** So I was banned because ___ **

Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Don't ever bother pm-ing the mods, they won't respond. Once you get the axe forget about it. FOREVAR!!
Not true Dirty, Meth and Jrose all respond to PM's. More so meth than any mod to be honest.

QFT when jrose suspended me i kept trying to get on with another sn getting approved and he pm-ed me saying just wait your 2 weeks but that was aboutit.
703 Hwy:
Don't ever bother pm-ing the mods, they won't respond. Once you get the axe forget about it. FOREVAR!!
False. How many PMs have you sent? I've sent 845. Practically NONE of them are for personal discussion; that's what NikeTalk is for.
i got banned on my old name on the old NT because someone sent me pron that i didnt ask for and Meth banned me because of it. SMH.
i dont get why p2p thread get locked either.
Theyre not illegal, but how you use it can be illegal.

Half these threads are about something illegal.
Isnt there a thread on Marijauna nation?? hahaha
giving out sn's to people, supposedly flaming somebody, having a link to ht in my sig, quoting insults..etc etc

Don't ever bother pm-ing the mods, they won't respond. Once you get the axe forget about it. FOREVAR!!
meth always responds back when i pm him
Originally Posted by tony AYOOO

giving out sn's to people, supposedly flaming somebody, having a link to ht in my sig, quoting insults..etc etc

Don't ever bother pm-ing the mods, they won't respond. Once you get the axe forget about it. FOREVAR!!
meth always responds back when i pm him

Yea Meth is good at responding back. The other mods............not so much.
CoolGreyGray was banned because I called someone a negative "lifestyle choice" term because he wanted some mens UGGS. Dope John Paul was bannedbecause, well, can't post with two names concurrently. That was the glory day when everyone had "george gooney" and names using the word dope,goon, etc.
I've never been banned nor plan on being banned. I try not to break the rules for the most part, once I made a post w/ a semi nude link and edited asap soI didn't get banned thanks to my fellow NT'ers.
story of my life.
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