** So I was banned because ___ **

lol i was going to hold it down in that font but i guess you can..

Originally Posted by bdis1986

lol i was going to hold it down in that font but i guess you can..


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Make him a sig.... and I'll rock it with you....[/color]
Apollo XXXIII:
Well, one of the warnings leading to my banishment on my old account was just posting a simple "
" as a reply.

I got warned for free posting, even though EVERYONE on this board does it.

He said that he got banned for freeposting even though everyone else does it. Reality is that he was banned for having too many warnings somethingthat not everyone else has. And as far as being warned for something everyone else does: does everyone that speeds get a ticket?
It's against the rules to have more than one name if it's known by the administrators/moderators...because banning you would serve them no purpose if you were able to post under a different name..know what I mean?
It's not at all against the rules to have more than one name that we know about. I know plenty of people that have a couple names.

It's just that if the person get banned, all known names get banned.

So if you get banned in the morning and we see you posting later in the day under another name, then that name is banned as well.
This is my cousin's S/N, I seldom check in to this name, just for times like this when i don't have mine.
I've been banned twice, Ultra M and XmannyX

Ultra M : (this morning) Just cause i made a thread and asked if people still use a p2p program. The reason, "Discussion of something illegal ... " Are you kidding me? If i ask NT if they've ever been arrested for D.U.I. will i get banned? This is getting ridiculous and out of hand.
#1. No, you wouldn't be banned for asking who has been in a DUI. But if you were asking the best way to get by with a DUI, I'd ban you. Donot use NT to figure out how to break the law. It's not really that we care about people not breaking the law; it's that we don't want discussionof illegal activity on here. That's the best way to protect our site from any sort of investigation or suspicion or just... anything. We don't want iton here. Talk about how to sneak weed through the airport on another site. Talk about how to get a gun for your 16-yea-old friend somewhere else. We don'twant people using NT as a place to help them break the law.

So what's wrong with the p2p discussions? Piracy is still illegal, right? Right. So we don't want it discussed here.

#2. So you're Ultra M, and you were banned this morning, but now you're posting as datfliguy?

datfliguy: *banned*
Ive been here since 03 and I've never been banned, i really dont understand how some of you go through 2-3 names.
23ska909red02 wrote:

It's not at all against the rules to have more than one name that we know about. I know plenty of people that have a couple of names.

It's just that if the person gets banned, all known names get banned.

So if you get banned in the morning and we see you posting later in the day under another name, then that name is banned as well.

Alright, thanks for clearing that up for me
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Apollo XXXIII:
Well, one of the warnings leading to my banishment on my old account was just posting a simple "
" as a reply.

I got warned for free posting, even though EVERYONE on this board does it.
He said that he got banned for freeposting even though everyone else does it. Reality is that he was banned for having too many warnings something that not everyone else has. And as far as being warned for something everyone else does: does everyone that speeds get a ticket?
It's against the rules to have more than one name if it's known by the administrators/moderators...because banning you would serve them no purpose if you were able to post under a different name..know what I mean?
It's not at all against the rules to have more than one name that we know about. I know plenty of people that have a couple names.

It's just that if the person get banned, all known names get banned.

So if you get banned in the morning and we see you posting later in the day under another name, then that name is banned as well.
This is my cousin's S/N, I seldom check in to this name, just for times like this when i don't have mine.
I've been banned twice, Ultra M and XmannyX

Ultra M : (this morning) Just cause i made a thread and asked if people still use a p2p program. The reason, "Discussion of something illegal ... " Are you kidding me? If i ask NT if they've ever been arrested for D.U.I. will i get banned? This is getting ridiculous and out of hand.
#1. No, you wouldn't be banned for asking who has been in a DUI. But if you were asking the best way to get by with a DUI, I'd ban you. Do not use NT to figure out how to break the law. It's not really that we care about people not breaking the law; it's that we don't want discussion of illegal activity on here. That's the best way to protect our site from any sort of investigation or suspicion or just... anything. We don't want it on here. Talk about how to sneak weed through the airport on another site. Talk about how to get a gun for your 16-yea-old friend somewhere else. We don't want people using NT as a place to help them break the law.

So what's wrong with the p2p discussions? Piracy is still illegal, right? Right. So we don't want it discussed here.

#2. So you're Ultra M, and you were banned this morning, but now you're posting as datfliguy?

datfliguy: *banned*
How come I can't get a 2nd name approved if you're allowed to have multiple names?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Apollo XXXIII:
Well, one of the warnings leading to my banishment on my old account was just posting a simple "
" as a reply.

I got warned for free posting, even though EVERYONE on this board does it.
He said that he got banned for freeposting even though everyone else does it. Reality is that he was banned for having too many warnings something that not everyone else has. And as far as being warned for something everyone else does: does everyone that speeds get a ticket?
Actually no Ska. If you can see in my post that you quoted, it says it was one of the warnings leading to my banishment. I never said that was thewarning that got me banned exactly.

Please don't ban me again.
Hey Ska can you tell me who gave the initial banning of Mannish Man and Zyzybalubah1 because I at least woulda liked to see




so I know who did it.... Instead I got just a lock x ban and no pm.
My jthagreat name was banned because i posted a mixtape song. i was told to ask in one year for my name back. Its been like 3 years, still not unbanned

NOw mixtape songs as well as album songs are posted, but no biggie. just wish my avy read Jthagreat
I was in NikeTalk jail for 2 weeks. I can't control myself in the sports forum so I try to stay away from there.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

It's against the rules to have more than one name if it's known by the administrators/moderators...because banning you would serve them no purpose if you were able to post under a different name..know what I mean?
It's not at all against the rules to have more than one name that we know about. I know plenty of people that have a couple names.

It's just that if the person get banned, all known names get banned.

So if you get banned in the morning and we see you posting later in the day under another name, then that name is banned as well.
How come I can't get a 2nd name approved if you're allowed to have multiple names?
I don't know.
Apollo XXXIII:
If you can see in my post that you quoted, it says it was one of the warnings leading to my banishment. I never said that was the warning that got me banned exactly.

Please don't ban me again.

O.K., so it wasn't the final warning that got you banned; I thought youwere saying it was. My fault.

So instead, it was just one of the warnings that contributed to you being banned.

Really doesn't make a difference. You weren't banned for freeposting. You were banned for having too many warnings; one of those warnings was forfreeposting.

And even if that's not accurate, does it matter? You're posting, right? Right.

Hey Ska can you tell me who gave the initial banning of Mannish Man and Zyzybalubah1 because I at least woulda liked to see




so I know who did it.... Instead I got just a lock x ban and no pm.

What was your previous name? And please don't quote this whole freaking reply.
I got banned because I posted my opinion of a moderator - which makes me believe I live in Cuba....before that Iwas banned for telling an NTer to stop PMing me threats in a "call-out" thread....I think some mods just didn't want me around because Irepresented the little guy ....dont ban me please - I'm come in peace
Meth and I were going back and forward about something about the rules....all I know I said something about JRose5 and I was banned. Just started to post againso I can get to 300 and starting selling things in B/S. So kids don't argue with Mods...or speak your mind much you just might get banned.
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