of several books on black relationships. "Why is it when they get to this level ... they tend to go directly for the nearest blonde?"

saltiness at its finest

Is that all of us? Does she speak for me?
how do you post a video you recorded? that 'preach' guy reminds me of this guy that came on campus telling us we were all going to hell...straightcomedy...
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

My gosh. Black women aren't a monolithic entity. How hard is it to find one that relates to you? Really.
The difficulty is subjective. You may not think it's that hard, but the next person might find it impossible. I guess you'll just say they aren't looking hard enough though.
Then I guess I should give up then.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

who cares vag is vag regardless of color and to ladies pipe should be pipe regardless of color.

too many stingy people need to choke on wee wees and die.
Made my night
Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

My gosh. Black women aren't a monolithic entity. How hard is it to find one that relates to you? Really.
The difficulty is subjective. You may not think it's that hard, but the next person might find it impossible. I guess you'll just say they aren't looking hard enough though.
Then I guess I should give up then.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Who's preventing you from doing so? Go enjoy your life andintegrate.[/color]
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

My gosh. Black women aren't a monolithic entity. How hard is it to find one that relates to you? Really.
The difficulty is subjective. You may not think it's that hard, but the next person might find it impossible. I guess you'll just say they aren't looking hard enough though.
Then I guess I should give up then.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Who's preventing you from doing so? Go enjoy your life and integrate.[/color]

I like guys of all races. Nothing stopping me really. I hate relationships though.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

I agree that people shouldn't be looked at as sellouts, simply based on the race of their spouse but...

Why would you have a preference of a woman outside of your race?

What would constitute that preference?

Most times its because of stereotypes or aesthetic based bias...thats where the "sellout" label comes into play (rightly or wrongly)

If you meet someone you love outside of your race and that person fulfills your needs thats whats up, God Bless your relationship..but if your walking around with preferences based off of ignorant stereotypes and European ideals of beauty that automatically label women ugly and have to understand how that sellout tag could be slapped on your back.
You can't hold it against a man if he prefers that certain race. He doesn't have to prefer it just based off stereotypes either. He could've been raised around that certain race of people and that's what he relates to the most. How often do you think a black man raised around white people would meet a black woman that has the same interests as him? Thus, that black man prefers white woman because it's easier for him to find a companion whom he can relate to. It's not as if he's saying he doesn't acknowledge black women, or that they are inferior, but rather that the possibilities of finding a black woman that he can meet at level grounds is slim to none. Honestly, preference goes hand-and-hand with convenience. Also, preference doesn't have to be "I'm out searching for this and only this", it just means, "if I had to be with someone it'd be that person, but I wouldn't mind trying someone else too". I do agree that if you're going around truly brainwashed, believing that white women are better, you are something is wrong with you, but to be called a sellout is extreme. Half of the time when we see famous people on TV, do we really know that they have a preference? Most of the time we may see them with only that type of woman, but that could be all they are surrounded by so obviously that is what they would fluctuate towards. I believe that is what constitutes preference.

Like I said....I don't agree with the sellout label based purely off of the race of your spouse but what you just described is a textbook sellout.

How do you know that you wont share the same values and interests with another person just because they weren't raised around whites? Thats beyond silly.

So you as a black man can somehow rationalize that there is slim to no chance of a black woman being compatible with you hear how crazy that sounds?

Substitute any races in that equation and you get the same result.

I am a Black man that has been raised around Blacks people but I won't rule out marrying an Japanese woman or an Italian women, even though we may havevastly different cultural upbringings. If that divine connection is there is we see eye to eye in love and parenting...then I would be a fool to close thatdoor or not have it open in the first place.

How do you know that a black woman won't share the same interests as you?...Thats crazy talk. You have rowdy Japanese Reggae lovers and humble BlackCountry singers.

Thats some sellout s_ if I ever heard it.

Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

My gosh. Black women aren't a monolithic entity. How hard is it to find one that relates to you? Really.
Man at the end of the day, just be with however makes you happy. Regardless of skin color.
Just because you are ___ doesn't mean you only have to be with ____ women/men. We all the same just diff shades
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

how do you post a video you recorded?...

You have to upload the vid to YOUTUBE or some other site that makes it possible to share video content, and then you can post it/share it on here.

I have experienced the brainwash first hand. Pretty scary stuff. What's all this love talk, as if marriage has anything to do with love, there lies thereason for our divorce rates. Cats got the game twisted.
Wait..................... Everyone is vexed at Tiger & not his pops as well?
He seemed to have snuggled up to an Asian & spawned a mixed baby also.
My fault, we are keeping this vast, complex topic confined to certain perimeters, no?
This topic is about cultural provincialism & those who tie that into self esteem.
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