** So I was banned because ___ **

Originally Posted by leothegod

Originally Posted by JBug88

is that new?

it's that difficult to goole an image of a lime? really?


Lime is lemon, lemon is lime. Are you educated?
Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

Originally Posted by datfliguy

Originally Posted by miamin2

I didnt know that was ban worthy. what happened to the first sn?
and you probably cost your cousin atleast a suspension

The first one got taken down cause I brought back like 10 of my post form the past
. I basically replied to them all and made them come to Pg1. But that's ok, I don't think my cousin's S/N will get in trouble just cause i made a post and asked everyone the reason they got banned before. Or maybe this is against codes of conduct too?
you're basically giving yourself away by saying you were in that post and got banned. Now you're back too soon on ANOTHER person's sn, which is NOT smart @ all. Yes you're cousin's SN is gone too.

Huh, you mean THIS post?
Mannish man and zyzybalubah1(RIP)

That dude made a post talking about putting some NT chick on blast(not pic wise either) he got scared and didnt after like 7 pages of gassing himself up.

I made a Nathaniel(dude who made the post) unappreciation post and Mannish caught the axe. Next day og zyzy caught the axe. For like the next 2 weeks all mynames that I made AFTER the ban caught the axe over that post....

SMH at Nathaniel/Jiggaman414

Hence the name RIP yzyz
Originally Posted by RIPyzyz

Mannish man and zyzybalubah1(RIP)

That dude made a post talking about putting some NT chick on blast(not pic wise either) he got scared and didnt after like 7 pages of gassing himself up.

I made a Nathaniel(dude who made the post) unappreciation post and Mannish caught the axe. Next day og zyzy caught the axe. For like the next 2 weeks all my names caught the axe over that post....

SMH at Nathaniel/Jiggaman414

Who are you referring to? "That dude"
i got banned once..
when no one couldnt reply to posts and lotsof ppl made topics. i was one of them.
Well, one of the warnings leading to my banishment on my old account was just posting a simple "
" as a reply.

I got warned for free posting, even though EVERYONE on this board does it.
Originally Posted by Apollo XXXIII

Well, one of the warnings leading to my banishment on my old account was just posting a simple "
" as a reply.

I got warned for free posting, even though EVERYONE on this board does it.

Originally Posted by datfliguy

Originally Posted by Apollo XXXIII

Well, one of the warnings leading to my banishment on my old account was just posting a simple "
" as a reply.

I got warned for free posting, even though EVERYONE on this board does it.

My same reaction.
It's like admins were bored thatday and decided to pick a random poster to be warned.

and I even got threatened with a banishment when I had a disagreement with a administrator OUTSIDE of NT.
Originally Posted by bdis1986

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by USABasketball08

Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

Originally Posted by bdis1986


...for the 10th time
Damn... Me n dude were just laughin it up cuz we were both on our 8th screen name

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Yeah, but they're doing like two month bans now... I was bannedsince late july early august... I'll rock his font until he returns...[/color]
Originally Posted by datfliguy

This is my cousin's S/N, I seldom check in to this name, just for times like this when i don't have mine.
I've been banned twice, Ultra M and XmannyX

Ultra M : (this morning) Just cause i made a thread and asked if people still use a p2p program. The reason, "Discussion of something illegal ... " Are you kidding me? If i ask NT if they've ever been arrested for D.U.I. will i get banned? This is getting ridiculous and out of hand.
By the way, incase you didn't see the post, all it had was a picture of a a lemon and some wire (I hope you get it) [color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]Sorry for those guys who got suspended while replying in that post.[/color]
Anyways the point of the thread is for those NT that got banned before, what's your reason.

Damn, was it that serious? I wuz in that thread. Sorry about ur luck. Another thing you should think about. Your cousin is probably about to go to banned campwith you for using his SN as an alternative gateway into NT. You better hope not.
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