RIP George Floyd

¨rap age¨ tho... @dcallamerican GET THE TABLES

nah but all jokes aside, somebody put a sentence like ¨modern rappers make jail commercials¨ ITT.

that idea will stick with me for the rest of my life, what an apt cystallization of the industry´s issues.
Double edged sword. Don't fear the inevitable, but do not live nor prepare for the future.

Everyone on Twitter now trying to insert themselves into this J Cole thing. I listened to the song last night and wasn’t recalling feeling it. It seems like Cole is approaching that washed Eminem level of rapping where he technically raps well, using a lot of words and spitting fast, but he isn’t saying anything. Cole legit thought he was releasing something deep and it was whack. The song is whack and the response to the song is od. I def won’t be bumping this song in the whip and I don’t have an urge to listen to it again. Cole gotta go back to the drawing board.
The most disturbing part of these lynching stories is how quickly they get labelled as suicides so there's no real follow up or investigation done :smh:

The thought of legit lynchings in 2020 is wild but I don't put it out of the realm of possibility at all in the current climate.

Kinda makes me thing all the suspicious deaths of prominent activists in the aftermath of Ferguson that also got chalked up to suicides, even when found in a car, burning, with a bullet in the head...

Don't remember any real investigations into those either

Not to be mean (but entirely intended to be) but how you the owner of a makeup company yet look this scary

Not to be mean (but entirely intended to be) but how you the owner of a makeup company yet look this scary

Surgery bro. I think its a skin care line but shes already been dropped from one of the subscription services. I saw that story a day or two ago and could only shake my head.

SN these lynching stories are wild as **** in 2020. I never leave the house without my hammer but usually I'm respectful enough to keep it in the car. As more and more of these cases develop I just don't see me not keeping it on me 24/7 which sucks.
Yep. Hows that working out for Killer Mike / TI?

Lets try that in reverse...

Let's say Don Lemon transitions from a cable news anchor, to a political commentator, to a Rapper / MC.

How many MCs and political commentators would actually take him seriously.

Sorta like a rapper becoming an actor.

Ice Cube and 50 Cent might be Ok but they will NEVER be a James Earl Jones or a Denzel Washington....Tupac could do that because he was trained, but acting like something he wasn't got him KILLED.

Neither Killer Mike nor TI are qualified as political commentators - as evidenced by:

We have so many professional black people who are MUCH better suited for these discussions that have spent their entire lives studying these subjects and working on solutions.

People like Angela Davis or Kathleen rapper can hold a candle to them.

Its Ok for athletes, actors, rappers, etc to voice opinions etc but to have the driver's seat?

Nah Fam. There are MUCH better hands for that.
Look chill on the 2pac slander
I’m in agreement on everything else
Look chill on the 2pac slander
I’m in agreement on everything else


How Sway?

2Pac was killed because he stomped out an actual gang member while ACTING like an actual gang member.



Neither was Suge.


Call me selfish, all these donations that companies and organizations are giving for AA businesses/HBCU/etc - why can’t we get our reparations?
They very well could just have a pot all these companies could just pay into and hit that 14 billy quick, but that would be basically handing over the keys to the country. THEY are not going to do that. Plus, that would have every hipster in America asking “WeLl WhY cAnT yOu JuSt PaY eVeRyOne??”.
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