** So I was banned because ___ **

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Just for the record, i know a dude that made a name specifically to test the degree of favortism on NT. He himself was a vet of NT.

He got into a flame war with a dude that was a vet and semi-respected, but within the flame war, he never directly attacked the dude.

In the end, he got banned and the vet, who attacked him directly, didnt. Presumably because the username was new, and the other dude was a vet.

Im just sayin...
Your friend needed to go stealth to see if 'favortism' is granted to vets over new folks?

I'd've just told him if he asked me.

Some dude's been on here for years, and doesn't even have a warning; he's going back and forth with some guy that's got 21 replies. If it's a matter of my discretion/interpretation ofwhat's going on, I'm gong to interpret things with an understanding that the one guy has been here for years and doesn't even have a warning.

If it' a matter of 'black and 'white' (like file sharing discussion, posting porn, etc.), I don't care how long you've been here: you're gone.

But if you've been here a long time without even a warning, hell... you deserve the benefit of the doubt in little, discretionary matters.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]So... Two people commit a murder, ones 21 and the others 51... Neitherhave had any disciplinary problems. But the younger one should get more time? Your logic...[/color]
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by oo206oo

Just for the record, i know a dude that made a name specifically to test the degree of favortism on NT. He himself was a vet of NT.

He got into a flame war with a dude that was a vet and semi-respected, but within the flame war, he never directly attacked the dude.

In the end, he got banned and the vet, who attacked him directly, didnt. Presumably because the username was new, and the other dude was a vet.

Im just sayin...
Or when you report members for OBVIOUS INTENTIONAL swearing and they don't even get warned...certain female vet members that is... but I've seen dude's get the bullet over one letter plus a "___" or "***" multiple times..
Originally Posted by Apollo XXXIII

So you would've thrown the locks on the newbie even if they were both violating the same rule?
I remember Ska saying whatever happened to me was gonna happen to Stringer, but nothing happened to Stringer. I don't doubt that Stringer gotthe benefit of the doubt in that one at all (from holdenmichael). I don't really care though, Ska's cool and let me slide with the name calling (hejust kinda gave me an indirect warning, without really warning me) so I don't know if he even knew that I had gotten suspended. Besides, the suspensioncame at the perfect time...it coincided with test weeks

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]So... Two people commit a murder, ones 21 and the others 51... Neither have had any disciplinary problems. But the younger one should get more time? Your logic...[/color]
Some of the situations proposed on this board are ridiculous
It's an online message board with pretty clearly stated rules, and you want to use murder (of all things) to compare to a banning?
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by oo206oo

Just for the record, i know a dude that made a name specifically to test the degree of favortism on NT. He himself was a vet of NT.

He got into a flame war with a dude that was a vet and semi-respected, but within the flame war, he never directly attacked the dude.

In the end, he got banned and the vet, who attacked him directly, didnt. Presumably because the username was new, and the other dude was a vet.

Im just sayin...
Or when you report members for OBVIOUS INTENTIONAL swearing and they don't even get warned...certain female vet members that is... but I've seen dude's get the bullet over one letter plus a "___" or "***" multiple times..

This game called niketalk isn't hard, just never disagree with an admin or get into an argument and you'll be fine.
Originally Posted by tmay407

Originally Posted by Apollo XXXIII

So you would've thrown the locks on the newbie even if they were both violating the same rule?
I remember Ska saying whatever happened to me was gonna happen to Stringer, but nothing happened to Stringer. I don't doubt that Stringer got the benefit of the doubt in that one at all (from holdenmichael). I don't really care though, Ska's cool and let me slide with the name calling (he just kinda gave me an indirect warning, without really warning me) so I don't know if he even knew that I had gotten suspended. Besides, the suspension came at the perfect time...it coincided with test weeks

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]So... Two people commit a murder, ones 21 and the others 51... Neither have had any disciplinary problems. But the younger one should get more time? Your logic...[/color]
Some of the situations proposed on this board are ridiculous
It's an online message board with pretty clearly stated rules, and you want to use murder (of all things) to compare to a banning?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]LOL ugh I hate you now... [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]So... Two people STEAL A BAG OF DORITOS, ones 21 and the others 51... Neither havehad any disciplinary problems. But the younger one should get more time? Your logic...[/color]
Cobra Kai:
Bowzer Blitz:
@ y'all downplaying what you really did

Someone posts porn and gets banned, then they make a new name and a couple months later try to spin it like 'I got banned for posting pictures. How ******ed is that?'

Then another NTer is banned for flaming, then comes through with another name a few months later, talking about 'I guess we're not allowed to argue on here, because that's all I did, and I was banned. Just for arguing.'



Maybe I am paranoid but I felt that was indirect.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Same here, I thought he was taking shots at me... I wasn't gonna say anything though, Cuz i was banned for two months previously and I HATE ISS[/color]
Nah, that wasn't directed at either one of you at all. If you look at my posting history... hell, if you just look in this thread... I have noproblem at all quoting whoever I'm talking to or naming their name. If I was directing something at either of you, I'd've named you, no doubt aboutit. Not that big of a deal to me, like I need to indirectly throw a jab at someone, hoping they don't get it or something.
Never that.
Apollo XXXIII:
So you would've thrown the locks on the newbie even if they were both violating the same rule?
Like I said, depends on the situation. I'm not going to sit here and discuss every single possibility that could arise where some new guy andsome vet are going at it in some uber-important e-battle.
Im assuming he didnt think he'd get a straight answer, hence his experiment.

Your explanation makes sense though. I know if i get into it with a newbie ima be heated if i get banned over it.
Enh, as long as you and Bastitch still have a thing going on, you're good money.
Cobra Kai:
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]So... Two people commit a murder, ones 21 and the others 51... Neither have had any disciplinary problems. But the younger one should get more time? Your logic...[/color]
Hell no that's not my logic.

My logic keeps in mind that this is a damn message board, not the law.
I don't expect the law to play favorites, and I have a problem when I see that it does. I don't have a problem with a message board moderating veteransless strict than new folks.

That's just me, though (and everyone else who has the perspective to realize that a message board's rules are approximately 4 million times lessimportant than the law).
I got banned for saying "Whatever
than I got banned for making Team Anti Drugs Ruining and Influencing Today'sYouth
Originally Posted by oo206oo

Just for the record, i know a dude that made a name specifically to test the degree of favortism on NT. He himself was a vet of NT.

He got into a flame war with a dude that was a vet and semi-respected, but within the flame war, he never directly attacked the dude.

In the end, he got banned and the vet, who attacked him directly, didnt. Presumably because the username was new, and the other dude was a vet.

Im just sayin...

To follow up on that:

Almost a year back, I posted a picture (no, not porn, Ska
) whichdidn't contain any profanity, but alluded to it...I thought it was all good as long as no actual profanity got posted, but I got suspended for a month. I didn't #%+!% nor complain; I understood why the admin did it.If I thought I would have gotten suspended or w/e for it, I wouldn't have posted it, but regardless it was my fault and I sat out the 31 days, came backand kept it moving. This other NT'er, who is well respected on here and an "OG", posted the same exactpic a couple of weeks ago in the middle of a flame war with another well known NT'er...words were exchanged, it became personal, more people gotinvolved, blah blah blah...the thread gets locked and everyone is told to cool it down and grow up.

No bans or suspensions...who even knows if anyone got warned.

Go figure.

BTW...I'm not here to try and start up an argument with y'all or try and say that you guys are doing a bad job...I appreciate all the work y'allput in to make NT what it is and it's easily the best out of the msg. boards I visit. I agree with most of the rules put in place...but like oo206oo said,I'm just sayin...
I remember Ska saying whatever happened to me was gonna happen to Stringer, but nothing happened to Stringer. I don't doubt that Stringer got the benefit of the doubt in that one at all (from holdenmichael). I don't really care though, Ska's cool and let me slide with the name calling (he just kinda gave me an indirect warning, without really warning me) so I don't know if he even knew that I had gotten suspended. Besides, the suspension came at the perfect time...it coincided with test weeks

You were suspended? I never knew, my man. I know what thread you're talking about, too. Stringer was trying to get me to warn you orsomething, and after reviewing the discussion between the two of you, I told him that he was just as guilty as you, and that whatever I would do to you wouldhappen to him to... so you both needed to just cool out and get back to the game.

I never really saw you stop posting, and I never considered the possibility that another admin would feel like one or both of you should have beensuspended/banned.

My bad, man. Honestly and truly... no joke... if you'd've PMed me, ol' boy would have been suspended just the same, because I really did feel likeyou were both at equal fault.

Now I feel like suspending Stringer just for the hell of it, since you were.


Nah, that wouldn't be right.

Would it?
iLLoQuent aka DSK:
Almost a year back, I posted a picture (no, not porn, Ska
) which didn't contain any profanity, but alluded to it...I thought it was all good as long as no actual profanity got posted, but I got suspended for a month. I didn't #%+!% nor complain; I understood why the admin did it. If I thought I would have gotten suspended or w/e for it, I wouldn't have posted it, but regardless it was my fault and I sat out the 31 days, came back and kept it moving. This other NT'er, who is well respected on here and an "OG", posted the same exact pic a couple of weeks ago in the middle of a flame war with another well known NT'er...words were exchanged, it became personal, more people got involved, blah blah blah...the thread gets locked and everyone is told to cool it down and grow up.

No bans or suspensions...who even knows if anyone got warned.

Go figure.

BTW...I'm not here to try and start up an argument with y'all or try and say that you guys are doing a bad job...I appreciate all the work y'all put in to make NT what it is and it's easily the best out of the msg. boards I visit. I agree with most of the rules put in place...but like oo206oo said, I'm just sayin...
I bet good money that the admin that banned you was a different admin that locked that thread you're talking about and just told everyone tocool it down and grow up.
Originally Posted by TrillipinoTrapstar

wow......it's just the Internet. At the end of the day I'd rather lose my e-fame than lose my civil rights and personal liberties as a person in real life.

As long as you follow the ROC you'll be good.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Quiet you...[/color]
Originally Posted by TrillipinoTrapstar

wow......it's just the Internet. At the end of the day I'd rather lose my e-fame than lose my civil rights and personal liberties as a person in real life.

As long as you follow the ROC you'll be good.
We all know you bask in your e-fame privately. Quit playing it off.

You love every comment and remark someone gives you, don't you.
Originally Posted by Apollo XXXIII

Originally Posted by TrillipinoTrapstar

wow......it's just the Internet. At the end of the day I'd rather lose my e-fame than lose my civil rights and personal liberties as a person in real life.

As long as you follow the ROC you'll be good.
We all know you bask in your e-fame privately. Quit playing it off.

You love every comment and remark someone gives you, don't you.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Cobra Kai:
Bowzer Blitz:
@ y'all downplaying what you really did

Someone posts porn and gets banned, then they make a new name and a couple months later try to spin it like 'I got banned for posting pictures. How ******ed is that?'

Then another NTer is banned for flaming, then comes through with another name a few months later, talking about 'I guess we're not allowed to argue on here, because that's all I did, and I was banned. Just for arguing.'


Maybe I am paranoid but I felt that was indirect.

Same here, I thought he was taking shots at me... I wasn't gonna say anything though, Cuz i was banned for two months previously and I HATE ISS
Nah, that wasn't directed at either one of you at all. If you look at my posting history... hell, if you just look in this thread... I have no problem at all quoting whoever I'm talking to or naming their name. If I was directing something at either of you, I'd've named you, no doubt about it. Not that big of a deal to me, like I need to indirectly throw a jab at someone, hoping they don't get it or something.
Never that.
Apollo XXXIII:
So you would've thrown the locks on the newbie even if they were both violating the same rule?
Like I said, depends on the situation. I'm not going to sit here and discuss every single possibility that could arise where some new guy and some vet are going at it in some uber-important e-battle.
Im assuming he didnt think he'd get a straight answer, hence his experiment.

Your explanation makes sense though. I know if i get into it with a newbie ima be heated if i get banned over it.
Enh, as long as you and Bastitch still have a thing going on, you're good money.
Cobra Kai:
So... Two people commit a murder, ones 21 and the others 51... Neither have had any disciplinary problems. But the younger one should get more time? Your logic...
Hell no that's not my logic.

My logic keeps in mind that this is a damn message board, not the law.
I don't expect the law to play favorites, and I have a problem when I see that it does. I don't have a problem with a message board moderating veterans less strict than new folks.

That's just me, though (and everyone else who has the perspective to realize that a message board's rules are approximately 4 million times less important than the law).

So no calling out other NT'ers is out the window now?
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by oo206oo

Just for the record, i know a dude that made a name specifically to test the degree of favortism on NT. He himself was a vet of NT.

He got into a flame war with a dude that was a vet and semi-respected, but within the flame war, he never directly attacked the dude.

In the end, he got banned and the vet, who attacked him directly, didnt. Presumably because the username was new, and the other dude was a vet.

Im just sayin...
Or when you report members for OBVIOUS INTENTIONAL swearing and they don't even get warned...certain female vet members that is... but I've seen dude's get the bullet over one letter plus a "___" or "***" multiple times..
I reported two girls who've gotten a few of us banned, they got blood on they screennames ya digglet

..thought you was dead [please don't ban me for that, I'm not implying I'm gonna kill him or anything mods]
stupidoofus72 got banned because that name was "inappropriate". WHAT THE HELL??? WE GOT DUDES WITH NAMES LIKE "CAL SHARPTON" ANDSTUPIDOOFUS72 IS INAPPROPRIATE??? Come on, man... Don't remember why my other names got banned...
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

You were suspended? I never knew, my man. I know what thread you're talking about, too. Stringer was trying to get me to warn you or something, and after reviewing the discussion between the two of you, I told him that he was just as guilty as you, and that whatever I would do to you would happen to him to... so you both needed to just cool out and get back to the game.

I never really saw you stop posting, and I never considered the possibility that another admin would feel like one or both of you should have been suspended/banned.

My bad, man. Honestly and truly... no joke... if you'd've PMed me, ol' boy would have been suspended just the same, because I really did feel like you were both at equal fault.

Now I feel like suspending Stringer just for the hell of it, since you were.


Nah, that wouldn't be right.

Would it?
Yea, I got suspended 2 weeks. And it's cool, itwasn't anything worth going through all of that to get Stringer suspended. I didn't even care that he didn't get suspended. We're cool now,that little feud is past both of us (or at least I think it is...). It wouldn't be right to ban him now. Isn't there a statute of limitations on here?
Imagine him trying to get on in the morning to see that terriblemessage "You've been banned."
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

iLLoQuent aka DSK:
Almost a year back, I posted a picture (no, not porn, Ska
) which didn't contain any profanity, but alluded to it...I thought it was all good as long as no actual profanity got posted, but I got suspended for a month. I didn't #%+!% nor complain; I understood why the admin did it. If I thought I would have gotten suspended or w/e for it, I wouldn't have posted it, but regardless it was my fault and I sat out the 31 days, came back and kept it moving. This other NT'er, who is well respected on here and an "OG", posted the same exact pic a couple of weeks ago in the middle of a flame war with another well known NT'er...words were exchanged, it became personal, more people got involved, blah blah blah...the thread gets locked and everyone is told to cool it down and grow up.

No bans or suspensions...who even knows if anyone got warned.

Go figure.

BTW...I'm not here to try and start up an argument with y'all or try and say that you guys are doing a bad job...I appreciate all the work y'all put in to make NT what it is and it's easily the best out of the msg. boards I visit. I agree with most of the rules put in place...but like oo206oo said, I'm just sayin...
I bet good money that the admin that banned you was a different admin that locked that thread you're talking about and just told everyone to cool it down and grow up.

This wasn't a case of leaving it open to interpretation though, Ska...same exact pic in both circumstances. Same rules in place. Not the same resultthough...

BTW, you're neither of those admins in case you're wondering
...you good in my book, some would have locked this thread on the spot, but you've left it open and respond to people...
iLLoQuent aka DSK wrote:
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

iLLoQuent aka DSK:
Almost a year back, I posted a picture (no, not porn, Ska
) which didn't contain any profanity, but alluded to it...I thought it was all good as long as no actual profanity got posted, but I got suspended for a month. I didn't #%+!% nor complain; I understood why the admin did it. If I thought I would have gotten suspended or w/e for it, I wouldn't have posted it, but regardless it was my fault and I sat out the 31 days, came back and kept it moving. This other NT'er, who is well respected on here and an "OG", posted the same exact pic a couple of weeks ago in the middle of a flame war with another well known NT'er...words were exchanged, it became personal, more people got involved, blah blah blah...the thread gets locked and everyone is told to cool it down and grow up.

No bans or suspensions...who even knows if anyone got warned.

Go figure.

BTW...I'm not here to try and start up an argument with y'all or try and say that you guys are doing a bad job...I appreciate all the work y'all put in to make NT what it is and it's easily the best out of the msg. boards I visit. I agree with most of the rules put in place...but like oo206oo said, I'm just sayin...
I bet good money that the admin that banned you was a different admin that locked that thread you're talking about and just told everyone to cool it down and grow up.

This wasn't a case of leaving it open to interpretation though, Ska...same exact pic in both circumstances. Same rules in place. Not the same result though...

BTW, you're neither of those admins in case you're wondering
...you good in my book, some would have locked this thread on the spot, but you've left it open and respond to people...

Word *Lil mama* You did your thing....I respect that*Lil mama*.Nice to have a mod who isn't always tryna son some one in every response to.You like areBill Clinton fam
Speaking of favoritism, one thing I can't stand on NT is when a vet acts and feels like he's superior to the newer members and other members suck himup like he's a god or something. The way I see, I don't give a damn when the hell you registered. You're an NTer just like me and the rest of us,and I'm going to treat you the same way I treat other NTers, regardless of when you registered. I expect the same treatment, too.
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