sean taylor shot?

Don't jump on Wilbon's case.. it sounds like the general perception of this guy is pretty much just what he said from all these guys in the media... Imean, the one report said his house individually had been attempted to be broken into several times.. that doesn't sound like just some random robbers tome, but more like dudes coming at him for one reason or another. Now I don't know if he brought that on himself, but I think that's why them bringingup his past is relevant in this case.

I agree that maybe it's too soon to be talking about these sorts of things since his life is still up in the air at this point.. But for you guys to actlike there's no connection there, I would hold your own words just as much.. I don't think they're reaching all that much.

Anyways - this is pretty crazy, I am just finding out about this now in the last 10 minutes... I never cared for ST all that much, but I would never wish thison anybody and I hope he can make a full recovery... I worry though if the rumor that he had to be revived 2 times is true, especially with the other leak thatthey think he may have had some brain damage... Those two things would go pretty hand in hand... It sounds like it's a miracle that he's still alive. Let's all just hope for the best I guess.. which at this point, is just being alive and hopefully able to walk again and be of sound mind and what not..the basics.. screw any talk of playing football right now, that doesn't matter, obviously.
I hate reading articles on ESPN, and other sources, because you know 3/4ths of the way down they have to add some "insight" ******** like "ohback in 2005....". That has NO relevance to the story now.

In 2007 someone broke into his home and shot him. I don't care if somehow the ATV incident relates to it because what are the odds they'd know thatwhen they break this story? It's speculation and like most news on ESPN, ******ed.

Like really, do I care he was absent and subsequently fined for missing a rookie symposium? Really? HOW does that relate? Are they trying to say had heattended this somehow could've been avoided?
The question was simple. My fault for not including that part. It was "Has this incident changed your opinion of ST at all?

Wilbon's reply: (at least what I got from it) "Nope, once a thug, always a thug. He brought it on himself."
^craftsy21 u hit right on the head......this dude's life is on the line here and ppl like wilbon are making asinine assumptions tha let's reservejudgment for another time please. t arent appropriate right now IMO. can we please just wait for all the facts to come out or at least know what sean taylorsstatus is before we start bringing up his past. i mean for goodness sakes this happened in his own home. if this was at a club or at some street corner thenmaybe we can talk about his past, but not now.
this dude's life is on the line here and ppl like wilbon are making asinine assumptions
Is Wilbon really assuming anything here? He thought of Sean Taylor as being a "thug" prior to this incident and are you saying thatTaylor gave him no reason to feel that way?
Damn, I don't care where you live, if you have money you have to protect yourself. Things would have been different if Taylor had a piece on him. Shootfirst-ask later.

I don't have anything of great value, but I am going to buy a piece soon, for protection.


I like Wilbon, and I like the fact that he is sticking with his guns (no pun). He is skeptical about the situation. It is an unfortunate event, but onecannot ignore the past. Especially when it comes to a situation like this.

Is it a robbery? We don't know, it's possible.
Is it an act of revenge? We don't know, it's possible.

The media has to speculate, positive or negative. This is the story and unfortunately for Mr. Taylor, he does not have a clean past.
Is Wilbon really assuming anything here?
he's assuming that THIS particular incident has something to do with him being a "thug."

"Nope, once a thug, always a thug. He brought it on himself."
i find this comment to be A) insensitive B) premature and stupid b/c we have don't have any details as to what or why this happened. so yesWilbon is assuming things.
that he may never play again

man, dude used to beast. he was my second favorite safety. this is seriously a damn shame, im prayin that he pulls through
Things would have been different if Taylor had a piece on him. Shoot first-ask later.
In this case would it really have mattered? Sounds like he was kinda ambushed by the guy who had snuck into his house.. unless ST had a weapondrawn at the time, in which case he still might've gotten shot.

Don't get me wrong - I'm looking into getting a handgun this spring myself... just too many crazies out there, plus i'm fascinated by them andwould like to just have one to shoot for a hobby.. I'm just saying, having a gun doesn't make you safe from somebody who wants to kill you - it justgives you a way to fight them back, if you're lucky.
Sharpstein, who represented Taylor in a previous criminal case, said Taylor and his girlfriend were in their bedroom and heard noises in the house. The couple's baby was also in the house. As Taylor walked to the bedroom door to check out the noise, the door swung open and someone fired two shots at him. One shot hit his groin, the other missed him. Taylor's girlfriend found him breathing heavily.
It's like something out of a movie.

And for some reason all I can think of is when Tony got shot on the Sopranos and was in the coma.
SMH at all the media reports, this is exactly why sean taylor doesnt trust the media and doesnt do many interviews...

its a got-damn shame that if he cant play any more how it all ended...but he is a tough guy so im prayn he will pull it out for his family,team, and fans
You know, it's probably a little bit crass to bring up past run-ins, but to not bring up his past is akin to seeing a two-car accident and ignoring one ofthe cars. He did have a mildly checkered past, but I don't think bringing that up means people don't want him to pull through or something. I canunderstand how 'Skins fans and others following it would interpret it as "well, he got what was coming to him," but I don't think that'swhat people have been trying to say. Emotions are just running high.

Also, not sure if it was posted, but Chris Cooley made specific mention of a coma in his comments. This is sad.
"Nope, once a thug, always a thug. He brought it on himself."

This is an interpretation from an NTer and it is what he derived from Wilbon's response. What Wilbon actually said in response to a question was:
McLean, Va.: Will your opinion of Taylor change if this does not turn out to be a random incident (e.g. home invasion)?

Michael Wilbon: No...People's opinions are shaped by the way they've grown up, the way they see the world, what they know about the world the person in question grew up in, etc. Sean Taylor isn't the only guy I know who fits his general profile. I've known guys like Taylor all my life, grew up with some. They still have shades of gray and shouldn't be painted in black and white...I know how I feel about Taylor, and this latest news isn't surprising in the least, not to me. Whether this incident is or isn't random, Taylor grew up in a violent world, embraced it, claimed it, loved to run in it and refused to divorce himself from it. He ain't the first and won't be the last. We have no idea what happened, or if what we know now will be revised later. It's sad, yes, but hardly surprising.

SingleDigitJsOnly wrote:

...I know how I feel about Taylor, and this latest news isn't surprising in the least, not to me. Whether this incident is or isn't random, Taylor grew up in a violent world, embraced it, claimed it, loved to run in it and refused to divorce himself from it. He ain't the first and won't be the last. We have no idea what happened, or if what we know now will be revised later. It's sad, yes, but hardly surprising.
-Michael Wilbon, from his chat earlier today.

Post the whole question and answer

Good luck to Sean
The intruders were at his bedroom and Taylor reached for a machete or other form of knife he keeps nearby in case of emergency, and two shots were fired, with one striking his leg.


Hope he wakes up.
Wow. the latest update about brain damage and the thought of him not even becoming conscious or responsive again are sickening. Thoughts and prayers...
I also lost a great deal of respect for Wilbon with that comment.

He's talking out of his $*+$ and has no idea what he is talking about.

Regardless of the way he acts on or off the field. Sean Taylor is not a thug. Never has been. His father is the police chief in Miami for chrissakes. What hashe done other than defend himself, his family, and his property that would lead anybody to believe he is a thug? Be cause he's black? From Miami? Wearsdreads?

Yep. That's it. Stereotypical media B5. Shame to see Wilbon has fallen in line with his peers.

And even if he was a thug...even if it was a Pacman Jones.......why would it matter? The man's life is on the line and it's very petty and telling ofthe media, and Wilbon to be acting this way.

PTI is one of my favorite shows, but I can't listen to Wilbon speak with an open mind anymore. He showed his true colors today.
Taylor grew up in a violent world, embraced it, claimed it, loved to run in it and refused to divorce himself from it.
Completely false.

"He's been trying to stay away from bad company -- especially for his daughter's sake," Leon told me. "Sean wasn't a bad guy at all. He's got his personality on the football field and off it. All he was trying to do was protect his family. And they shot him."
what the $+%# would you reach for a knife when dudes got guns to you?

okay nvm, he grabbed the machette when he heard a noice in the house.

shoulda grabbed that phone and dialed 911 as well.
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