So basically...In District 9... SPOILERS

Originally Posted by Wade187

how do you not see that this particular film did not have any black characters who were even around the main character enough to be complex?
Thats the first problem right off the bat. There is really no excuse for that, in a film about South African apartheid, how can there not be asingle black character of depth? They surely found enough time to sketch out the barbaric Nigerian gang leader. They couldn't put even 1 worthwhile blackcharacter in the entire movie? Just 1? I'm not even suggesting that he take a lead role because we all know the nature of Hollywood but Fundiswacouldn't at least have been Wikus's equal? We couldn't see him display a shred of intelligence or family life? He couldn't whisper something inWikus's ear one time to show some type of ability and independent brain function? Wikus was a bumbling idiot before the transformation and Fundiswa waseven more inept.

Although he was the complete opposite of the stereotypical africans depicted in the rest of the movie you still found a reason to basically say he doesn't count.
Was he really a complete opposite?

He was just another one-dimensional, stereotypical black caricature.

He assisted in the persecution and he was also one of the stupidest characters in the entire movie. Its not even like he used skill to uncover to MNU'sfile as he explicitly states "They didn't even do a good job of hiding it...."

He counts in the ranks of the mindless black masses portrayed in this film.

All I am asking for is 1 smart, noble black character....just 1....if y'all can't present that yet in a tale about African Apartheid...something is up.
You saw the blacks as being more savage, but I saw it as them being the stereo typical un educated, voo doo believing african gangsters.

And that is somehow different than a savage?

You're making my point for me.

Usually this would make for clear racism, but on the other hand we had the stereo typical power hungry whites, who would destroy anyone and anything in there path including one of their own for what they desired.
The whites were portrayed in a negative light but the protagonist was white and beautifully human. He went through all types of change, displayedcomplex emotion and thought. He was brave, he was selfless, he loved, he fought back, we saw his bond with his beautiful loyal wife. He was a human being.

Where was the 1 black character that displayed anything worthwhile in this film..this is what I ask?

Even his evil father in law...he was evil, yet smart. He was a fleshed out human, albeit a predictable and nefarious one.

Where was the one black person that displayed that in the movie?....Just 1?

The aide workers, professionals and Wikus's family even in their brief cameos they displayed emotion...rational thought....where was the one black personthat did that? Just 1?

I cited the instances that black people were interviewed and you have yet to refute that...they were always the enactors of prejudice or crime. While whiteswere offering a helping hand and analyzing commentary.
Just about everything was offensive in the movie towards everyone, and that was the point.
Again I pose this situation. If this same movie revolved around Jewish persecution in World War you think it would be appropriate to have agroup of Polish jews, who did nothing but steal, kill, prostitute, drink blood in occult rituals and scam?

Would it be cool to not have 1 jewish character with a brain or a heart?

Would that even make sense ?...Don't think so.

Then how is it that the true victims of this human tragedy are portrayed in such an unflattering light and everyone seems to be cool with it?
See your taking the fact that it is based on the african apartheid and making ita reason for them tobasically have to praise south african blacks. Although itis based off of that probably loosely, it clearly had a huge twist to it. The moral was based off the black south africans but the actual movie revolved arounda white man working for the government. Just because it is south africa does not mean that white man will have any black people around him who are more thenmear faces passing by. The point of the movie was not to portray anyone in a positive light, I say you think there more savage and point out there savagetendencies but at the same time pointed out the whites savage tendencies which to me were worse. You can't talk about racism and then at the same time lookat specific individuals. Both races were portrayed negatively regardless of the few individuals who became complex. The point of the movie was to take thesouth african story and show it to some who perhaps have never known about it before. They did in fact get there point across, and did a great job with therestory, I'm sure a lot of people looked at this and then did actual research about the actual story.
African witch doctors....really? I did roll my eyes when the stereotypical "African" was portrayed, thought I was watching Zulu.
Originally Posted by Wade187

See your taking the fact that it is based on the african apartheid and making ita reason for them tobasically have to praise south african blacks. Although it is based off of that probably loosely, it clearly had a huge twist to it. The moral was based off the black south africans but the actual movie revolved around a white man working for the government. Just because it is south africa does not mean that white man will have any black people around him who are more then mear faces passing by. The point of the movie was not to portray anyone in a positive light, I say you think there more savage and point out there savage tendencies but at the same time pointed out the whites savage tendencies which to me were worse. You can't talk about racism and then at the same time look at specific individuals. Both races were portrayed negatively regardless of the few individuals who became complex. The point of the movie was to take the south african story and show it to some who perhaps have never known about it before. They did in fact get there point across, and did a great job with there story, I'm sure a lot of people looked at this and then did actual research about the actual story.
Nah,'re wrong.

And CJ was portrayed in a positive light, so was Wikus and his wife...Wikus always tried to minimize harm to the aliens, he was just doing his job andeventually it was because of him that they were able to leave.

Its also a direct allegory to South African apartheid.

District Six (Afrikaans Distrik Ses) is the name of a former inner-city residential area in Cape Town, South Africa. It is best known for the forced removal of over 60,000 of its inhabitants during the 1970s by the apartheid regime.

The signs and everything is based off of apartheid era South Africa. The director is from apartheid era South Africa..



Nigerians were freedom fighters in South African Apartheid and are one of the largest sub-groups in modern South Africa today.

The very design of the slums were based off of South African ghettos


The refugee camps everything..

The movie had clearly racist portayals....why are you defending them?

I sometimes think people are so insecure about being African American it clouds their judgement and handicap's their insight.
Johannesburg houses some of the most barbaric and war torn Africans in the world.

District 9 was so powerful because it's actually a "true-story" only difference is the people of District 6 were replaced with extraterrestrials.
But the plot REMAINS exactly the same.

As far as being "humanity" goes, Peter Jackson's portrayal of humanity was explosive. Using the both White and Black "South-Africans"to explain the sensitivity of "pre-judice" in South Africa. The separation was cruel but necessary and caused a ripple effect/rift in societies'"status quo".

District 6 used legal means to keep black Africans from living near Dutch Europeans or Afrikaans. Whites lived in places Johannesburg, and Cape Town. Blackshad to live in overcrowded townships, such as Soweto.

Soweto South Africans are descendants of the POWERFUL ZULU TRIBES, they were and now are the deemed indomitable similar to Native Americans. It's in theirDNA and upbringing to live similar to customs like the Spartans of 300. Those scary Africans in Blood Diamond the movie are the same ones in District 9. Howwere they inhumane? I think it's more inhumane to try and defend or justify their way of life and not respect it.

Seems to me like people are insecure about being African-American and feel the need to defend what they feel are ugly and undesirable characteristics of theirnatural way of life.

I sometimes think people are so insecure about being African American it clouds their judgement and handicap's their insight.
Johannesburg houses some of the most barbaric and war torn Africans in the world.

District 9 was so powerful because it's actually a "true-story" only difference is the people of District 6 were replaced with extraterrestrials.
But the plot REMAINS exactly the same.

As far as being "humanity" goes, Peter Jackson's portrayal of humanity was explosive. Using the both White and Black "South-Africans"to explain the sensitivity of "pre-judice" in South Africa. The separation was cruel but necessary and caused a ripple effect/rift in societies'"status quo".

District 6 used legal means to keep black Africans from living near Dutch Europeans or Afrikaans. Whites lived in places Johannesburg, and Cape Town. Blackshad to live in overcrowded townships, such as Soweto.

Soweto South Africans are descendants of the POWERFUL ZULU TRIBES, they were and now are the deemed indomitable similar to Native Americans. It's in theirDNA and upbringing to live similar to customs like the Spartans of 300. Those scary Africans in Blood Diamond the movie are the same ones in District 9. Howwere they inhumane? I think it's more inhumane to try and defend or justify their way of life and not respect it.

Seems to me like people are insecure about being African-American and feel the need to defend what they feel are ugly and undesirable characteristics of theirnatural way of life.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

DubA169 wrote:
you damn well better go this hard at the Cleveland show when it comes out
what can it do or say that Family Guy hasn't already done?

i just assume there will be much more overtly racist themes,characters, and writing. Remember, most jokes about clevelend were about the way hetalks so slow. Now he has to carry a 20 minute show. They can't just make fun of his voice.... it's gonna get real ugly with the black jokes believeme.
Originally Posted by yung egg foo


I sometimes think people are so insecure about being African American it clouds their judgement and handicap's their insight.
Johannesburg houses some of the most barbaric and war torn Africans in the world.

District 9 was so powerful because it's actually a "true-story" only difference is the people of District 6 were replaced with extra terrestrials.
But the plot REMAINS exactly the same.

As far as being "humanity" goes, Peter Jackson's portrayal of humanity was explosive. Using the both White and Black "South-Africans" to explain the sensitivity of "pre-judice" in South Africa. The separation was cruel but necessary and caused a ripple effect/rift in societies' "status quo".

District 6 used legal means to keep black Africans from living near Dutch Europeans or Afrikaans. Whites lived in places Johannesburg, and Cape Town. Blacks had to live in overcrowded townships, such as Soweto.

Soweto South Africans are descendants of the POWERFUL ZULU TRIBES, they were and now are the deemed indomitable similar to Native Americans. It's in their DNA and upbringing to live similar to customs like the Spartans of 300. Those scary Africans in Blood Diamond the movie are the same ones in District 9. How were they inhumane? I think it's more inhumane to try and defend or justify their way of life and not respect it.

Seems to me like people are insecure about being African-American and feel the need to defend what they feel are ugly and undesirable characteristics of their natural way of life.
holy ++**!$$ +$%%.
I was wondering if we were all gonna ignore dude.
All I can say is wooooooooowwwww at that post.
It doesn't even need o be quoted.
Originally Posted by yung egg foo


I sometimes think people are so insecure about being African American it clouds their judgement and handicap's their insight.
Johannesburg houses some of the most barbaric and war torn Africans in the world.

District 9 was so powerful because it's actually a "true-story" only difference is the people of District 6 were replaced with extra terrestrials.
But the plot REMAINS exactly the same.

As far as being "humanity" goes, Peter Jackson's portrayal of humanity was explosive. Using the both White and Black "South-Africans" to explain the sensitivity of "pre-judice" in South Africa. The separation was cruel but necessary and caused a ripple effect/rift in societies' "status quo".

District 6 used legal means to keep black Africans from living near Dutch Europeans or Afrikaans. Whites lived in places Johannesburg, and Cape Town. Blacks had to live in overcrowded townships, such as Soweto.

Soweto South Africans are descendants of the POWERFUL ZULU TRIBES, they were and now are the deemed indomitable similar to Native Americans. It's in their DNA and upbringing to live similar to customs like the Spartans of 300. Those scary Africans in Blood Diamond the movie are the same ones in District 9. How were they inhumane? I think it's more inhumane to try and defend or justify their way of life and not respect it.

Seems to me like people are insecure about being African-American and feel the need to defend what they feel are ugly and undesirable characteristics of their natural way of life.



Wait so uhh.... How many main characters were there?

There was the reporter, and the aliens, that's pretty much it as far as characters go.

What the hell are you guys going on and on about that there should have been a black character??

So what the hell is the fuss?
I'm reading what Huey was saying, saying there wasn't a major black character.

Yeah well, there's pretty much only ONE major human character, he happens to be white.

And the fact that the Nigerians are barbaric... Yeah big deal. The movie also shows how barbaric the government (or primarily white folk) could be as well.Each were barbaric, one in poverty, one in high-class.

The movie is anti-alien, not anti anything else.

There are more major alien characters than there are human characters.

Also he's made out to be a self-righteous moron in the beginning of the film, yet only to change his ways (the white lead).
JapanAir21, come on man. Do you know realize that most authors use symbolism and metaphors to explain things? yung egg foo was pretty accurate in his statementaside from the black people being genetically disposed to violence (that's just ignorant).

Also, I studied abroad in South Africa last year. No, there are not more white people than black people there. Yes, the white people still hold a vast majorityof the power, and yes they do still oppress the black people after the integration.

One more thing, for those of you that have never been to Europe or Africa, the picture painted of the Nigerians in District 9 is descriptive of Nigeriansthroughout Europe and Africa as well (when ladies want off knock off Prada purses, guess who you need to find in the alleys), but no, not all Nigerians arethat way.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by yung egg foo


I sometimes think people are so insecure about being African American it clouds their judgement and handicap's their insight.
Johannesburg houses some of the most barbaric and war torn Africans in the world.

District 9 was so powerful because it's actually a "true-story" only difference is the people of District 6 were replaced with extra terrestrials.
But the plot REMAINS exactly the same.

As far as being "humanity" goes, Peter Jackson's portrayal of humanity was explosive. Using the both White and Black "South-Africans" to explain the sensitivity of "pre-judice" in South Africa. The separation was cruel but necessary and caused a ripple effect/rift in societies' "status quo".

District 6 used legal means to keep black Africans from living near Dutch Europeans or Afrikaans. Whites lived in places Johannesburg, and Cape Town. Blacks had to live in overcrowded townships, such as Soweto.

Soweto South Africans are descendants of the POWERFUL ZULU TRIBES, they were and now are the deemed indomitable similar to Native Americans. It's in their DNA and upbringing to live similar to customs like the Spartans of 300. Those scary Africans in Blood Diamond the movie are the same ones in District 9. How were they inhumane? I think it's more inhumane to try and defend or justify their way of life and not respect it.

Seems to me like people are insecure about being African-American and feel the need to defend what they feel are ugly and undesirable characteristics of their natural way of life.
holy ++**!$$ +$%%.

This dude is out of his F'ing mind.

If genetics described character......
lets just say I wouldnt want to be around any caucasians
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