So the KKK is having a rally infrom of my school's main entrance

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Wait. So the Klan in front of ASU, isn't hatin' on races anymore? Now they support gays? Ohhhh my have times changed.

SON, you cannot be this simple. You just...can't
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Wait. So the Klan in front of ASU, isn't hatin' on races anymore? Now they support gays? Ohhhh my have times changed.

SON, you cannot be this simple. You just...can't
Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

The black man in that video is insulting white people. He isn't a black supremacist. He's just saying the truth. He isnt saying white people are less people he is just saying they are selfish. Not actual humans is another way of saying people without a heart. No where in there is he saying that black people are better than whites. No where. He's just saying they are selfish people and blacks have been helping them for centuries. Are you going to argue with the man? He's speaking the truth.

come on playboy. im black and i know good and damn well dude is racist.
he is a bad person. good people dont have to keep bringing up YOUR problems and what YOU need to do to be right by them. when you group everyone of a color and generalize their actions thats racism bro.
and thats the main problem. people of all races want to place the blame on others for their internal faults.
blame it on the whites =/= blame it on the darkies.
Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

The black man in that video is insulting white people. He isn't a black supremacist. He's just saying the truth. He isnt saying white people are less people he is just saying they are selfish. Not actual humans is another way of saying people without a heart. No where in there is he saying that black people are better than whites. No where. He's just saying they are selfish people and blacks have been helping them for centuries. Are you going to argue with the man? He's speaking the truth.

come on playboy. im black and i know good and damn well dude is racist.
he is a bad person. good people dont have to keep bringing up YOUR problems and what YOU need to do to be right by them. when you group everyone of a color and generalize their actions thats racism bro.
and thats the main problem. people of all races want to place the blame on others for their internal faults.
blame it on the whites =/= blame it on the darkies.
likematrix, its true what your saying. I'm sure he is racist towards white people, but he doesnt like saying white people are inferior beings. In a way maybe his hate for white people is wrong, but it is also right. The reason why blacks don't flourish through society today is mainly because of how much they have been put down. Now im not one for the MAN is putting us down, but it's true. Blacks are born into a system where majority of the people dont have a proper education, a decent living environment or even the knowledge to succeed. It all starts back way before slavery. The man speaks the truth and if you think he's wrong for what he's saying then something is wrong. Statistics don't lie. Philosophy does.
likematrix, its true what your saying. I'm sure he is racist towards white people, but he doesnt like saying white people are inferior beings. In a way maybe his hate for white people is wrong, but it is also right. The reason why blacks don't flourish through society today is mainly because of how much they have been put down. Now im not one for the MAN is putting us down, but it's true. Blacks are born into a system where majority of the people dont have a proper education, a decent living environment or even the knowledge to succeed. It all starts back way before slavery. The man speaks the truth and if you think he's wrong for what he's saying then something is wrong. Statistics don't lie. Philosophy does.
Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

The black man in that video is insulting white people. He isn't a black supremacist. He's just saying the truth. He isnt saying white people are less people he is just saying they are selfish. Not actual humans is another way of saying people without a heart. No where in there is he saying that black people are better than whites. No where. He's just saying they are selfish people and blacks have been helping them for centuries. Are you going to argue with the man? He's speaking the truth.

So there's no problem with making sweeping generalizations about a race of people? It seems to quickly strike a nerve amongst a lot of black members on here when someone makes a reference to something slightly negative about their race, or simply a member of their race. If a member decided to infer that blacks were inherently mischievous, would their comment be justifiable if they showed statistics that nearly half the prison cells in this country are filled with black people, while blacks only make up twelve percent of the population? I mean, it is the "truth," right?
Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

The black man in that video is insulting white people. He isn't a black supremacist. He's just saying the truth. He isnt saying white people are less people he is just saying they are selfish. Not actual humans is another way of saying people without a heart. No where in there is he saying that black people are better than whites. No where. He's just saying they are selfish people and blacks have been helping them for centuries. Are you going to argue with the man? He's speaking the truth.

So there's no problem with making sweeping generalizations about a race of people? It seems to quickly strike a nerve amongst a lot of black members on here when someone makes a reference to something slightly negative about their race, or simply a member of their race. If a member decided to infer that blacks were inherently mischievous, would their comment be justifiable if they showed statistics that nearly half the prison cells in this country are filled with black people, while blacks only make up twelve percent of the population? I mean, it is the "truth," right?
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Wait. So the Klan in front of ASU, isn't hatin' on races anymore? Now they support gays? Ohhhh my have times changed.

You are one of the SIMPLEST people I've ever encountered.
Online/real life, whatever. You take the cake.
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Wait. So the Klan in front of ASU, isn't hatin' on races anymore? Now they support gays? Ohhhh my have times changed.

You are one of the SIMPLEST people I've ever encountered.
Online/real life, whatever. You take the cake.
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

The black man in that video is insulting white people. He isn't a black supremacist. He's just saying the truth. He isnt saying white people are less people he is just saying they are selfish. Not actual humans is another way of saying people without a heart. No where in there is he saying that black people are better than whites. No where. He's just saying they are selfish people and blacks have been helping them for centuries. Are you going to argue with the man? He's speaking the truth.

So there's no problem with making sweeping generalizations about a race of people? It seems to quickly strike a nerve amongst a lot of black members on here when someone makes a reference to something slightly negative about their race, or simply a member of their race. If a member decided to infer that blacks were inherently mischievous, would their comment be justifiable if they showed statistics that nearly half the prison cells in this country are filled with black people, while blacks only make up twelve percent of the population? I mean, it is the "truth," right?

Wow there are smart people on NT. I was beginning to think I was the only one with this thought process. Every now and then people need to step back and look at things from the opposite perspective.
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

The black man in that video is insulting white people. He isn't a black supremacist. He's just saying the truth. He isnt saying white people are less people he is just saying they are selfish. Not actual humans is another way of saying people without a heart. No where in there is he saying that black people are better than whites. No where. He's just saying they are selfish people and blacks have been helping them for centuries. Are you going to argue with the man? He's speaking the truth.

So there's no problem with making sweeping generalizations about a race of people? It seems to quickly strike a nerve amongst a lot of black members on here when someone makes a reference to something slightly negative about their race, or simply a member of their race. If a member decided to infer that blacks were inherently mischievous, would their comment be justifiable if they showed statistics that nearly half the prison cells in this country are filled with black people, while blacks only make up twelve percent of the population? I mean, it is the "truth," right?

Wow there are smart people on NT. I was beginning to think I was the only one with this thought process. Every now and then people need to step back and look at things from the opposite perspective.
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC
The %*%%?
Roc Boy Jada, first things first, I'm partially white. Secondly, the reason why blacks make up that amount in prisons is an end to what occurred before hand. Be realistic here. Almost every American owned a slave that could afford it. Why? Because they needed people to work their farms. Why didnt the British make the Finnish people become their slaves? Because they were racist. After slavery, blacks couldn't get any where. Why you ask? Because white's thought they were lazy. A main reason why blacks were kept as slaves for so many years was because Whites had the mind set that if they set blacks free they would commit crimes. You mean to tell me that you honestly dont believe that today is a RESULT of what has happened 200 years prior? Obviously people have become more educated, but in 1750, blacks were looked down upon. Theres a reason why blacks can hardly get any where in society. It didnt just happen that way out of no where.
Roc Boy Jada, first things first, I'm partially white. Secondly, the reason why blacks make up that amount in prisons is an end to what occurred before hand. Be realistic here. Almost every American owned a slave that could afford it. Why? Because they needed people to work their farms. Why didnt the British make the Finnish people become their slaves? Because they were racist. After slavery, blacks couldn't get any where. Why you ask? Because white's thought they were lazy. A main reason why blacks were kept as slaves for so many years was because Whites had the mind set that if they set blacks free they would commit crimes. You mean to tell me that you honestly dont believe that today is a RESULT of what has happened 200 years prior? Obviously people have become more educated, but in 1750, blacks were looked down upon. Theres a reason why blacks can hardly get any where in society. It didnt just happen that way out of no where.
Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Roc Boy Jada, first things first, I'm partially white. Secondly, the reason why blacks make up that amount in prisons is an end to what occurred before hand. Be realistic here. Almost every American owned a slave that could afford it. Why? Because they needed people to work their farms. Why didnt the British make the Finnish people become their slaves? Because they were racist. After slavery, blacks couldn't get any where. Why you ask? Because white's thought they were lazy. A main reason why blacks were kept as slaves for so many years was because Whites had the mind set that if they set blacks free they would commit crimes. You mean to tell me that you honestly dont believe that today is a RESULT of what has happened 200 years prior? Obviously people have become more educated, but in 1750, blacks were looked down upon. Theres a reason why blacks can hardly get any where in society. It didnt just happen that way out of no where.
In no way would I deny that slavery and racism throughout history have played some effect on blacks in this country today. I'm also fully aware that there are racist practices today which are detrimental to blacks minorities.
But come on, nearly half the prison cells comprise of blacks, and your first thought  is, "Damn, the aftereffects of slavery at work"? I mean, that's it? I always wonder why some who are raised in the same rough environments "get it," while others don't? I'm also curious as to where the line is drawn when using these practices to defend wrongdoings of blacks. I remember a thread on here about some black teens who killed another teen with a 4 by 4, I believe, and someone stated that, "It was not their fault." Teens. When a convenient incident is available, most have no problem saying, "Look, white people do it just as much as we do." By saying that, they must feel they're capable of doing whatever whites do, so why are they making such ludicrous statements like teens weren't fully responsible for killing another human? White people can get away with some things in this country, I wouldn't even deny that, but comparing what whites do to blacks will honestly get them no where. 
Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Roc Boy Jada, first things first, I'm partially white. Secondly, the reason why blacks make up that amount in prisons is an end to what occurred before hand. Be realistic here. Almost every American owned a slave that could afford it. Why? Because they needed people to work their farms. Why didnt the British make the Finnish people become their slaves? Because they were racist. After slavery, blacks couldn't get any where. Why you ask? Because white's thought they were lazy. A main reason why blacks were kept as slaves for so many years was because Whites had the mind set that if they set blacks free they would commit crimes. You mean to tell me that you honestly dont believe that today is a RESULT of what has happened 200 years prior? Obviously people have become more educated, but in 1750, blacks were looked down upon. Theres a reason why blacks can hardly get any where in society. It didnt just happen that way out of no where.
In no way would I deny that slavery and racism throughout history have played some effect on blacks in this country today. I'm also fully aware that there are racist practices today which are detrimental to blacks minorities.
But come on, nearly half the prison cells comprise of blacks, and your first thought  is, "Damn, the aftereffects of slavery at work"? I mean, that's it? I always wonder why some who are raised in the same rough environments "get it," while others don't? I'm also curious as to where the line is drawn when using these practices to defend wrongdoings of blacks. I remember a thread on here about some black teens who killed another teen with a 4 by 4, I believe, and someone stated that, "It was not their fault." Teens. When a convenient incident is available, most have no problem saying, "Look, white people do it just as much as we do." By saying that, they must feel they're capable of doing whatever whites do, so why are they making such ludicrous statements like teens weren't fully responsible for killing another human? White people can get away with some things in this country, I wouldn't even deny that, but comparing what whites do to blacks will honestly get them no where. 
Originally Posted by Damu

I was a member at one point, pretty cool bunch of people. I don't understand why everyone dislikes them so much.

member of the gay community or the klan?
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